no excuse. just facts. if you multibot like you claim, you would know that hb is crashing like shit. if you tell me, you can let hb runs 50 bots a day straight, you're a liar. simple as that. that plus disconects now and then. so the bots have to restart one after another. but i really wonder, why you don't know this? you're not gonna tell me, your bots really runs completely 24/7 with hb? lol
HB crashing like shit? Are you serious? Do you know what ARelog is? Oh wait you gonna research it and then come back and respond, right? Let me save you the trouble. >> << Read this. I never claim I run 50 accounts at time. I have never said the amount of accounts I run, and I don't need to disclose that.
I have had HB run for days with ARelog without the need to click anything. And everyone knows that botting one account 24/7 non-stop is not safe. If you have been running from glider you know this, is like botting 101.
sure. a fake with like 40+ hb keys just to test hb, beside pirox. so the cash i spent in bossland is fake, too. you should mail him and tell him, my money is fake. i think he would really thank you for that hint. idiot.
Again you don't make sense at all. Why would you buy 40+ keys to test HB. That 120 accounts you going to test? You always talk about 30's and 40's. Do you know you can buy a 3 session key? That's 3 accounts per 1 key. HB 101.
yes you have, since you started attacking other users here by calling them stupid, fake or whatever. and yet you didn't provide any infos to backup your stupid trashtalk.
I actually have. This post is proof of the stupidity of some that fail to read. You asked, please give a explanation of how to set up your bots corrrectly. Well here it is. Use ARelog and rotate your bots.
wait a minute. you are the one who tells us all the time, that "good botters" and "carefull botters" like you, never lose accounts. so where does this "bad luck" appears from all of a sudden?
Let me see if I can put this in simple terms, in a way you can understand. The art of botting, is not running 200 bots. The art of botting is doing it without getting caught.
following the stupid things you keep spouting, there are only "good botters" and "stupid botters". there is nothing in between for you. so where are those big ppl with "reputation" come from? following your words, they would all be idiots or fake, since they lost accounts due to botting. lol. dude, you don't even know what you're saying. and as i told you myself in the post before: ppl whith mass bots usually don't post here. it's just me beeing nice and taking time to tell you, how silly you are.
Many of those people can care less of their accounts and bot 24/7 with max auctions, mats, etc. They actually feed the developers with good real info. They know they can be caught by pushing a 24/7 account. Don't you know this Mr. Botter? They always been on all communities Glider, Mimic, HB, Pirox. Again that is just proof you don't read shit.
very amusing. if you can affort to drive a bmw x6, we can start talking about money, lad.
WUAT?? LOL!!! You don't drive a BMW X6, you wish you do. But getting banned botting, is a matter of time that the bank comes and repo it. I don't need a BMW, I am happy with my 2006 Hummer H3 with 82k miles. Because I can afford it with my real job. The one I do while my bots are running and kids like you are in school.
Son you need to stop posting. You are getting in deeper shit. The more you write in the forums, the more we can see you are fake. Here I am gonna attach something that would wish you could afford. After you see the attachment, hate me. Because the envy is gonna eat you alive!!! Call Robin, time to retreat. WUAHAHAHAHA..
Now back to the topic. I apologized for for the noobs, but hey what can we do? We need them so blizz have their handful with them and not with us.
ANy one remembers when blizz begin sending emails about access from different areas by ISP ID? This was kinda of the ending of BC and the start of WOTLK. I have people connecting from other ISP's, was offering them leveling. I believe blizz didn't abandon this, and using a VPN would still trigger this. Unless blizz abandon that, witch I don't think, because poeple claim they use VPN and when banned they say, they where hacked.