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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Well the previously mentioned frost mage is exactly at 90,remnant of pandaria,i changed to the rogue due to better AoE and movement speed(for some reason the only AoE the mage uses is orb of frost,never blizzard,im searching if there is anywhere i can change that)i can also run on a druid lvl 83 or 84 if im not mistaken,would that help?

and the rivendare problem i mentioned only seemed to happen with the rogue,and the abomination only happened once with the mage
The combat routine controls which spells are cast.
Most combat routines cannot be easily modified to cast whichever spells you want unless you dive directly into the code and rewrite it yourself.

Hm, weird. I've never really seen these issues come up on someone who's at 90 or below.
Could you try with the Druid and tell me how it goes?
i started running it on the Druid,seems to be working perfectly,since the abomination problem is kind of random i cant be 100% certain,but it did ran around 10 or so times perfectly,the vendor part is working too below 5 slots it sells stuff

Also thanks a lot for the help and the profile its truly amazing what you did with it and if you need anything more about the problems i mentioned that i can help with,let me know i got a few other 90 and 100 characters i can try to run this profile on

EDIT: okay i seem to have found another problem and this is by far the weirdest one so far,after it finished one of the runs it went to the main entrance of stratholme and kept trying to cross the gate of Festival Lane until i stopped it reseted instances manually and went back,dont know if i had reached the hourly limit until then and it could not reset,no idea what happened and if it was really a bug or something like it
Hi there Echo Tiger! First off, absolutely love your work! I'm sure you get praise all the time but wanted to tell you to keep up the good work!!

I tried combing through this thread looking for an answer but after going through like 18 of 83 pages i gave up lol.. Is there anyway to change which profile gets run first? I started the bot and it went straight to farming the Deathcharger in Stratholme but I'd rather it farm the raids/ 1-day heroics first THEN switch to deathcharger because it can be ran over and over meaning it won't switch to the other profiles until it can no longer be reset.

Hope that makes sense? Thanks!

*EDIT* I should add I'm running the Get All Mounts profile.

*EDIT 2* Is there any hope of you adding support for Onyxia's Lair and/or Eye of Eternity? Onyxia is easy, the mechanics are straight forward however Eye of Eternity might be a little more tricky because you have to get onto the hoverboards to kill flying mobs, then when you mount the dragons in last phase, however if you're level 100, you can get boss down to 1% in phase 1 fairly easily.

*P.S* Ive gotten the Rivendare's Deathcharger (24 runs) and Drake of the North Wind (8 runs)
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first off i want to say great job on the profiles!
Thank you for your hard work!
one thing i noticed when i was running Grim Batol, my toon wont pull several mobs because unless he literally touches them when he is walking by, they wont get pulled, Im guess this is because of the high level he is.

Also, when hes fighting Drahga shadowburner, he walks off he end of the platform when he boss jumps on his dragon and kills him self
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Very frustrating trying to get them profiles to run. I tried running Kara and TK weekly farm but it takes me to Northrend then bot would stop.

[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 69]: Getting new profile.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 69]: Loading remote code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/master/Navigation/ToNorthrend.xml.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 69]: Loading new profile.
Changing current profile to Frostfever's Weekly Kara Farm [$Rev$]
Thanks for the Karazhan issue report. I'll have it fixed and pushed to the SVN in a few minutes of those post.

For the Tempest Keep profile, I believe it's using depreciated behaviors.
It previously required quest behaviors that no longer works - mainly because the developers who maintained them no longer work on this project.

Here's the missing behavior, I doubt it works but you can try it:
View attachment KaelThas.cs

There's plans to fix these profiles and get them running again - but it may be a while.
Currently I'm assigned to other projects such as Kickz questing, so I haven't been able to work on Azyul much.
Which is better for cata rep grind and gold farming ?

Lost City of the Tol'vir or Grim Batol ?
Reputation and Gold? I'm not sure.
Any humanoid-clustered instances will usually give you the most reputation or gold yeild.

