00:11:16.190 INFO Logger [Trinity] Loading BattleTag Settings
00:11:16.345 INFO Logger [Trinity] Configuration file loaded
00:11:16.355 DEBUG Logger [Trinity] Using Trinity Unstucker
00:11:16.374 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] OnEnable took 216.012298583984ms
00:11:16.374 INFO Logger [Trinity] ENABLED: Trinity v1.9.5 now in action!
00:11:16.375 DEBUG MainWindow There are 4 plugins
00:11:16.891 DEBUG Logger [Trinity] Reset bot TPS to default
00:11:17.383 INFO BotMain Current bot set to Order Bot
00:11:17.384 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Rift Bot Act 4 Bounties
00:11:48.690 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Rift Bot Act 4 Bounties
00:11:49.821 DEBUG MainWindow Start/Stop Button Clicked!
00:11:49.897 DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 Reloading AssemblyLoader<Zeta.Bot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload
00:11:50.286 INFO AssemblyLoader`1 Compiler Error: c:\Users\Charlie\Desktop\DemonBuddy -\Routines\Belphegor\Routines\Monk.cs(253,52) : error CS0117: 'Zeta.Game.Internals.Actors.SNOPower' does not contain a definition for 'Monk_DashingStrike'
00:11:50.584 INFO RoutineManager Chose Trinity as your combat routine
00:11:50.586 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 0c2af434-dd31-478d-9595-81259d63c262
00:11:50.587 DEBUG RoutineManager Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
00:11:50.587 DEBUG RoutineManager Trinity v0.0.0.0
00:11:50.588 DEBUG RoutineManager Generic v1.1.1898.410
00:11:50.589 DEBUG BotMain Forcing profile reload.
00:11:50.747 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Rift Bot Act 4 Bounties
00:11:50.748 DEBUG BotMain Starting bot: Order Bot
00:11:50.750 INFO RoutineManager Chose Trinity as your combat routine
00:11:50.750 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 9d944ceb-0257-4af2-a96a-6af3e3e92258
00:11:50.760 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [OutOfGame] cebda137-9adb-4ad1-b73e-9b2bb31294e2
00:11:50.764 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [Death] 3c6064f5-6ec2-4438-8bbe-a12934ea633e
00:11:50.765 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] 0ba85592-55ac-4224-9772-c7c1f5f506fa
00:11:50.765 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [RoutineCombat] dc6f53b8-0952-4230-8757-46903727017f
00:11:50.766 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [Combat] eccdc7d3-5a32-473c-84b8-04e9f0434231
00:11:50.788 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [IdentifyItems] cad53409-eaf0-4a06-9a6c-5b62a1fdb803
00:11:50.791 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [StashItems] df2fe70b-f204-4cb2-8fcb-489d316c789f
00:11:50.793 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [SellAndRepair] f5d51b72-fcdf-453b-ac85-813846f4d5ac
00:11:50.796 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [SalvageItems] 68fb565b-b2f0-4926-80d0-807d3889a221
00:11:50.798 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [VendorRun] 3c103ddc-c81b-485f-987e-5510c74b47d5
00:11:50.804 DEBUG TreeHooks Added new hook [Loot] a97684a0-25f8-428d-9762-ea4e244fa1bf
00:11:50.804 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [BotBehavior] 5043e3f2-8ff8-404d-9471-ef46f978b427
00:11:50.807 INFO Logger [Trinity] Bot Starting
00:11:50.861 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Variable Setting file loaded
00:11:50.862 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [Combat] 8c09d549-12f4-47ba-8780-f79171692904
00:11:50.863 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [VendorRun] 9b38b27b-5fbd-4714-91c5-d4e6867144dc
00:11:50.864 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [Loot] f66e562d-f833-48d5-861d-05b84f9aa73b
00:11:50.864 INFO Logger [Trinity] Bot Starting, Resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
00:11:50.877 INFO Logger [Trinity] ItemRules is using the custom rule set.
