I haven't been able to work on Azyul in the past year or so.Hey @EchoTiger, have these profiles been updated to handle the change to how mobs aggro you since WoD? I recall there being a problem before where it would walk past some mobs that it is supposed to kill but wouldnt kill them because they don't auto-aggro level 100s.
I haven't been able to work on Azyul in the past year or so.
I've been too busy working on BuddyTeam things, or other projects.
I believe most of the Casual Farm profiles are set for nearly any level.
But the Optimized Gold Farm pack isn't - I haven't got around to changing the Optimized Gold Farm profiles because most of the people who use it are level 90, and tuning them to work with 100s would cause it to be less efficient for the 90s.
They -should.-Ah fair enough - so the mount farming ones should all work?
Could you explain a bit as to what/where it was getting stuck on/at?Hey I got stuck with my 2nd char this time, last time it unstuck when i cleaned the interface,wtf and cache folder from wow. This time I got stuck and had to be freed from blizz support. (running all mount profile)
Same thing happens with the obsidian profile.
I think this should be the log.
Which one?Is the Shadowfang Keep profile up to date? Will it just run SFK endlessly?
Could you explain a bit as to what/where it was getting stuck on/at?
The log helps, but locations are purely coordinates - which doesn't give me any idea as to where it's getting stuck unless I manually run out and check it.
Type /stats in-gameIt surely only happens when I'm not looking.. XD Been running now since my last post just fine.
How do I view the GPH?
This profile pack isn't being sold. It's free.I want to buy this profile but i wanna know first if the transmog farm for cloth and plate are up to date.
Thank you.
This doesn't sound like a typical profile error - and has never been reported before.So I was running your all mount profile and it was on it's way to stratholme through wetlands I think.
When I noticed that the wow client stopped working and after restarting the client I couldn't login to my char anymore.
The first time i only had to reset some of my wow files but this time I even had to contact the support to reset my char.
Then I tried the stratholme profile from obsidian and the same thing happend, so I had 2 chars stuck.
This sounds like a Mesh error - not really a profile error.Running the mount profile "all mounts" as a DK and it used death gate to get to ebon hold but it couldn't leave the DK area since it got up to the 2nd floor and flew back in again and tried to fly up out of the roof causing it to be stuck forever. Will provide log later
Hmm - shouldn't be.[Singular] /cancel Cat - due to Error 'SPELL_FAILED_NOT_SHAPESHIFT', suppress form until 12:31:45.538!
Is this anything to worry about?