Yeah. At this point is pure speculation.
But it would make sense for blizzard to focus on the botters that are going to return make their "investment" faster ( obviously, those gathering herbs and ores) and save the ones who aren't going to make a return that fast (levelers, routiners, causals....) for whenever they feel like it. Namely, next banwave, or next miniwave, whenever they choose.
What is really troublling is how fast this gatherers are being banned. Previously, unless you had a botting record in your machine / IP, they wouldn't instantly ban you, even when catching us blatantly botting.
Now it seems it is not the case. 1 single pass is enough to determine an account as botter and gg account.
I would certainly love to receive some kind of info from the buddy staff on the status. Even if its made of opinions. Whatever, to appeal the masses. To give us some sort of "its been worked on" feeling.
Their latest official message was as dissapointing as this blizzcon for d3 players. And that's saying a lot!
Btw. big thanks to all those "testers" who are spending their 50+ bucks in guinea-pigging for the rest of us. It's appreciated.
botting on the same pc with same bnet account and the same ip.
but yea I think they are focusing on the ones who have impact on the gold economy / farmers