A new public build has been pushed to the store, and is currently awaiting approval from the Bossland GmbH staff. This can take up to 3 business days.
[23/Oct/2016 - Alpha]
- [ToK] Will now take a more direct path out of the starting area once the BG has begun.
- [ToK] Will now jump down into the center pit from the east/west side instead of taking the stairs if we're heading into the middle.
- [AB/BfG/DG/EotS] Randomized how often to check which base to move to, and the range we move within at the destination base (to prevent stacking).
- [AB/BfG/DG] Will now only capture banners for the landmark we're interested in, to prevent being diverted from our goal.
- Jumping behavior has been re-enabled.
- Will no longer attempt to collect Speed, Restoration, or Berserker game object buffs within the first 30 seconds of the game, to prevent strange pathing leaving our starting zones.
- Fixed an exception with collecting game object buffs (speed/restoration/berserker).
- Turn on spot behaviour will no longer trigger immediately after we resurrect.
- Added some internal navigation throttling to continue on our current path if we suspect the nav server would throttle a new pathing request - which was the cause of some odd stopping moving behaviour while walking around.
- Improved combat movement to prevent stutter stepping.