Tol'vir is decent, but Grim Batol also has a nice yeild.
I'd experiement between them.

first off i want to say great job on the profiles!
Thank you for your hard work!
one thing i noticed when i was running Grim Batol, my toon wont pull several mobs because unless he literally touches them when he is walking by, they wont get pulled, Im guess this is because of the high level he is.

Also, when hes fighting Drahga shadowburner, he walks off he end of the platform when he boss jumps on his dragon and kills him self
Yes, the aggro tolerance of these profiles were deisnged for level 90s.
If you're above level 90, then it may not aggro the mobs.

It walking off the edge - that's a new issue.
I'll need to send a tester in to see what's going on there.
The bot shouldn't walk off the edge.
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How can we add mail embersilk cloth to 'player name' to profile

edit:and thanks for the reply about grim batol i'll wear a tabard (ramkahen etc.)
How can we add mail embersilk cloth to 'player name' to profile

edit:and thanks for the reply about grim batol i'll wear a tabard (ramkahen etc.)
Honorbuddy determines what to mail by two things:
1) The profile's mail rarity settings.
2) Your "ForceMail.xml" file.

If you go to the 'Settings & Tools' menu on Honorbuddy and scroll down, near the bottom left you should see overrides that let you control what's sold or mailed.
To mail the cloth, make sure you set it to mail white items.

For the 'ForceMail.xml' file - go to your Honorbuddy folder.
You should see the file in there.
Open it up with a notepad or code editor.
Everything listed in here will be mailed if your override is set to mail that item's rarity.

However, it's important to note that some of my profiles use a custom selling logic such as the "Sell All" profiles.
For these profiles, you will need to manually protect the cloth from being sold so that it can be mailed.

The profiles that use this are typically named: DungeonName - Sell All.xml
If you're using a normal: DungeonName.xml then you should be fine.

All profiles should mail when it goes to vendor.
If it doesn't mail while going to the vendor, then it may because there's no mailbox in the town you vendored at.
At this point, it'll only go to the mailbox if you're under 20 bagslots after selling to a vendor.
This way it saves time.
It might have been just a small bug, i ran it four times and that only happened once. for some reason after the boss wen to jump on the dragon my toon went back and killed some guys then ran back to the boss and walked off the platform directly behind the boss. porb just a hiccup
Hey Echo, can you explain me something? I saw some transmogs need aditional script support for like one part of the set, what is exactly this script support and how do I get it/run it?
Hey Echo, can you explain me something? I saw some transmogs need aditional script support for like one part of the set, what is exactly this script support and how do I get it/run it?
It depends on which one you're running.
Most of the profiles should run independently. There's only a few that requires Quest Behaviors.

Which set(s) are you planning on running?
It depends on which one you're running.
Most of the profiles should run independently. There's only a few that requires Quest Behaviors.

Which set(s) are you planning on running?

Nightslayer Armor, I ran the profile it killed the bosses in the hellfire ramparts went for another dungeon and got stuck in a open field, the bot stoped itself, I started it again and it went back to hellfire ramparts without resetting the instance

EDIT: Testing Uldaman endless farm
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I am using the botanica heavy pulls farming keep netherweave profile and its selling the netherweave now.. it didnt sell it before so i really dont know why this is happening? maybe an honorbuddy issue? if you could look into this and let me know that would be great.
Nightslayer Armor, I ran the profile it killed the bosses in the hellfire ramparts went for another dungeon and got stuck in a open field, the bot stoped itself, I started it again and it went back to hellfire ramparts without resetting the instance

EDIT: Testing Uldaman endless farm
Yea, unfortunately the 'Instance Grinds' and 'Transmog Farms' profiles are both really old and problematic.
There has been plans to actually wipe the Instance Grinds profiles and restart them fresh all as 'Optimized' farms.

