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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

do all your mount runs work?>
The mount farms are a bit 'newer' than the Transmog farms.
As it stands, there are very little known bugs in the mount farm profiles.

They should work for the most part.
If you come across any issues let me know and I'll have them fixed as soon as possible.
The mount farms are a bit 'newer' than the Transmog farms.
As it stands, there are very little known bugs in the mount farm profiles.

They should work for the most part.
If you come across any issues let me know and I'll have them fixed as soon as possible.

Okay your the best! also for transmog farms I know they are old, I manually farmed most of the recolor set besides the shoulders for the bloodfang blue set, but it seems like it cant get the shoulders, do they even drop anymore? if not then maybe I just have really bad luck
Okay your the best! also for transmog farms I know they are old, I manually farmed most of the recolor set besides the shoulders for the bloodfang blue set, but it seems like it cant get the shoulders, do they even drop anymore? if not then maybe I just have really bad luck
Have you been farming them daily?
They only drop in heroic, so you can only attempt it once per day.

If you're farming it in normal, it'll never drop. xD
Have you been farming them daily?
They only drop in heroic, so you can only attempt it once per day.

If you're farming it in normal, it'll never drop. xD

I was doing the mana-tombs on heroic, I guess my luck just sucks for the shoulders lol
Like I said, Black Morass is the last run on the profile.
If it's skipping all the other dungeons, then you probably have the items already unless there's a mistype in the detection.

There must be, cause I only have the gloves.
There must be, cause I only have the gloves.
Hmm, weird. I don't see any error that would be causing it to skip items.
However I did notice it's using the old universal navigation code to get to caverns of time.

I've modified this one a bit. Removed a lot of unecessary parenthesis and changed the navigation code.
I sent a tester on it, and he went to farm the instances that are before Black Morass, so it should work.

View attachment [N+H] Assassination Armor (RC).xml
What profiles do you recommend with good geared lvl 90 druids for best results?? 500+ ilvl

also I am using the HoL suicide sell all profile and /stats2 and /stats dont seem to work.
Please tell where in which folder i need to copy Quest Behaviours. i copied content of your folder Quset Behaviours and paste to Quest Behaviours in honorbuddy folder, Have i done it right ?
Profile Pit of Saron
And in Pit of Saron bot simply dont want to loot mobs, after some time except tiranius, also some MYCTM errors bot try to go through wall and stoping bot after, using TuanHA CR, if i use Singular bot doing nothing at the last boss and dying. I really want to bot will be able to sell BOP epics but he didn't even i rewrite Sell purple True, because lua scripts sell loot , please fix this or tell me how can i disable this scripts in your profile that i can sell epics normally
What profiles do you recommend with good geared lvl 90 druids for best results?? 500+ ilvl

also I am using the HoL suicide sell all profile and /stats2 and /stats dont seem to work.
Make sure you've copied the Quest behaviors over.
Also, don't run any in-game addons.

Please tell where in which folder i need to copy Quest Behaviours. i copied content of your folder Quset Behaviours and paste to Quest Behaviours in honorbuddy folder, Have i done it right ?
Profile Pit of Saron
And in Pit of Saron bot simply dont want to loot mobs, after some time except tiranius, also some MYCTM errors bot try to go through wall and stoping bot after, using TuanHA CR, if i use Singular bot doing nothing at the last boss and dying. I really want to bot will be able to sell BOP epics but he didn't even i rewrite Sell purple True, because lua scripts sell loot , please fix this or tell me how can i disable this scripts in your profile that i can sell epics normally
Yes, the Quest Behavior folder merges with the Quest Behavior folder. Make sure it actually merged - and didn't go inside of it.

Looting isn't handled by the profile at all. All looting should be handled by the bot.
I only ever reccomend using Singular on these profiles because other combat routines will cause bugs.

I can't diagnose your errors without a log or any technical information.
When i wrote /stats or /stats2 nothing shows up 6 months ago it was working but now its not.Do you know why ?
When i wrote /stats or /stats2 nothing shows up 6 months ago it was working but now its not.Do you know why ?
Make sure you have all your in-game addons disabled in case there's a conflict.
Also, have you copied the quest behaviors over to your Honorbuddy folder?
i'll disable them.But i don't know where quest behaviors are if you have a time can you tell me where they are ?

edit:just found lol.
i'll disable them.But i don't know where quest behaviors are if you have a time can you tell me where they are ?

edit:just found lol.
Alright, and is everything working well now?
All of the stats and selling logic is saved on a remote source so that I can make changes in real-time so that you don't have to update the profiles.

The QuestBehaviors allow for this to happen - they pull the code remotely.
If you don't have the QuestBehaviors, then the code will never be pulled - so you won't get /stats or the "Sell All" logic.
Alright, and is everything working well now?
All of the stats and selling logic is saved on a remote source so that I can make changes in real-time so that you don't have to update the profiles.

