Really buggy in AV, at start he moves to the gate (alliance) and just stands there. Sometimes he starts moving after i move him around manually, other times he refuses to move at all. Just stands there turning a bit.
Suddenly started moving after the following:
[12:11:13.062 N] [BGFarmer] Turning... Turning left in 26 seconds.
[12:11:14.071 N] [BGFarmer] East Frostwolf Tower needs capturing, or defending. Settings as best tower.
[12:11:14.071 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Best Tower Found at <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:14.071 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:15.879 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**ice] [Message:druid heading to base]
[12:11:20.460 D] Activity: Our Stats: [Killing Blows: 2] [Deaths: 2] [K/D Ratio: 1.0] [Damage: 1.5m] [Healing: 568.0k]
[12:11:21.081 D] Map: PVPZone01 (30) - Zone: Alterac Valley (2597) - SubZone: 3300
[12:11:24.770 D] Cleared POI
[12:11:24.770 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Best Tower Found at <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:24.770 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:32.786 D] Cleared POI
[12:11:32.786 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Best Tower Found at <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:32.786 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:39.080 N] [BGFarmer] Turning... Turning left in 21 seconds.
[12:11:42.019 D] Cleared POI
[12:11:42.019 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Best Tower Found at <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:42.019 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-1305.813, -310.2103, 113.8275>
[12:11:51.105 D] Map: PVPZone01 (30) - Zone: Alterac Valley (2597) - SubZone: 3300
[12:11:51.110 D] Cleared POI
[12:11:51.141 V] Loading PVPZone01_32_34
[12:11:51.144 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles
[12:11:51.173 V] Loading PVPZone01_32_32
[12:11:51.206 V] Loading PVPZone01_32_33
[12:11:51.222 V] Loading PVPZone01_33_33
[12:11:51.235 V] Loading PVPZone01_33_34
[12:11:51.238 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:11:51.245 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-1347.403, -231.723, 99.47778>
[12:11:51.245 N] [BGFarmer] Moving to Drek'Thar.
[12:11:51.248 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:11:51.251 N] Mounting: swift brown steed
[12:11:52.916 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:11:52.921 D] [Flight Path] No valid flightpath at both ends. (No flightpath found at start No flightpath found at end)
[12:11:52.924 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:11:52.925 D] Skipped 3 path nodes
[12:11:52.925 D] Activity: [BGFarmer] Mount Up!
[12:11:52.943 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:11:52.996 N] [BGFarmer] Jumping.. Will jump again in 5 seconds..
[12:11:53.066 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:12:03.829 N] [BGFarmer] Jumping.. Will jump again in 12 seconds..
[12:12:03.899 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:12:16.276 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
[12:12:16.279 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
[12:12:21.127 D] Map: PVPZone01 (30) - Zone: Alterac Valley (2597) - SubZone: 3318
[12:12:21.130 D] Raycast produced no polys - point {-1214.545, -254.5454, 72.87778}
And here's from the start:
[11:43:36.551 D] Map: Draenor (1116) - Zone: Stormshield (7332) - SubZone: 0
[11:44:07.699 N] ----------------------------------
[11:44:07.699 N] TuanHA Warrior Settings have been saved
[11:44:07.762 N] ----------------------------------
[11:44:07.762 N] Building Rotation base on current Talents and Glyphs......
[11:44:07.762 N] ----------------------------------
[11:44:07.763 D] Glyph of Burning Anger (115946)
[11:44:07.764 D] Glyph of Unending Rage (58098)
[11:44:07.765 D] Glyph of the Blazing Trail (123779)
[11:44:07.765 D] Glyph of Enraged Speed (58355)
[11:44:07.766 D] Glyph of Bull Rush (94372)
[11:44:07.766 N] Whirlwind Now Cost 30 Rage
[11:44:07.766 N] Wild Strike Now Cost 20 Rage
[11:44:07.766 N] Current BotBase BGFarmer [Millz] (AFK Bot)
[11:44:07.766 N] ----------------------------------
[11:44:07.766 N] Building Rotation Completed
[11:44:07.766 N] ----------------------------------
[11:44:07.766 N] Combat Routine will automatically stop Movement and Facing command if the following keys pressed
[11:44:07.781 N] Space - JUMP
[11:44:07.785 N] Left - TURNLEFT
[11:44:07.786 N] Up - MOVEFORWARD
[11:44:07.786 N] Right - TURNRIGHT
[11:44:07.787 N] Down - MOVEBACKWARD
[11:44:07.796 N] A - TURNLEFT
[11:44:07.799 N] D - TURNRIGHT
[11:44:07.805 N] S - MOVEBACKWARD
[11:44:07.807 N] W - MOVEFORWARD
[11:44:07.810 N] NumPad0 - JUMP
[11:44:07.827 N] NumLock - TOGGLEAUTORUN
[11:44:07.853 N] ----------------------------------
[11:44:36.618 D] Map: Draenor (1116) - Zone: Stormshield (7332) - SubZone: 0
[11:44:45.953 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [2g95s67c]
[11:45:06.634 D] Map: Draenor (1116) - Zone: Stormshield (7332) - SubZone: 0
[11:47:46.017 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [2g95s67c]
[11:48:06.757 D] Map: Draenor (1116) - Zone: Stormshield (7332) - SubZone: 0
[11:48:47.767 N] [BGFarmer] Waiting 9 seconds before accepting BG invite.
