Please don't double post.
I only suggest using Singular on these profiles.Hello, which combat routine do you suggest using as Prot Paladin?
The AM profiles are broken at the moment and are awaiting to be rolled-back.Hi echo
i'm using Gundrak profile with Azyul Manager. but AM menu doesnt open and profile doesnt use mammoth for selling and vendor. how can i fix this?
DoWhen excepts the predicate to be "false" after execution.Echo, hi
There are a lines in Azyul profile
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="MoveDefHook" AllowUseDuringCombat="True" UseWhen="(Me.Combat && Me.IsMoving && Me.IsInInstance && Me.IsAlive) && ((!WoWSpell.FromId(2983).Cooldown) || (Me.HealthPercent <= 20 && !WoWSpell.FromId(5277).Cooldown))"
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(2983);" />
which use Sprint(spell id 2983). But when i change it to Burst of Speed(spell id 137573) the honorbuddy shows the erorr
[DoWhen-v2009(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(MoveDefHook), predicate (() => (Me.Combat && Me.IsMoving && Me.IsInInstance && Me.IsAlive) && (!WoWSpell.FromId(137573).Cooldown)) was not reset by execution.
This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.
Routine singular
May You help to resolve this?
I don't see any reports of a Fatal Error in this log.Sometimes got fatal error when entering dungeon.I use profile DTK heavy pull
In log 1380, the bot claims it failed going to a CTM coordinate - which is the coordinate used to enter the dungeon.Help - Fatal error me every time he comes in output Gundrak -View attachment 176696View attachment 176697
Alright, using the normal dungeon profile, I have now managed to obtain the head piece from Steamvault. This is now the part where it needs to leave Outland to go to Old Hillsbrad Foothills. So it flies from Zangarmarsh back to the Dark Portal, and keeps getting stuck as you cannot go back through the Dark Portal anymore, you can only use the Orgrimmar / Stormwind portals which are located there. There is no other way of getting around this, as it keeps flying back to that spot, no matter where I go. Keeps getting stuck now.
If you're experiencing this issue, then the profile you're using is out of date.What I have done as a workaround, is to modify the script:
I removed the Remotescripts for "GoToOutland" as I have now completed that and need to get rid of that to get past this. Then I removed the code which wouldve made it go through the Dark Portal. A suggestion on how you can fix it, is to make it use the Orgrimmar / Stormwind Portals at the Dark Portal instead of trying to fly through it is that cannot be done anymore, and then fly from Orgrimmar to Ratchet, or whatever needs to be done for Alliance.
If you're experiencing this issue, then the profile you're using is out of date.
The navigation system has been re-worked months ago and it should be a lot more efficient than the previous one.
The issue you're running across is most-likely leftover old navigation code that wasn't properly replaced by the new code.
I'll add this to the bug tracker.
She goes up to the end , and Gundrak It stopped Here , Walking More SHE DOES NOT out of the dungeon![]()
View attachment 176710View attachment 176711