I'll looking into it. I'll try to edit this if any fixes are made.yeah random profiles (like the gundrak+dark tharon one) don't work anymore. tried fresh installing, no luck.
Read the solution center.Hi there I now only have 1 problem with your great [AM - Alpha] The Botanica script.
It loots things such as > Mag'har brainbread, Purified Draenic Water, Smoked Talkbuk Vension, Super Healing Potion, Super Mana Potion, Sunfury Signet.
I don't mind it picking such things up but my problem is, it doesnt sell any of them & just lets them stack up in my inventory. Is there something i'm missing that allows the script to still mail all the cloth to my alt BUT sell all this useless stuff?
Make sure you're using the newest SVN update.cant get nexus farmning profile to start working. What could be the problem?
Delete "SwitchTarget.cs" and "KillOrder.cs" from your QuestBehavior folder.Tried fresh installation, nothing works. This is the error message that comes up when I try to run any of your profiles now:
https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...-guides/124801-guide-download-update-svn.htmlThen I'm confused on how SVN's work can anyone help me out?
I need a full log.Hello. Gundrak crash
MoveTo failed to move to the location: <1889.699, 643.147, 176.6776>
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft, JumpAscend
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeRight, JumpAscend
[MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeRight
[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <1897.259, 657.8406, 176.6371> from <1853.502, 632.2906, 126.2241>
Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
I'll look into it.Trying to run underbog and i get the error :
2 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Endless Underbog Farm [$Rev$]'
'If' xml element on line number 386 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__111()
return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.Alliance)();
1) 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer' does not contain a definition for 'Alliance' and no extension method 'Alliance' accepting a first argument of type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) at offset 0
'If' xml element on line number 400 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__112()
return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.Horde)();
1) 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer' does not contain a definition for 'Horde' and no extension method 'Horde' accepting a first argument of type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.LocalPlayer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) at offset 0
This error shouldn't cause any problems.When running HoL Suicide runs I keep getting this error
[Azyul]: Shifting to cat form.
[DoWhen-v2009(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(UseCatForm), predicate (() => (Me.Combat && Me.IsMoving && Me.IsInInstance && Me.IsAlive) && (!Me.HasAura(768))) was not reset by execution.
This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.
I may need to add termination codes to the CTM as well to prevent this issue entirely.just got this error when it went outside of the instance to reset
[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-227.6965, 40.74854, -46.01999> from <-6066.36, -2954.85, 209.772>
I think it may have been cause my MrItemRemover running at the same time I went out of this instance, cause it reset fine before
Fixed in the latest SVN update.getting errors like this, will complete one heroic then these errors...
2 compiler errors encountered in profile '[ND] Stormrage Raiment (RC) [$Rev$]''If' xm--snip--
Fixed in the latest SVN update.Getting this error when loading up SFK - Endless Farm on a fresh HB install. Log here - View attachment 173599
[11:00:30.485 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[11:00:30.485 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[11:01:03.803 D] Activity: Loading Profile...
No problem.Thank you Echo! I will try it out tonight! Much appreciated![]()
Are you using a "Sell All" profile? Or any specialized profile aside from the original "DungeonName.xml"I'm also noticing after I upgraded my bags to 28 slots when it goes to sell it doesn't empty all my bags.
You may have to increase the sell loops.Yes, it's been selling every time fine up until I changed bags, now it's only selling half of each bag.
Yea, it will.I'll try that but if I edit the profile won't it just get overwritten next time I update the SVN?
That seemed to work thank you! I hope no one else is having this issue and just isn't realizing it.Yea, it will.
Just make a copy of the profile with a new name and the SVN won't touch it.
It's a very situational error.That seemed to work thank you! I hope no one else is having this issue and just isn't realizing it.
Last I checked in-dungeon death support was broken.Is honorbuddy broken again? Bot can not re-spawn after dying in Gundrak he just stays at the graveyard saying that waiting time remaining 0s out of 1s
Could you post a log of it?About a month ago i was running my bots and they were re-spawning just fine
Fixed in the latest SVN update.When using profile Assassination Armor (RC) i get following error:
1 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Assassination Armor (RC) [$Rev$]'
'If' xml element on line number 550 has following errors with code: public System.Boolean __ExpressionFunc__65()
return new System.Func<System.Boolean>(() => Me.Location.Distance(new WoWPoint(3272.297, 4678.323, 103.5689 < 500)();
1) ) expected at offset 0
Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
probly just me failing, any hints? love your work btw!