[11:48:47.767 D] Activity: [BGFarmer] Waiting to accept invite...
[11:48:56.831 N] [BGFarmer] Accepting Battleground...
[11:48:56.832 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Waiting on loading screen...
[11:48:56.832 D] Activity: [BGFarmer] Waiting on loading screen...
[11:48:57.361 N] Not in game
[11:49:09.073 D] Inserting Stormpike Herald [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
[11:49:09.107 D] New LowestAttackPower = 5648
[11:49:09.108 D] Map: PVPZone01 (30) - Zone: Stormshield (7332) - SubZone: 0
[11:49:09.282 D] Downloaded map PVPZone01
[11:49:09.373 D] Changed map(s) to PVPZone01
[11:49:09.673 D] Map: PVPZone01 (30) - Zone: Stormshield (7332) - SubZone: 0
[11:49:09.674 D] Glyph of Burning Anger (115946)
[11:49:09.675 D] Glyph of Unending Rage (58098)
[11:49:09.675 D] Glyph of the Blazing Trail (123779)
[11:49:09.675 D] Glyph of Enraged Speed (58355)
[11:49:09.676 D] Glyph of Bull Rush (94372)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Arcane Resistance (020592) | Armor Skills (076268) | Auto Attack (006603)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Battle Shout (006673) | Battle Stance (002457) | Berserker Rage (018499)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Charge (000100) | Commanding Shout (000469) | Concussion Blow (175708)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking (158765) | Cooking Fire (000818) | Crazed Berserker (023588)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cruelty (165383) | Defensive Stance (000071) | Die by the Sword (118038)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Double Time (103827) | Empowered Execute (157454) | Engineering Specia.. (020593)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enhanced Whirlwind (157473) | Enrage (013046) | Enraged Regeneration (055694)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Escape Artist (020589) | Execute (005308) | Expansive Mind (154746)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Expert Riding (034090) | First Aid (158741) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Furious Strikes (169679) | Garrison Ability (161691) | Guild Mail (083951)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hamstring (001715) | Hasty Hearth (083944) | Heroic Leap (006544)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Heroic Strike (000078) | Heroic Throw (057755) | Improved Die by th.. (157452)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Recklessn.. (176051) | Inspiring Presence (167188) | Intervene (003411)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Intimidating Shout (005246) | Languages (079740) | Mass Resurrection (083968)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mobile Banking (083958) | Mount Up (078633) | Nimble Fingers (092680)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Piercing Howl (012323) | Pummel (006552) | Raging Blow (085288)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Rallying Cry (097462) | Recklessness (001719) | Shield Barrier (112048)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shield Charge (156321) | Spell Reflection (023920) | Taunt (000355)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: The Quick and the .. (083950) | Unleashed Rage (175710) | Victory Rush (034428)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Weapon Skills (076290) | Whirlwind (001680) | Wild Strike (100130)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Avatar (107574) overrides Unleashed Rage (175710)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Bloodthirst (23881) overrides Heroic Strike (78)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Siegebreaker (176289) overrides Intimidating Shout (5246)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Mass Spell Reflection (114028) overrides Spell Reflection (23920)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Shield Barrier (174926) overrides Shield Barrier (112048)
[11:49:09.984 D] [SpellManager] Shockwave (46968) overrides Concussion Blow (175708)
[11:49:09.987 N] [BGFarmer] Removing 2 blackspots from navigation.