From there, dungeon transmog farms can be created from the newly 'Optimized' instance grinds.
Right now I'm working on Kickz' questing, so I haven't been able to focus on Azyul much lately.
So that's really setting things behind. xD

I am using the botanica heavy pulls farming keep netherweave profile and its selling the netherweave now.. it didnt sell it before so i really dont know why this is happening? maybe an honorbuddy issue? if you could look into this and let me know that would be great.
After you start the profile - wait until your character starts moving, then stop the bot.
After that, can you type /dump ProtectedItems and tell me what shows up in your chat?
i started running it on the Druid,seems to be working perfectly,since the abomination problem is kind of random i cant be 100% certain,but it did ran around 10 or so times perfectly,the vendor part is working too below 5 slots it sells stuff

Also thanks a lot for the help and the profile its truly amazing what you did with it and if you need anything more about the problems i mentioned that i can help with,let me know i got a few other 90 and 100 characters i can try to run this profile on

EDIT: okay i seem to have found another problem and this is by far the weirdest one so far,after it finished one of the runs it went to the main entrance of stratholme and kept trying to cross the gate of Festival Lane until i stopped it reseted instances manually and went back,dont know if i had reached the hourly limit until then and it could not reset,no idea what happened and if it was really a bug or something like it
Hey, sorry for the delay.

The only thing that I could guess is that it failed to exit (or enter) the dungeon, and the codes used to make it do so kept running.
This happens very rarly in some situations, but can be avoided if coded correctly.

The profile isn't too old, but I've definitely improved my methods since its creation.
Perhaps if I get the time to, I'll go back and rewrite it to be 'better.'
Hi there Echo Tiger! First off, absolutely love your work! I'm sure you get praise all the time but wanted to tell you to keep up the good work!!

I tried combing through this thread looking for an answer but after going through like 18 of 83 pages i gave up lol.. Is there anyway to change which profile gets run first? I started the bot and it went straight to farming the Deathcharger in Stratholme but I'd rather it farm the raids/ 1-day heroics first THEN switch to deathcharger because it can be ran over and over meaning it won't switch to the other profiles until it can no longer be reset.

Hope that makes sense? Thanks!

*EDIT* I should add I'm running the Get All Mounts profile.

*EDIT 2* Is there any hope of you adding support for Onyxia's Lair and/or Eye of Eternity? Onyxia is easy, the mechanics are straight forward however Eye of Eternity might be a little more tricky because you have to get onto the hoverboards to kill flying mobs, then when you mount the dragons in last phase, however if you're level 100, you can get boss down to 1% in phase 1 fairly easily.

*P.S* Ive gotten the Rivendare's Deathcharger (24 runs) and Drake of the North Wind (8 runs)
Hey, sorry for the delay.
Thanks for the compliments. Despite how many praises I get, every bit helps motivate me. :3

Yes, it's possible to change which profiles are ran first. And it should be fairly easy if you have a code editor.
Once you open the profile, you should be able to collpase each mount farm into 2lines - and delete the lines.
See this GIF for an example:

(EDIT 2:)
There's plans to add more mounts, but I haven't got around to it.
Here recently I've been working on Kickz questing - so its taken most of my time up from Azyul.

Grats! ^^
Yea, unfortunately the 'Instance Grinds' and 'Transmog Farms' profiles are both really old and problematic.
There has been plans to actually wipe the Instance Grinds profiles and restart them fresh all as 'Optimized' farms.

From there, dungeon transmog farms can be created from the newly 'Optimized' instance grinds.
Right now I'm working on Kickz' questing, so I haven't been able to focus on Azyul much lately.
So that's really setting things behind. xD

After you start the profile - wait until your character starts moving, then stop the bot.
After that, can you type /dump ProtectedItems and tell me what shows up in your chat?


Hope this helps. Ive also tried adding netherweave cloth to the list of do not sell in the profile but that hasnt changed anything

Hope this helps. Ive also tried adding netherweave cloth to the list of do not sell in the profile but that hasnt changed anything
I checked the profile and it should be setting that.
When was the last time you updated the profiles? And was it via the SVN or ZIP?
ive only downloaded them 1-2 weeks ago i believe.. got them off the first post.
ill try redownloading them again.