[15:06:46.012 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Register Hotkeys..
[15:06:46.012 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Save Blackspots
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Load blackspots
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Store settings
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug]
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] ====== BGFarmer Settings ======
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + BattlegroundType1: 12
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + BattlegroundType2: 0
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectHealthstones: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectRefreshments: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + UseBanquets: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectRestorationBuffs: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectSpeedBuffs: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectBerserkerBuffs: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TakeScreenshots: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableSignUpDelay: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableCustomSignupDelay: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CustomSignupDelay: 60
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AllowVendoring: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpMinimumDelay: 5
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpMaximumDelay: 15
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpWhenMounted: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpWhenNotMounted: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpInCombat: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + OnlyJumpWhenMoving: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpAlways: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + PauseModifierKey: 0
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + PauseKey: 0
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CRModifierKey: 0
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CRKey: 0
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AllowMounting: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenReachingPoi: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenAttacked: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenInCombat: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountToHelpTeamMembers: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableMovement: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableKiting: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableFacing: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + StrafeBehindTarget: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + KeepWithinRange: 4
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountRange: 15
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountToAttackPlayersInRange: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableTurningOnSpot: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableStrafing: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableEmotes: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableToggleMap: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableLootInsignias: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FacePOI: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DefendingTargetScanRange: 60
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferHealers: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferLowHP: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferPoorGear: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CTF_CaptureFlags: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_AttackMiniBosses: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendIceblood: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendTowerPoint: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendStonehearth: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendIcewing: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Docks: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Hangar: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Workshop: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Refinery: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ToK_CaptureOrbs: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_DefendUndefendedBases: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_AttackUndefendedBases: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_DefendBasesUnderAttack: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + SignupAsGroup: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FollowFriendlyPlayer: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FollowFriendlyPlayerName:
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetLeaderTarget: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAtCappedHonor: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAtCappedConquest: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutOnDeserter: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAfterXMinutes: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutDuration: 120
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + QuitBgStrings:
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + QuitBgTriggerCount: 3
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ReportAfkPlayers: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableChatFeatures: False
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatGreeting:
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatIncoming:
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatThankBanquet:
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LootStrongboxes: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + UseBattleStandards: True
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] ==============================
[15:06:46.022 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug]
[15:09:18.441 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Register Hotkeys..
[15:09:18.441 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Save Blackspots
[15:09:18.441 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Load blackspots
[15:09:18.441 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Store settings
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug]
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] ====== BGFarmer Settings ======
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + BattlegroundType1: 12
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + BattlegroundType2: 0
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectHealthstones: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectRefreshments: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + UseBanquets: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectRestorationBuffs: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectSpeedBuffs: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectBerserkerBuffs: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TakeScreenshots: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableSignUpDelay: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableCustomSignupDelay: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CustomSignupDelay: 60
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AllowVendoring: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpMinimumDelay: 5
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpMaximumDelay: 15
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpWhenMounted: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpWhenNotMounted: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpInCombat: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + OnlyJumpWhenMoving: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpAlways: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + PauseModifierKey: 0
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + PauseKey: 0
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CRModifierKey: 0
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CRKey: 0
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AllowMounting: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenReachingPoi: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenAttacked: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenInCombat: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountToHelpTeamMembers: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableMovement: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableKiting: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableFacing: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + StrafeBehindTarget: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + KeepWithinRange: 4
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountRange: 15
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountToAttackPlayersInRange: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableTurningOnSpot: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableStrafing: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableEmotes: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableToggleMap: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableLootInsignias: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FacePOI: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DefendingTargetScanRange: 60
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferHealers: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferLowHP: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferPoorGear: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CTF_CaptureFlags: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_AttackMiniBosses: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendIceblood: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendTowerPoint: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendStonehearth: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendIcewing: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Docks: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Hangar: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Workshop: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Refinery: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ToK_CaptureOrbs: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_DefendUndefendedBases: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_AttackUndefendedBases: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_DefendBasesUnderAttack: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + SignupAsGroup: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FollowFriendlyPlayer: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FollowFriendlyPlayerName:
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetLeaderTarget: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAtCappedHonor: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAtCappedConquest: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutOnDeserter: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAfterXMinutes: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutDuration: 120
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + QuitBgStrings:
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + QuitBgTriggerCount: 3
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ReportAfkPlayers: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableChatFeatures: False
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatGreeting:
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatIncoming:
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatThankBanquet:
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LootStrongboxes: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + UseBattleStandards: True
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] ==============================
[15:09:18.451 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug]
[15:09:21.766 N] Starting the bot!
