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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

[Azyul Updater]: No new profile updates detected, continuing profile.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 62]: Getting new profile.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 62]: Loading remote code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/master/Navigation/ToEasternKingdoms.xml.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 62]: Loading remote code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/master/Navigation/ToOutland.xml.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 62]: Loading remote code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/master/Navigation/ToNorthrend.xml.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 62]: Loading remote code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/master/Navigation/ToKalimdor.xml.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 62]: Loading new profile.
Changing current profile to Azyul ~ Master Mount Farm [$Rev$]

and then nothing happens.
same problem
Should be fixed in the latest update.
ok it works now.
but the ravenlord still didnt get looted and the blue drake boss gets killed to fast so he drops no loot. pls take a look at this
So these don't auto load like all the other profiles in here. Can anyone make a video of how to set them up? I've tried and haven't had any luck. Would be much appreciated!

ok it works now.
but the ravenlord still didnt get looted and the blue drake boss gets killed to fast so he drops no loot. pls take a look at this
I'll look into it.

I've deployed a fix for the Raven Lord bug.
About to work on the other issue.​
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So these don't auto load like all the other profiles in here. Can anyone make a video of how to set them up? I've tried and haven't had any luck. Would be much appreciated!

Yea, they should be looting.
There's no setup to these profiles aside from copying the quest behaviors.

Which profile are you using and what class are you using with it?
Neither of my bots sells to the vendor.

I've tried both Halls of lightning and the Gundrak Profiles.
They work perfectly until full bags then they just stand at the vendor but doesn't actually sell anything.

I get this error code when i load a dungeon profile "Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException" (Not sure if it has anything to do with the vendor issue)

Your profile has worked great and i thank you for that, but 2 days ago they started not selling to the vendor.
Neither of my bots sells to the vendor.

I've tried both Halls of lightning and the Gundrak Profiles.
They work perfectly until full bags then they just stand at the vendor but doesn't actually sell anything.

I get this error code when i load a dungeon profile "Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException" (Not sure if it has anything to do with the vendor issue)

Your profile has worked great and i thank you for that, but 2 days ago they started not selling to the vendor.
I'll need a log.
Chances are you didn't copy the quest behaviors over.

The latest versions of Azyul requires Quest Behaviors which should be located on the newest ZIP or SVN update -
these allow a lot of the code to be remotely pulled so there's not 650 versions - but instead a master copy that can be edited at any time without requiring a profile update.
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Maybe I just suck at these type of things but I'm pretty sure I already moved quest behaviors folder from the file I downloaded into the quest behaviors folder in the honorbuddy folder. Then I try to load the profile through the honorbuddy app, from the file section like the other profiles I've downloaded, and I don't get the option to load any of these profiles. :(
Try Halls of Lightning.

i did it and it didn't work well to me, my char still die in medium mode(or high) of HoL. Like i said she's 90 with 467 ilvl and frost dk.
Does the lite mode oh HoL give more gph then Heavy Gundrak? what is your best suggestion?
hi, how i can make the bot/profil to sell drink/cloth on azyul profiles ? and sometime the bot just block at "[Azyul]: Opening Plundered Treasure Chest." if you guys can help me would be nice :)
Maybe I just suck at these type of things but I'm pretty sure I already moved quest behaviors folder from the file I downloaded into the quest behaviors folder in the honorbuddy folder. Then I try to load the profile through the honorbuddy app, from the file section like the other profiles I've downloaded, and I don't get the option to load any of these profiles. :(
That sounds like an issue with the bot itself.
You may want to try a fresh install - if the error continues report it to the Support Section with a log.

i did it and it didn't work well to me, my char still die in medium mode(or high) of HoL. Like i said she's 90 with 467 ilvl and frost dk.
Does the lite mode oh HoL give more gph then Heavy Gundrak? what is your best suggestion?
You may need to add wait timers in between the pulls to give the bot time to think before it attempts to go to the next pull.
If you don't know how to do this - tell me and I'll make an edit for you.

hi, how i can make the bot/profil to sell drink/cloth on azyul profiles ? and sometime the bot just block at "[Azyul]: Opening Plundered Treasure Chest." if you guys can help me would be nice :)
This is already explained in the solution center.

To make it sell food+water, disable your "Refreshment Detection" plugin, and remove the Food+Water entries from your "Settings & Tools"

To make it sell cloth, remove the cloth you're wanting it to sell from your "Protected Items.xml" file which is located where your Honorbuddy executable is.

I have a little question for you :), that it would be the best donjon to farm some gold with a DK ? i farm grim batol for the moment but a other donjon should be better :)
Hi, I have a problem. My bot is doing Gun'Drak. Then he goes to the "market" and doesn't sell anything. I need help.
[Azyul]: Moving to Sell, Repair and Mail.
[Azyul]: You're still under 20 bagslots after selling. Moving to mail.
[Azyul]: Moving to Sell, Repair and Mail.
(On Gun'Drak Sell Everything)
Such amazing profiles, got my Stone Drake, Wind Drake and finally farming Deathcharger's Reins to finish it all off! Stone drake dropped in 28 runs, Wind Drake in 200+ runs -_- and I'm currently on run 112 for the Deathcharger's reins! Hopefully it will drop soon hahah... Good luck to all
in general is a problem "your mobile guild bank was not detected continuing run" turnip stuffed crows all exhibited profile [AM - Alpha] Drak'Tharon Keep ran it a bit and noticed when he goes full bags sold off and gives an error I restart it immediately click on the checkboxes of the deposit, it happens so I do 1-4 All the same times and he encourages the bank and letil as usual, but an hour later the same mistakes, and if we click on the checkboxes deposit after starting the bot when he began to farm these ticks will not be involved need to press them as soon as the boat started, tell me can get by in Visitors should be put to these ticks once already allocated
Do not run your route after yesterday's patch
Not a profile issue.
It looks to me like your computer failed to download the Mesh for Botanica.

[07:46:43.098 V] Downloading TempestKeepAtrium
[07:46:43.519 D] Failed to download TempestKeepAtrium

You may want to report this to a support thread.


I have a little question for you :), that it would be the best donjon to farm some gold with a DK ? i farm grim batol for the moment but a other donjon should be better :)
Several are decent, I couldn't tell you specifics since its been so long since I've actually farmed them.

A lot of people are farming Halls of Lightning.

Hi, I have a problem. My bot is doing Gun'Drak. Then he goes to the "market" and doesn't sell anything. I need help.
[Azyul]: Moving to Sell, Repair and Mail.
[Azyul]: You're still under 20 bagslots after selling. Moving to mail.
[Azyul]: Moving to Sell, Repair and Mail.
(On Gun'Drak Sell Everything)
I'm guessing you didn't copy the quest behaviors.
You need to copy them - as instructed by the original post.

in general is a problem "your mobile guild bank was not detected continuing run" turnip stuffed crows all exhibited profile [AM - Alpha] Drak'Tharon Keep ran it a bit and noticed when he goes full bags sold off and gives an error I restart it immediately click on the checkboxes of the deposit, it happens so I do 1-4 All the same times and he encourages the bank and letil as usual, but an hour later the same mistakes, and if we click on the checkboxes deposit after starting the bot when he began to farm these ticks will not be involved need to press them as soon as the boat started, tell me can get by in Visitors should be put to these ticks once already allocated
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying, but turnip stuffed crows sounds tasty.

The checkboxes will uncheck themselves if your character is logged out or disconnected.
To fix this, you must edit the profile with a text or code editor.

Written in the profile is instructions on how to set the default settings.