[11:49:10.039 V] Loading PVPZone01_32_30
[11:49:12.261 N] [BGFarmer] Our Stats: [Killing Blows: 0] [Deaths: 0] [K/D Ratio: 0.0] [Damage: 0] [Healing: 0]
[11:49:12.268 D] Activity: Our Stats: [Killing Blows: 0] [Deaths: 0] [K/D Ratio: 0.0] [Damage: 0] [Healing: 0]
[11:49:14.041 D] 14:041 Trying to cast Commanding Shout (469) on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior reason Commanding Shout: Prefer Battle Shout
[11:49:15.304 D] 15:304 Trying to cast Commanding Shout (469) on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior reason Commanding Shout: Prefer Battle Shout
[11:49:15.609 N] 15:608 HP: 100% Rage: 0 Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior 0y 100% hp Commanding Shout (469)
[11:49:16.559 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**rsie] [Message:la hiv dana yu yu yu yu]
[11:49:23.300 N] [BGFarmer] Tower Point needs capturing, or defending. Settings as best tower.
[11:49:23.300 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Best Tower Found at <-770.343, -360.4525, 90.894>
[11:49:23.300 D] Changed POI to: Type: Hotspot, Loc: <-770.343, -360.4525, 90.894>
[11:49:35.572 D] 35:572 Trying to cast Commanding Shout (469) on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior reason Commanding Shout: Prefer Battle Shout
[11:49:35.836 N] 35:835 HP: 100% Rage: 0 Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior 0y 100% hp Commanding Shout (469)
[11:49:36.226 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**tthewuk] [Message:so all rush noob hill?]
[11:49:39.159 D] New LowestAttackPower = 6946
[11:49:39.160 D] Map: PVPZone01 (30) - Zone: Alterac Valley (2597) - SubZone: 0
[11:49:51.169 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 14.99128, FPS: 51, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1791, -494.6849, 99.71374>)!
[11:49:51.170 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.96 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:49:51.696 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 15.00457, FPS: 51, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1555, -494.4709, 99.72034>)!
[11:49:51.699 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.81 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:49:51.699 V] Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
[11:49:51.750 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,0852, -494,8358, 99,71149 - auto blacklisting.
[11:49:52.955 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**tthewuk] [Message:last one to NOOB HILL is a kunt]
[11:49:54.005 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 10.27426, FPS: 53, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1168, -494.9558, 99.70705>)!
[11:49:54.006 D] Nearest game object, distance 2.09 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:49:54.006 V] Trying strafe forward right for 600ms
[11:49:54.290 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,293, -493,1436, 99,72712 - auto blacklisting.
[11:49:54.881 N] [BGFarmer] Facing Best Point of Interest: <796.1376, -493.7235, 99.74288> @ 2.7yds
[11:49:55.925 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 8.044641, FPS: 49, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1675, -494.1739, 99.73003>)!
[11:49:55.926 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.68 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:49:55.926 V] Trying strafe left for 1000ms
[11:49:58.760 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 10.04344, FPS: 59, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1366, -494.5479, 99.71855>)!
[11:49:58.764 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.84 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:49:58.764 V] Trying strafe right for 600ms
[11:50:00.656 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 11.63919, FPS: 56, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1873, -494.0212, 99.73362>)!
[11:50:00.657 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.64 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:00.657 V] Adding blackspot at current location and backing off for 2000ms
[11:50:00.874 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,5781, -493,9979, 99,72573 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:03.025 D] Interacting with Soulwell (GameObject Id: 181621)
[11:50:04.883 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 6.848965, FPS: 59, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1559, -494.273, 99.72686>)!
[11:50:04.885 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.71 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:04.932 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,1516, -494,3011, 99,72686 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:05.415 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 14.90744, FPS: 59, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.141, -494.3893, 99.72379>)!
[11:50:05.416 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.76 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:05.416 V] Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
[11:50:05.444 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,1035, -494,6866, 99,71532 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:06.706 N] [BGFarmer] Facing Best Point of Interest: <796.1376, -493.7235, 99.74288> @ 5.9yds
[11:50:06.726 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:07.786 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 9.953245, FPS: 51, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1061, -494.9371, 99.70782>)!
[11:50:07.788 D] Nearest game object, distance 2.07 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:07.972 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,148, -494,6855, 99,71429 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:08.253 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:09.196 D] Map: PVPZone01 (30) - Zone: Alterac Valley (2597) - SubZone: 0
[11:50:09.343 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 10.46425, FPS: 60, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1647, -494.4347, 99.72125>)!