The QuestBehaviors allow for this to happen - they pull the code remotely.
If you don't have the QuestBehaviors, then the code will never be pulled - so you won't get /stats or the "Sell All" logic.

everything works now ! Thank you for your help :)
im having a bit of trouble when running the Deathcharger's reins endless Farm,whenever i start the profile i get the message "[UserSettings-v2005(warning) @line 465]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it." wich im assuming is why its not doing anything when my bags get filled,its probally a local problem but anyone knows how to fix it?sorry if its a really stupid question,im new to this

EDIT:Also near the end of the same profile sometimes one of the Venom belchers walks out of the moving path so it does not get aggroed,then after it kills the ones that did get pulled the bot stays there trying to melee the remaining one from a large distance,so it gets stuck,ig there is any way i can be more helpful with this information,like logging or something please let me know,as i said before im new to this
im having a bit of trouble when running the Deathcharger's reins endless Farm,whenever i start the profile i get the message "[UserSettings-v2005(warning) @line 465]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it." wich im assuming is why its not doing anything when my bags get filled,its probally a local problem but anyone knows how to fix it?sorry if its a really stupid question,im new to this

EDIT:Also near the end of the same profile sometimes one of the Venom belchers walks out of the moving path so it does not get aggroed,then after it kills the ones that did get pulled the bot stays there trying to melee the remaining one from a large distance,so it gets stuck,ig there is any way i can be more helpful with this information,like logging or something please let me know,as i said before im new to this
The use of 'FindVendorsAutomatically' was actually to disable it so that Honorbuddy wouldn't search for vendors.
The vendor list is hardcoded into the profile. This attribute is no longer used - so it does absolutely nothing now.
So, the error you're seeing isn't causing any issues.

There's lines in the actual profile that determines if your bagslots are below a set number. In this specific profile I believe it's 5 or less.
If you're having errors with it vending, then there's probably something wrong with the profile code.
I'll need to test this because no errors regarding vending have been reported before on this profile.

As far as your Abomination error goes, what combat routine are you using?
oh,i looked at the settings in the profile,its really really weird it actually says -1 supposing im looking at it right
"<Name>Deathcharger's Reins Farm [$Rev$]</Name>

so i just change that i suppose?
About the combat routines i guess im using the Default Assassination Rogue and had the same problem with the Default Frost Mage
one more problem i seem to find every now and then but this only happened on the rogue is that it works all the way to Rivendare,it stops at the door i get the "[Azyul]: Rivendare still seems lootable. Enabling failsafe." message while he is still alive,then the rogue turns around and tries to exit the instance to restart the process,whenever i saw that happen i paused and manually killed him so im not 100% sure if he would just go back a bit or all the way out
oh,i looked at the settings in the profile,its really really weird it actually says -1 supposing im looking at it right
"<Name>Deathcharger's Reins Farm [$Rev$]</Name>

so i just change that i suppose?
About the combat routines i guess im using the Default Assassination Rogue and had the same problem with the Default Frost Mage
one more problem i seem to find every now and then but this only happened on the rogue is that it works all the way to Rivendare,it stops at the door i get the "[Azyul]: Rivendare still seems lootable. Enabling failsafe." message while he is still alive,then the rogue turns around and tries to exit the instance to restart the process,whenever i saw that happen i paused and manually killed him so im not 100% sure if he would just go back a bit or all the way out
No, the -1 is there intentionally to prevent Honorbuddy from attempting to vendor while the dungeon is being ran.
If the bot does happen to want to vendor while the dungeon is being ran, it bot will get stuck indefiniately since there's no vendors in the dungeon.

Instead of changing that, use CTRL+F and search for Me.FreeBagSlots. You should find several occurences of it.
For each occuence - a check is made to make sure you have enough bagslots before the profile continues.
You'll also see a number shortly after it (the number should be 5 or 4)
You can change these number to suit your needs. For the one that's 4, make sure you minus one off whatever you set the 5 to.

It sounds like the majority of the problems you're having is because you're running on level 100s.
The profile was created before Draenor was released, so the aggro tolerance is only set for level 90s (and below.)
I've not really been able to go back and adjust this yet - but it's on the todo list.
If you have anyone that's 90 or below, could you try running it on them?
I'll get testers of the clases you used on this by tomorrow and I'll see if I can get the situation you're having to occur on my end.
Well the previously mentioned frost mage is exactly at 90,remnant of pandaria,i changed to the rogue due to better AoE and movement speed(for some reason the only AoE the mage uses is orb of frost,never blizzard,im searching if there is anywhere i can change that)i can also run on a druid lvl 83 or 84 if im not mistaken,would that help?

and the rivendare problem i mentioned only seemed to happen with the rogue the abomination problem however happened with both,trying to melee it from a distance and getting the too far away message