00:11:50.878 INFO Logger [Trinity] PICKLOG = Rare
00:11:50.878 INFO Logger [Trinity] KEEPLOG = Rare
00:11:50.879 INFO Logger [Trinity] RULEPATH = D:\v3.4 TrollinGoblin Rules MHE\Pick magic and salvage all magic plus rare v3.4
00:11:50.880 INFO Logger [Trinity] ... loaded: 13 Pickup rules
00:11:50.881 INFO Logger [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Identify rules
00:11:50.881 INFO Logger [Trinity] ... loaded: 8 Salvage rules
00:11:50.881 INFO Logger [Trinity] ... loaded: 0 Macros
00:11:50.882 INFO Logger [Trinity] ItemRules loaded a total of 0 Custom rules!
00:11:50.882 INFO Logger [Trinity] _______________________________________
00:11:50.882 INFO Logger [Trinity] ___-|: Darkfriend's Item Rules 2 :|-___
00:11:50.883 INFO Logger [Trinity] ___________________Rel.-v
00:11:50.883 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Trinity BotStart took 75ms
00:11:50.896 DEBUG BotMain Spooling up bot thread.
00:11:50.898 DEBUG BotMain Bot thread started.
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 355635 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 103919 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 58317 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 289794 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 212491 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 289756 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 5758 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 464 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 291743 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 362323 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 157531 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 170913 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.924 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Adding Profile TargetBlacklist 0 to Trinity Blacklist
00:11:50.972 INFO BrainBehavior Waiting 6.8 seconds before next game...
00:11:51.162 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] Plugin and Routine checks passed!
00:11:57.799 INFO BnetParty Creating new game. Params: [Act: OpenWorld, Difficulty: Torment3, Quest: -1, QuestStep: -1, ResumeFromSave: False, IsPrivate: True]
00:12:06.162 DEBUG TrinityDebug [Trinity] New profile found - updating TargetBlacklists
00:12:06.356 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Rift Bot Act 4 Bounties
00:12:06.420 INFO BrainBehavior GameChanged. Clearing actors
00:12:06.420 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
00:12:06.422 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game, resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
00:12:06.440 DEBUG GameStats Joined a game!
00:12:06.441 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
00:12:06.441 INFO ProfileOrderManager ProfileOrderManager.OnGameJoined, Reloading profile.
00:12:06.442 INFO Logger [Trinity] New Game, resetting Gold Inactivity Timer
00:12:06.598 INFO ProfileManager Loaded profile Rift Bot Act 4 Bounties
00:12:06.598 INFO ProfileOrderManager Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
00:12:06.601 DEBUG ProfileOrderManager Resetting current behavior.
00:12:06.615 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:12:06.615 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:12:06.659 INFO ToggleTargetingTag ToggleTargeting, new values: Looting:True LootRadius:150 Combat:True KillRadius:80
00:12:06.660 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 36a7a77f-3757-4c60-adca-15f4c322a12e
00:12:06.694 INFO Logger [Trinity] Starting up Generic Cache Manage thread
00:12:06.697 INFO Logger [Trinity] Starting up Generic Blacklist Manager thread
00:12:08.363 INFO Logger [Trinity] Clicking UI element Conversation Button (472311376)
00:12:08.690 INFO Logger [TownRunTag] TrinityTownRun, freeBagSlots=40 minDurabilityPercent=0
00:12:08.690 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] a0654502-ec53-4f0b-9039-0b05093e934f
00:12:08.906 INFO Logger [TownRunTag] Skipping TrinityTownRun
00:12:09.092 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6ea3379f-cf85-4e3e-b183-7f509bce3d90
00:12:09.194 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:41
00:12:12.613 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:12:12.655 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:12:12.661 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c283c29f-ec9d-4c23-9260-6a5ff2151e92
00:12:15.486 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:12:15.530 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:12:15.530 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] e17ce444-ffe6-4d36-89e9-3c457c826765
00:12:21.134 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:12:21.199 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:12:21.199 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f031fb46-eebc-4c41-814e-a9e8cd651a51
00:12:46.537 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:12:46.636 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:12:46.637 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ccc7f14f-5242-49a5-8f10-6f889627bf54
00:12:48.109 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 07517fd5-b106-47ca-bf64-1333a8a4a2c1
00:13:44.819 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 15d42b7e-a1c4-40f0-b7da-00cf305a25e6
00:13:58.698 INFO Logger [Trinity] Clicking UI element Bounty Reward Dialog (471584976)
00:13:58.882 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d6cc257c-cc0c-49f3-b79d-22bd874f68c6
00:13:58.951 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:42
00:14:01.634 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 420ccaa5-0107-467c-aab7-71444e57e7a9
00:14:06.637 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 51c920ab-55f5-48a5-bee3-25de1639db6d
00:14:06.722 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] efde4700-d7b3-4878-9255-8211f470eef5
00:14:06.791 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:42
00:14:09.527 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 85ecf7ff-b323-4080-86e9-3d63b4892188
00:14:12.608 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:14:12.620 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 095f17e5-52aa-460b-b108-e0923c8d6317
00:14:25.111 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:14:25.135 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:14:25.135 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7a517e79-6fb5-4b14-b402-b6ed1f114abe
00:14:30.810 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:14:30.877 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:14:30.878 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9838f79d-3071-4586-a188-aefa28109853
