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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

It seems that none of the "optimized gold farm DUNGEONS" profiles are working. It says that the "While loop could not be parsed" in the hb log. I'll add a log in a bit.

Also should we be getting updates of your profiles off of github now?
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Hey, I am a total noob having trouble with the jade plate grind. I get an XML error every time I try to initiate, I'm sure I am just doing something wrong. I unpacked zip and then copied the quest behavior files from the zip into the HB quest behavior folder. I apologize if I am posting this in the wrong place. Any help would be appreciated! I attached my log... i think. Thanks!

View attachment 175183
Is this the XML error that's giving you problems?

[COLOR="#FF0000"]XML Error: Unknown tag "CustomBehavior" (Input: "<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" FindVendorsAutomatically="False" LootMobs="True" PullDistance="50" KillBetweenHotspots="True" LogoutForInactivity="False" />") in "HBProfile"! - On line 59[/COLOR]

If so, you should be able to ignore it without it affecting the profile.
in lost city because im level 100 most of the mobs dont even detect me when my char walks into them so it misses them over and over
The profiles are older than the Draenor expansion, so they were mostly designed for level 90s.

Can you tell me which Tol'vir profile you're using?

the gph posted at the 1st post ... still real?

what profile have the higher gph right now?

i have a monk lvl90
The stats were recorded when the profiles were first created.
I doubt the numbers are still accurate.

Halls of Lightning - Insanity, Bank Money + Sell All dont work, other profiles work good,after starting this profile writes Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.
I'm getting the same issue as Dexterss, but with all Gundrak profiles.
D: \ Bot \ farm gold \ Azyultrunk \ Optimized Gold Farms \ Dungeons \ Outlands \ Heavy Pulls \ The Botanica - Extras
The Botanica - Sell Everything.xml
This not working.
It seems that none of the "optimized gold farm DUNGEONS" profiles are working. It says that the "While loop could not be parsed" in the hb log. I'll add a log in a bit.

Also should we be getting updates of your profiles off of github now?
Try with the latest SVN update.
Halls of Lightning - Insanity, Bank Money + Sell All now work, but now hes not sell items to the trader :D
Halls of Lightning - Insanity, Bank Money + Sell All now work, but now hes not sell items to the trader :D
I need more detail.
Could you post a log?
Are you running any addons?

Nevermind, I found the issue.
The code to pull the selling logic was missing.
It should be fixed in the latest SVN update.​
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Running GRIM BATOL heroic on lvl 100 warlock - 0 drops unless its a boss.. everything else cant be looted.. is this common? EDIT: (As in the other mobs doesnt drop - only bosses drop items)
Is the calculations only based on boss-loots?
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Running GRIM BATOL heroic on lvl 100 warlock - 0 drops unless its a boss.. everything else cant be looted.. is this common? EDIT: (As in the other mobs doesnt drop - only bosses drop items)
Is the calculations only based on boss-loots?

Is your pet killing all trash mobs? Put it on passive or dismiss it.
Running GRIM BATOL heroic on lvl 100 warlock - 0 drops unless its a boss.. everything else cant be looted.. is this common? EDIT: (As in the other mobs doesnt drop - only bosses drop items)
Is the calculations only based on boss-loots?
As Katzt suggested, make sure your pet is on passive.
If it's on defensive (or assist), while your character is pulling the mobs your pet will be soloing them, causing you to not able to loot them.
Not Work -> Drake of the North Wind - Endless Farm

Honorbuddy say:

Warning: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException" wurde ausgelöst.
Changing current profile to Drake of the North Wind[$Rev$]
Not Work -> Drake of the North Wind - Endless Farm

Honorbuddy say:

Warning: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException" wurde ausgelöst.
Changing current profile to Drake of the North Wind[$Rev$]
Have you copied the quest behaviors?
If not, re-download the ZIP and you should see a folder called "QUEST BEHAVIORS" in there, make sure you copy them over to your Honorbuddy directory.
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D: \ Bot \ farm gold \ Azyultrunk \ Optimized Gold Farms \ Dungeons \ Outlands \ Heavy Pulls \ The Botanica - Extras
The Botanica - Sell Everything.xml
This because there is some error is not selling the items and flying area 52 without.


D: \ Bot \ farm gold \ Azyultrunk \ Optimized Gold Farms \ Dungeons \ Outlands \ Heavy Pulls \ The Botanica - Extras
The Botanica - Sell Everything.xml
This because there is some error is not selling the items and flying area 52 without.
Your log isn't showing that LoadRemoteCode is active.
Have you copied the Quest Behaviors over?
Where active Load Remote Code?
You must copy the Quest Behaviors from the Azyul folder to your Honorbuddy folder.


After you copy them, you'll have to restart Honorbuddy.
That was the exact message I was getting. It would let me press start and then it would stop immediately because it would say "nothing left to do." I just fired it up however on the same character in the same spot and its up and running without issue! I have no idea what I was doing wrong, I'm just glad its working now! thank you
Hey All!
Just started trying this one out:)

but, do any of you have any hints to like, what dungeon is most profitable or something? :)
what should i go with to gain the best gph?
I ran the Tol'Vir profile from the cataclysm as a 100lvl hunter and it made me about 20 gold every 5 minutes ( this was how long it took for the run to end ), it works perfect, but the gains aren't that much. So I'm going to run another profile of you.

EDIT : Would it be possible to make a suicide pull with x2/3/4? I would like to test them for you.
EDIT 2 : Will test all the untested/unstat profiles in the coming days.
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