[15:09:21.766 N] Currently Using BotBase : BGFarmer [Millz]
[15:09:21.766 D] Character is a level 100 Human DeathKnight
[15:09:21.766 N] Current zone is Stormshield (
Stormshield - Zone - World of Warcraft)
[15:09:23.149 D] Downloaded tilemap SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2new
[15:09:24.339 D] Downloaded tilemap Draenor
[15:09:24.619 D] Changed map(s) to SMVAllianceGarrisonLevel2new, Draenor
[15:09:24.659 N] Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[15:09:24.659 D] BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes - New profile loaded
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug]
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] ====== BGFarmer Settings ======
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + BattlegroundType1: 12
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + BattlegroundType2: 0
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectHealthstones: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectRefreshments: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + UseBanquets: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectRestorationBuffs: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectSpeedBuffs: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CollectBerserkerBuffs: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TakeScreenshots: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableSignUpDelay: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableCustomSignupDelay: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CustomSignupDelay: 60
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AllowVendoring: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpMinimumDelay: 5
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpMaximumDelay: 15
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpWhenMounted: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpWhenNotMounted: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpInCombat: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + OnlyJumpWhenMoving: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + JumpAlways: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + PauseModifierKey: 0
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + PauseKey: 0
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CRModifierKey: 0
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CRKey: 0
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AllowMounting: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenReachingPoi: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenAttacked: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountWhenInCombat: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountToHelpTeamMembers: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableMovement: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableKiting: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableFacing: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + StrafeBehindTarget: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + KeepWithinRange: 4
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountRange: 15
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DismountToAttackPlayersInRange: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableTurningOnSpot: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableStrafing: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableEmotes: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableToggleMap: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableLootInsignias: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FacePOI: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + DefendingTargetScanRange: 60
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferHealers: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferLowHP: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetPreferPoorGear: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + CTF_CaptureFlags: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_AttackMiniBosses: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendIceblood: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendTowerPoint: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendStonehearth: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + AV_DefendIcewing: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Docks: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Hangar: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Workshop: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + IoC_Refinery: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ToK_CaptureOrbs: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_DefendUndefendedBases: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_AttackUndefendedBases: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + Domination_DefendBasesUnderAttack: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + SignupAsGroup: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FollowFriendlyPlayer: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + FollowFriendlyPlayerName:
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + TargetLeaderTarget: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAtCappedHonor: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAtCappedConquest: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutOnDeserter: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutAfterXMinutes: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LogoutDuration: 120
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + QuitBgStrings:
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + QuitBgTriggerCount: 3
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ReportAfkPlayers: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + EnableChatFeatures: False
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatGreeting:
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatIncoming:
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + ChatThankBanquet:
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + LootStrongboxes: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] + UseBattleStandards: True
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] ==============================
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug]
[15:09:24.659 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Registering Hotkeys...
[15:09:24.659 N] [BGFarmer] BGFarmer Loaded - Version: [07/Jan/2015]
[15:09:24.659 N] [BGFarmer] You are a level 100 Human DeathKnight (For the Alliance!)
[15:09:24.669 N] [BGFarmer] Starting BGFamer!
[15:09:24.899 D] Set query filter to Alliance
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Anti-Magic Shell (048707) | Armor Skills (076282) | Army of the Dead (042650)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Auto Attack (006603) | Battle Pet Training (119467) | Blood Boil (050842)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Blood Presence (048263) | Blood Tap (045529) | Chains of Ice (045524)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Chilblains (050041) | Control Undead (111673) | Cooking (158765)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire (000818) | Dark Simulacrum (077606) | Dark Succor (178819)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Death and Decay (043265) | Death Coil (047541) | Death Gate (050977)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Death Grip (049576) | Death Heal (175678) | Death Strike (049998)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Diplomacy (020599) | Empower Rune Weapon (047568) | Empowered Obliterate (157409)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Empowered Pillar o.. (157389) | Every Man for Hims.. (059752) | Expert Riding (034090)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (158741) | Frost Presence (048266) | Garrison Ability (161691)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Grip of Death (175680) | Guild Mail (083951) | Hasty Hearth (083944)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Horn of Winter (057330) | Howling Blast (049184) | Icebound Fortitude (048792)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Icy Talons (050887) | Icy Touch (045477) | Improved Death Grip (157367)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Runeforges (157376) | Killing Machine (051128) | Languages (079738)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mass Resurrection (083968) | Might of the Froze.. (081333) | Mind Freeze (047528)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mobile Banking (083958) | Mount Up (078633) | Necrotic Plague (152281)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Obliterate (049020) | On a Pale Horse (051986) | Outbreak (077575)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of Frost (003714) | Pillar of Frost (051271) | Plague Strike (045462)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Plaguebearer (161497) | Purgatory (114556) | Raise Ally (061999)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Revive Battle Pets (125439) | Runeforging (053428) | Soul Reaper (130736)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Strangulate (047476) | The Human Spirit (020598) | The Quick and the .. (083950)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Unholy Aura (055610) | Unholy Presence (048265) | Weapon Skills (076292)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Death Pact (48743) overrides Death Heal (175678)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Frost Strike (49143) overrides Death Coil (47541)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Remorseless Winter (108200) overrides Grip of Death (175680)
[15:09:24.959 D] [SpellManager] Soul Reaper (130735) overrides Soul Reaper (130736)
[15:09:24.960 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Attaching Chat Handlers
[15:09:25.279 D] Loading Draenor_39_24
[15:09:25.349 D] Loading Draenor_39_25
[15:09:25.459 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [29g2s86c]
[15:09:25.469 D] Exception was thrown in BotBase.Root.Tick
[15:09:25.469 D] Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<HandleBuyingGear>d__23.***********
**(WoWCurrency )
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<HandleBuyingGear>d__23.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<OutsideBattlegroundTask>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at BGFarmer.BGFarmer.<RootTask>d__e.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine....()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine.Run(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.(Action , String , Boolean )
[15:09:25.469 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[15:09:25.489 D] Exception was thrown in BotBase.Root.Tick
[15:09:25.489 D] Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<HandleBuyingGear>d__23.***********
**(WoWCurrency )
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<HandleBuyingGear>d__23.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<OutsideBattlegroundTask>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at BGFarmer.BGFarmer.<RootTask>d__e.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine....()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine.Run(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.(Action , String , Boolean )
[15:09:25.549 D] Exception was thrown in BotBase.Root.Tick
[15:09:25.549 D] Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<HandleBuyingGear>d__23.***********
**(WoWCurrency )
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<HandleBuyingGear>d__23.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at BGFarmer.Core.OutsideBattleground.<OutsideBattlegroundTask>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at BGFarmer.BGFarmer.<RootTask>d__e.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine....()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.(Boolean )
at Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Resume()
at CommonBehaviors.Actions.ActionRunCoroutine.Run(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Action..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()