00:14:52.642 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:14:52.708 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:14:52.708 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 83ebb30d-aec8-49b2-9db5-4d310c0307d3
00:15:10.134 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:15:10.173 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:15:10.173 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8203c8ae-f693-4dc5-b1c1-c858adf97eb9
00:15:12.605 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:15:12.625 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:15:12.625 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6e718313-2a95-4b74-bedd-cb08109c9bb1
00:15:17.121 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:15:17.230 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:15:17.230 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] a087c2cc-08b3-4aef-a339-f301ca0f5a3b
00:15:25.673 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:15:25.721 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:15:25.722 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7584bdce-a49e-48d5-b53a-283f5b4081a2
00:15:38.218 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:15:38.301 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:15:38.301 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] cd857f53-3adf-48c9-bdd7-d9ff63bf1c63
00:15:45.504 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:15:45.538 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:15:45.538 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6f1879c0-40de-41fc-ab26-11fe70a552c8
00:15:59.905 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:15:59.982 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:15:59.983 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c5493671-e953-4812-96e0-73f9fe354a5d
00:16:04.970 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:16:05.053 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:16:05.053 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ff4e0c43-b1de-4764-bd78-619de5fa83d9
00:16:30.593 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:16:30.659 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:16:30.660 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7dd243fe-31c0-4fc4-95b2-c37b117bee9f
00:16:32.102 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] ReachedDestination!
00:16:32.129 INFO Logger [SafeMoveToTag] Initialized
00:16:32.130 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1e369710-dd7b-4d6a-b399-0636586d54cf
00:16:49.360 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d293bc50-2a6c-4c6e-a4cf-b91576702aa0
00:16:49.429 INFO UseWaypointTag Using Waypoint. Number:43
00:16:52.100 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 5673cfef-c3db-45df-b186-e23e078ad8aa
00:16:55.510 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:16:55.517 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] ExploreDungeon Started
00:16:55.519 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:16:55.589 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
00:16:55.602 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
00:16:55.602 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:16:55.602 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:16:55.611 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 73b507c4-aedf-44c9-9acc-8935d99c457d
00:16:55.648 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:16:55.655 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
00:16:55.659 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
00:16:55.679 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to UNKNOWN - <606.25, 836.25, 1.203243>
00:16:55.689 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=291,Y=118} to {X=142,Y=50} in 00:00:00.0077731 with 234(26) hops
00:16:55.695 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:16:55.696 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <606.25, 836.25, 1.203243> () with 26 hops.
00:16:55.714 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <768.75, 1181.25, 0> as visited, distance 26/30, IsVisisted=False
00:16:55.833 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Adding MiniMapMarker 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True, IsExit: False, Distance: 506 to KnownMarkers
00:16:55.836 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:16:55.836 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to UNKNOWN - <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>
00:16:55.847 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=291,Y=118} to {X=107,Y=33} in 00:00:00.0076335 with 250(28) hops
00:16:55.863 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:16:55.863 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <563.1158, 746.9574, -10> () with 28 hops.
00:16:55.865 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:16:57.282 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <768.75, 1143.75, 0> as visited, distance 25/30, IsVisisted=False
00:16:57.305 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:16:57.682 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 1143.75, 0> as visited, distance 29/30, IsVisisted=False
00:16:57.721 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:16:58.482 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 1106.25, 0> as visited, distance 30/30, IsVisisted=False
00:16:58.503 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:16:59.819 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 1068.75, 0> as visited, distance 28/30, IsVisisted=False
00:16:59.860 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:17:01.292 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 1031.25, 0> as visited, distance 29/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:01.309 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:17:03.001 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:03.003 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=GoldLarge Dist=59 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E - <726.0085, 1069.859, 0.5936057>
00:17:03.005 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=210,Y=97} to {X=236,Y=98} in 00:00:00.0003980 with 27(4) hops
00:17:03.011 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:03.012 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <726.0085, 1069.859, 0.5936057> (Name=GoldLarge Dist=59 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E) with 4 hops.
