Yo EchoTiger. Whenever I run Halls of Lightning - Insane, Sometimes the bot bugs out and somehow dies outside the instance in a hole. Then the bot tries to get back into the instance but its corpse isnt in there so is just stops.
Halls of ligthning is by far the best Instance in your pack for me but has quite a few Bugs.
Also, How Can I make it sell the Relic of Ulduar?
It sometimes gives me this message:
[FlyTo-v1755(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
However I do have flying.
Halls of ligthning is by far the best Instance in your pack for me but has quite a few Bugs.
Also, How Can I make it sell the Relic of Ulduar?
It sometimes gives me this message:
[FlyTo-v1755(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
However I do have flying.