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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

pls give me a hand, i cant use this bot by some unknown reasons, here is what i have when i try to run your bot:Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: “Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType”不实现继承的抽象成员“Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)”
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 52
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: “Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType”不实现继承的抽象成员“Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)”
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 516
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: “Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType”不实现继承的抽象成员“Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)”
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 964
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: “Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType”不实现继承的抽象成员“Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)”
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 1441
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: “Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType”不实现继承的抽象成员“Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)”
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 1921
Changing current profile to Azyul ~ Master Mount Farm [$Rev$]
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Stormwind City (Stormwind City - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
is there a profile for it? or maybe looking into the other raids? I want to be able to farm the cloth mostly.

Also could you make it DE greens? forget the blues just DE the greens like the most important mats
I believe there's a full run Naxxramas profile, but the QB for it is broke so it doesn't work, but that's it.

I'd make one for you, but I'm a bit busy with Wildbuddy at the moment.
Doesnt work anymore? Says The currently loaded profile does not contain a sub profile usable for the current character (is your toon too high level?) Im a lvl 100 warlock
I tried, but useless :(
I need a full log.
The previous lines that you pasted aren't issues related to the profiles.

Doesnt work anymore? Says The currently loaded profile does not contain a sub profile usable for the current character (is your toon too high level?) Im a lvl 100 warlock
I'll be sending an update soon that'll fix the hard-coded cap.

Should be fixed in the latest update.​
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It would be nice (once users start running this compendium of profiles) if there were a way to queue up the profiles so the program would run them in order and blacklist any profiles that the user has already attained the mount for.

For Example, one user's queue could look like the following:
1 x Raven Lord
1 x Blue Proto Drake
SKIP Deathcharger
Unlimited x Vitreous Stone Drake
It would be nice (once users start running this compendium of profiles) if there were a way to queue up the profiles so the program would run them in order and blacklist any profiles that the user has already attained the mount for.

For Example, one user's queue could look like the following:
1 x Raven Lord
1 x Blue Proto Drake
SKIP Deathcharger
Unlimited x Vitreous Stone Drake
It should already skip any obtained mounts.
There's plans to adding a menu that'll let you check/uncheck which mounts are farmed.
However, giving a run-priority would be a bit tricky since Honorbuddy executes profile code in a linear manner.
Using base Singular with this on a mage (Specifically deathcharger profile). The combat is VERY delayed and sometimes it gets stuck outside a ziggurat refusing to cast any spells as the mobs beat on me. Common problem?

This is on a 100% fresh install
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Does your loading bar move at all? And - is this abnormally long loading time average for you while not using Honorbuddy?

The default wait script is 15 seconds since nobody usually has loading screens that take longer than that.

I've developed a new method of 'waiting' that will loop 1 second while the loading screen is active, but it hasn't been fully standardized into the profiles.

I also get this occasionally, I think the client doesnt load the instance properly, and your character stays logged in the instance server untill it times out.

Also is there a way that we can set the defaults for the Azyul Manager (i'd like it to have sell all by default)
Ctrl+F in the profile for: GoThruPortal.
On the line, add MaxRetryCount="X" X being how many times you want it to retry.
Seems that the default is 3.

The line should look something like this:
<CustomBehavior File="GoThruPortal" MaxRetryCount="10" X="3" Y="2" Z="1" />


tried doing that, now my line of code looks like this:

<CustomBehavior File="GoThruPortal" MaxRetryCount="15" Timeout="30000" X="6968.59" Y="-4404.028" Z="442.5896" />

what happens is that now the bot just stops doing anything after 2 tries, no error message, nothing. it just stands there and does nothing, doesn't even stop the profile anymore as before.

what did i do wrong?
I also get this occasionally, I think the client doesnt load the instance properly, and your character stays logged in the instance server untill it times out.

Also is there a way that we can set the defaults for the Azyul Manager (i'd like it to have sell all by default)
Yes, there's documentation inside the profile that explains how to.
The variable names are named 'strangely' for masking purposes.

tried doing that, now my line of code looks like this:

<CustomBehavior File="GoThruPortal" MaxRetryCount="15" Timeout="30000" X="6968.59" Y="-4404.028" Z="442.5896" />

what happens is that now the bot just stops doing anything after 2 tries, no error message, nothing. it just stands there and does nothing, doesn't even stop the profile anymore as before.

what did i do wrong?
I don't see anything from that line.
I'd need a log.
Using base Singular with this on a mage (Specifically deathcharger profile). The combat is VERY delayed and sometimes it gets stuck outside a ziggurat refusing to cast any spells as the mobs beat on me. Common problem?

This is on a 100% fresh install
Never had this reported before.
No idea what's causing it.

Try experimenting with Framelock in your bot settings or CR settings.

any chance on a poundfist camping update for chance at mount?
Someone else requested this on Skype.
I wrote a simple Questing botbase chunk that should handle it.

<Name>Simple Poundfist Farm by Echo</Name>
	<!-- Activate anti-AFK hook. -->
	<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="AntiAFK" UseWhen="Me.IsAFKFlagged" >
		<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="
			Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DeepSkyBlue, &quot;[Azyul]: Clearing AFK.&quot;);
		<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="1000" />

	<!-- Loop bot endlessly to kill Poundfist -->
	<While Condition="true" >
		<RunTo X="6553.312" Y="1589.607" Z="78.84155" /> <!-- Safespot? -->
		<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
		<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobState="Alive" MobId="50985" />
		<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10" />
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as moonkin, when in solar eclipse profile will tell you
[InteractWith-v1762(warning)] Unable to apply event filter for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[InteractWith-v1762(warning)] Cast of Moonfire failed. Reason: Indeterminate
and character do nothing till lunar eclipse.

using Shao-Tein Mogu

on bm hunt
[FlyTo-v1755(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
when i have all flying skills except for maximum speed. but if you are starting bot on fly mount everything alright

The Moonkin issue will need to be addressed.

Hey Echotiger,

Did you happen to find a solution for this problem?


Shao-Tien Mogu profiles have a </If> and not a while at line 280.

I am afraid <If Condition="Me.CurrentEclipse &gt; 0" > <!-- Moonfire --> isn't working. Seems to skip the condition.

I attached a modifed profile and my log, perhaps it'll be of interest for you.


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Im currently lvl 93 and tried to do the gold farms, but it says im too high lvl, what can i do to fix this?


I am experiencing this problem as well. Maybe its an issue with the HB character settings? I am new and so clueless that it would probably help you more if I didn't speculate. I have attached a log.View attachment 5012 2014-11-17 06.42.txt

Edit: Just wanted to say thank you and kudos for the excellent farming pack. First profile I downloaded and have rarely found the need for anything else. Keep up the good work!
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There's nothing I can do about that.

The repair/sell logic is being executed before the profile logic starts.
So if I were to add any overrides into the profile, it would just be ignored.

Finally I got it) thank you very much!

I am experiencing this problem as well. Maybe its an issue with the HB character settings? I am new and so clueless that it would probably help you more if I didn't speculate. I have attached a log.View attachment 151506

Edit: Just wanted to say thank you and kudos for the excellent farming pack. First profile I downloaded and have rarely found the need for anything else. Keep up the good work!
Make sure you're using a fully updated version of the profiles.
i use ur profile on my 5 chars to farm botanica , and my 4 dk's run perfect, but my shadow priest is bugged.
He starts instance and starts to farm, but after some time i find him stuck in Blade's Edge, and at that time my HB icon is kinda bugged.
Dont know what to do to fix this?

Thx in advance!