00:17:03.590 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=GoldLarge Dist=51 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E - <726.3074, 1069.821, 0.5989034>
00:17:03.593 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=217,Y=95} to {X=236,Y=99} in 00:00:00.0001308 with 21(5) hops
00:17:03.602 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:03.602 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <726.3074, 1069.821, 0.5989034> (Name=GoldLarge Dist=51 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E) with 5 hops.
00:17:04.195 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=GoldLarge Dist=29 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E - <726.6754, 1069.709, 0.6114391>
00:17:04.199 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=225,Y=94} to {X=236,Y=99} in 00:00:00.0000673 with 12(4) hops
00:17:04.204 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:04.205 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <726.6754, 1069.709, 0.6114391> (Name=GoldLarge Dist=29 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E) with 4 hops.
00:17:04.707 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=GoldLarge Dist=20 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E - <726.3765, 1069.806, 0.598247>
00:17:04.710 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=229,Y=97} to {X=236,Y=99} in 00:00:00.0000364 with 8(3) hops
00:17:04.719 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:04.720 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <726.3765, 1069.806, 0.598247> (Name=GoldLarge Dist=20 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=E) with 3 hops.
00:17:05.175 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:05.175 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to UNKNOWN - <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>
00:17:05.183 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=234,Y=98} to {X=107,Y=33} in 00:00:00.0054395 with 193(22) hops
00:17:05.187 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:05.187 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <563.1158, 746.9574, -10> () with 22 hops.
00:17:12.128 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 956.25, 0> as visited, distance 30/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:12.163 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:17:13.178 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 918.75, 0> as visited, distance 30/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:13.217 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:17:14.280 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 881.25, 0> as visited, distance 28/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:14.500 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:17:15.832 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <768.75, 843.75, 0> as visited, distance 29/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:15.851 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446737 at <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>, IsPOI: True IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:17:17.060 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:17.060 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=BileCrawler_A_Large_Aggro Dist=30 IsElite=False LoS=True HP=1.00 Dir=SW - <777.5894, 803.3769, 0.1000002>
00:17:17.063 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=143,Y=113} to {X=129,Y=119} in 00:00:00.0005247 with 15(5) hops
00:17:17.069 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:17.070 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <777.5894, 803.3769, 0.1000002> (Name=BileCrawler_A_Large_Aggro Dist=30 IsElite=False LoS=True HP=1.00 Dir=SW) with 5 hops.
00:17:17.107 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <768.75, 806.25, 0> as visited, distance 30/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:17.503 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:17.504 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=64 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=1.00 Dir=W - <754.9059, 754.1761, 0>
00:17:17.507 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=137,Y=116} to {X=110,Y=110} in 00:00:00.0003198 with 28(5) hops
00:17:17.516 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:17.516 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <754.9059, 754.1761, 0> (Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=64 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=1.00 Dir=W) with 5 hops.
00:17:18.104 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=44 IsElite=True LoS=False HP=1.00 Dir=W - <760.3062, 755.5865, 0.1000002>
00:17:18.108 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=129,Y=116} to {X=110,Y=112} in 00:00:00.0001399 with 20(5) hops
00:17:18.117 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:18.117 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <760.3062, 755.5865, 0.1000002> (Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=44 IsElite=True LoS=False HP=1.00 Dir=W) with 5 hops.
00:17:18.239 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <768.75, 768.75, 0> as visited, distance 30/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:20.191 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 768.75, 0> as visited, distance 30/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:21.815 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <768.75, 731.25, 0> as visited, distance 30/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:22.278 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <731.25, 731.25, 0> as visited, distance 29/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:27.460 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:27.460 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=23 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=0.81 Dir=NW - <706.6099, 729.5837, 0.1245209>
00:17:27.463 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=107,Y=102} to {X=100,Y=91} in 00:00:00.0005346 with 12(3) hops
00:17:27.473 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:27.473 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <706.6099, 729.5837, 0.1245209> (Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=23 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=0.81 Dir=NW) with 3 hops.
