old accounts are less likely to get flagged it seems like if you have human like achievements, long playtime, long payhistory you are much safer then a new toon going for raw golds as soon as it hits level 100
we cant know how the flagging patterns work - but the overall history of your account plays a huge role
i mean compare one of my suicide bots with yours - i took less than 48 hours to level 100 - then i go for raw gold only not getting any gear or achivement progression. i get flagged anyway - you probably look more like a human player
ive had bots running raw gold for 3 months straight looting 15 million gold not getting banned but its really really rare - right now i have 3 accounts over 60 days just lost 40 toons yesterday - some 7 days old some 30 days old - theres a lot of rng