[11:50:09.343 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.80 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:09.459 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**cker] [Message:lol cakes]
[11:50:09.501 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,1659, -494,4335, 99,72126 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:09.868 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 11.01271, FPS: 60, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1682, -494.4314, 99.72128>)!
[11:50:09.869 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.80 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:09.869 V] Trying strafe forward left for 600ms
[11:50:10.002 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,0383, -495,2179, 99,70125 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:10.718 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:11.415 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**ool] [Message:anyone got mailbox?]
[11:50:11.778 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 11.68734, FPS: 59, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1714, -494.6251, 99.71561>)!
[11:50:11.781 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.91 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:12.044 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,1326, -494,4909, 99,72031 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:12.287 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 12.13449, FPS: 59, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1435, -494.4673, 99.72077>)!
[11:50:12.288 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.80 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:12.288 V] Trying strafe forward left for 600ms
[11:50:12.545 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 795,9552, -495,8946, 99,68331 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:13.138 N] [BGFarmer] Facing Best Point of Interest: <796.1376, -493.7235, 99.74288> @ 3.9yds
[11:50:13.857 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**mera] [Message:so u just called u self a kunt?

[11:50:14.198 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 9.720403, FPS: 61, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.165, -494.6411, 99.71526>)!
[11:50:14.199 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.92 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:14.199 V] Trying strafe forward right for 1000ms
[11:50:15.456 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**ool] [Message:mines on cooldown]
[11:50:15.462 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:17.052 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 10.3096, FPS: 56, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1522, -494.3024, 99.72696>)!
[11:50:17.053 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.72 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:17.114 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,1489, -494,325, 99,72542 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:17.485 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:18.585 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 15.00417, FPS: 60, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1382, -494.4054, 99.72388>)!
[11:50:18.587 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.76 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:18.627 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,1373, -494,4065, 99,72388 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:19.115 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 15.00528, FPS: 60, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1373, -494.4065, 99.72388>)!
[11:50:19.116 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.76 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:19.116 V] Trying strafe forward left for 600ms
[11:50:19.140 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,1036, -494,686, 99,71541 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:20.018 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:21.115 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 11.87983, FPS: 55, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1795, -494.5687, 99.71709>)!
[11:50:21.117 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.89 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:21.169 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,186, -494,5401, 99,7178 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:21.637 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 11.46054, FPS: 55, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1498, -494.4477, 99.72122>)!
[11:50:21.638 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.79 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:21.638 V] Trying strafe forward left for 600ms
[11:50:21.671 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,0862, -494,8348, 99,7114 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:23.566 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 11.36017, FPS: 60, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1611, -494.6162, 99.71608>)!
[11:50:23.566 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.90 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:23.566 V] Trying strafe forward right for 1000ms
[11:50:23.700 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,2642, -493,7126, 99,74029 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:24.890 N] [BGFarmer] Facing Best Point of Interest: <796.1376, -493.7235, 99.74288> @ 5.3yds
[11:50:24.913 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:25.988 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 8.047202, FPS: 54, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.2009, -493.8938, 99.7374>)!
[11:50:25.989 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.61 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:26.239 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 796,163, -494,2072, 99,72861 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:26.505 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
[11:50:26.505 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 9.311188, FPS: 54, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1467, -494.3397, 99.72546>)!
[11:50:26.507 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.74 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">
<Matrix M11="3.97018456" M12="-0.487477124" M13="0" M14="0" M21="0.487477124" M22="3.97018456" M23="0" M24="0" M31="0" M32="0" M33="4" M34="0" M41="794.6431" M42="-493.474518" M43="99.77789" M44="1" />
[11:50:26.507 V] Trying strafe forward left for 1000ms
[11:50:26.739 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detected stuck twice at point 795,9806, -495,6873, 99,68871 - auto blacklisting.
[11:50:27.778 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**ool] [Message:cheers]
[11:50:29.145 N] [BGFarmer] [Chat] [Author:**rathei] [Message:Cunt*]
[11:50:29.370 D] 29:370 Trying to cast Commanding Shout (469) on Lvl 100 Alliance Warrior reason Commanding Shout: Prefer Battle Shout
[11:50:29.432 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 9.289891, FPS: 54, Map: PVPZone01, loc: <796.1835, -494.4557, 99.72032>)!
[11:50:29.433 D] Nearest game object, distance 1.83 yards
<!--Alterac Valley Gate in Alterac Valley zone and on PVPZone01 continent-->
<GameObject model="World\KhazModan\BLACKROCK\PASSIVEDOODADS\Doors\DarkIronPortcullis.m2">