00:17:29.533 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <693.75, 731.25, 0> as visited, distance 29/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:32.324 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:32.325 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global Dist=26 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=SE - <760.2712, 785.5659, 0.5000002>
00:17:32.328 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=114,Y=104} to {X=122,Y=112} in 00:00:00.0005298 with 13(5) hops
00:17:32.340 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:32.341 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <760.2712, 785.5659, 0.5000002> (Name=CraftingMaterials_Flippy_Global Dist=26 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=SE) with 5 hops.
00:17:33.776 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:33.777 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=41 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=0.13 Dir=W - <748.0474, 734.6541, 0.1000002>
00:17:33.779 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=122,Y=112} to {X=102,Y=107} in 00:00:00.0005021 with 24(5) hops
00:17:33.790 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:33.790 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <748.0474, 734.6541, 0.1000002> (Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=41 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=0.13 Dir=W) with 5 hops.
00:17:34.368 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:34.368 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=28 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=0.80 Dir=NW - <743.5207, 749.7605, 0.1>
00:17:34.372 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=116,Y=112} to {X=108,Y=105} in 00:00:00.0009643 with 11(4) hops
00:17:34.380 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:34.381 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <743.5207, 749.7605, 0.1> (Name=MastaBlasta_Rider_A Dist=28 IsElite=True LoS=True HP=0.80 Dir=NW) with 4 hops.
00:17:39.844 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to Name=x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02 Dist=6 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=SE - <753.9026, 757.8946, 0.2500002>
00:17:39.847 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=107,Y=108} to {X=111,Y=110} in 00:00:00.0003062 with 6(3) hops
00:17:39.854 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:39.854 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <753.9026, 757.8946, 0.2500002> (Name=x1_Shield_norm_base_flippy_02 Dist=6 IsElite=False LoS=False HP=-1.00 Dir=SE) with 3 hops.
00:17:41.374 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Found Object 224890!
00:17:41.470 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:41.471 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c3ec133c-1dfc-43e5-a02f-6b52aaede788
00:17:41.471 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to - <563.1158, 746.9574, -10>
00:17:41.475 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=108,Y=106} to {X=107,Y=33} in 00:00:00.0014580 with 77(7) hops
00:17:41.502 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:41.502 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <563.1158, 746.9574, -10> () with 7 hops.
00:17:47.760 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:17:48.145 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] ExploreDungeon Started
00:17:48.146 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:17:48.205 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
00:17:48.207 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
00:17:48.207 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:17:48.207 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:17:48.208 DEBUG TreeHooks Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 0c0dae25-02b7-4752-98a1-e5bd3842c98c
00:17:48.232 DEBUG GridSegmentation ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
00:17:48.238 DEBUG DungeonExplorer DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
00:17:48.240 DEBUG DungeonExplorer Returning route!
00:17:48.270 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] Marking nearby node <1068.75, 768.75, 0> as visited, distance 20/30, IsVisisted=False
00:17:48.379 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Adding MiniMapMarker 984446736 at <1075.512, 727.0681, 0.2470169>, IsPOI: False, IsExit: False, Distance: 22 to KnownMarkers
00:17:48.380 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:48.380 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to UNKNOWN - <1075.512, 727.0681, 0.2470169>
00:17:48.383 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=108,Y=236} to {X=99,Y=238} in 00:00:00.0003929 with 10(3) hops
00:17:48.406 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:48.407 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <1075.512, 727.0681, 0.2470169> () with 3 hops.
00:17:48.407 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Moved to inspect nameHash 984446736 at <1075.512, 727.0681, 0.2470169>, IsPOI: False IsExit: False MoveResult: Moved
00:17:48.801 INFO Logger [MiniMapMarker] Setting MiniMapMarker 984446736 as Visited, within PathPrecision 10
00:17:48.804 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Navigator.Clear
00:17:48.805 INFO Logger [ExploreDungeonTag] New Nav Target: <1031.25, 768.75, 0>
00:17:48.805 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generating path to UNKNOWN - <1031.25, 768.75, 0>
00:17:48.808 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Successfully generated path from {X=102,Y=238} to {X=115,Y=220} in 00:00:00.0001528 with 19(6) hops
00:17:48.813 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Client path generated.
00:17:48.814 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <1031.25, 768.75, 0> () with 6 hops.