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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

There will be a fix soon.
The people you are seeing are the Chinese botters, they're using a different bot which is probably specifically designed to do that.

The Questing botbase was never meant to do what I'm doing with it.

Will this fix be from honorbuddy side, i mean in the bot itself.. or a changed code in your profile , to bypass the 'honorbuddy mistake'?
Will this fix be from honorbuddy side, i mean in the bot itself.. or a changed code in your profile , to bypass the 'honorbuddy mistake'?
It will be in a bot update.
You could try a modified version of the DoWhen behavior, but I don't know how well it'll work for you.


Put it here:
Honorbuddy Folder / Quest Behaviors / Hooks /
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It depends on which profile you're using.
Could you give me the full name of the profile?

yeah its the endless farm heavy pulls for both gundrak and the botanica. it constantly sells my tabards, engineering items, cloth etc. basically everything that isnt epic and has a sell price, even when i put them in itemremover's protected list. anyway to stop this?
@EchoTiger i saw there is a "plugin"wich should run to the instance when he has died inside, but is there any working version now, cus i am getin this
Compiler Error: c:\pc\Games\Bddy\Plugins\DeathRun\DeathRun.cs(49,30) : error CS0115: 'DeathRun.DeathRun.Initialize()': no suitable method found to override
Compiler Error: c:\pc\Games\Bddy\Plugins\DeathRun\DeathRun.cs(58,30) : error CS0115: 'DeathRun.DeathRun.Dispose()': no suitable method found to override
yeah its the endless farm heavy pulls for both gundrak and the botanica. it constantly sells my tabards, engineering items, cloth etc. basically everything that isnt epic and has a sell price, even when i put them in itemremover's protected list. anyway to stop this?
It doesn't have "Sell Everything" or anything like that on the name?
You'd want to put them on your actual ProtectedItems.xml list, not a plugin's protection list.

ProtectedItems is located where your Honorbuddy executable is.

@EchoTiger i saw there is a "plugin"wich should run to the instance when he has died inside, but is there any working version now, cus i am getin this
Compiler Error: c:\pc\Games\Bddy\Plugins\DeathRun\DeathRun.cs(49,30) : error CS0115: 'DeathRun.DeathRun.Initialize()': no suitable method found to override
Compiler Error: c:\pc\Games\Bddy\Plugins\DeathRun\DeathRun.cs(58,30) : error CS0115: 'DeathRun.DeathRun.Dispose()': no suitable method found to override
I was experimenting with an improved version, but it's not suitable for use at the moment.

That aside, the one that's floating around is the only one.
hi, karazhan profile keeps flying like crazy at the left side of the instace
Do you have a log of this?

happens to me aswell but im level 96. Does the level matter?
Most of the profiles were created for a level 90's aggro tolerance.
The pulls were so 'fine-tuned' that as a level 90 it barely would pull the mobs to increase optimization.

If you're above 90, then the aggro circle will reduce, causing some pulls to be missed.
There's plans to nudge the pull coordinates closer to the mobs.

The first issue is most-likely the issue that was previously fixed in the off-SVN/ZIP cloud.
I'll see about porting those fixes over to the public profiles.


The looting issue can be resolved by turning up your loot distance in "Settings & Tools."

Thank you very much :)

The Gundrak GPH drop, I wouldn't know anything about - I've not botted in nearly a year.
If your referencing based off of Statter! and you're using a gold deposit profile, then you may be getting bad calculations since Statter! wasn't designed to handle negative amounts of gold.
Yes, I've read that you are not botting anymore, that was more a community question :)
I'm not basing my calculations on /stats. I went old school with them :p I watched my gold income after selling all the loot. I did this for nearly 10 hours. and my GPH was ~750. (I calculated my GPH the same way when I was earning almost 1k). I'm not depositing my gold on my guild bank or anything like that.
Hello, i am useing the Drak'Tharon keep profile, because theres simply too many people ganking at Gundrak, but the Drak profile does not seem to put gold in guild bank, do you have 1 that will do this?
well seems that version that i have does nothing, can u link that who goes around ?
Azyul Cloud - DeathRun
Unfortunately it may be the same one you're using.

Hello, i am useing the Drak'Tharon keep profile, because theres simply too many people ganking at Gundrak, but the Drak profile does not seem to put gold in guild bank, do you have 1 that will do this?
Use the AM-Alpha version.
It does everything you need.
So I figured out in Grim batol the issue with the falling in the lava is only as a feral cat, as a bear I've yet to fall in the lava and didn't have any issues over night. Usually if i go to bed as feral cat it will have died and d/ced within an hour or two. So I guess slower farming but uninterupted
Hello EchoTiger,
I currently use your profiles for farming Sra'Vess and what I noticed is that the amount of gph is smaller than from other bots, which use a simple agro one mob - kill one mob way of thinking. But on the other hand, your profile pulls much more mobs than any other bot I tested. Watching the bot work I saw that what happens is that it pulls some mobs, starts running to the next hotspot to agro more, but looses the first pack on the way there... I tried changing the pull distance, but it still does the same thing. Changing the amount of mobs it pulls causes it to ignore a bunch of mobs standing nearby and kill them after the first pack is finished with, what results in slower farming. So the question is... Is it possible to get the profile to pull all mobs in a hotspot and only after that move to the next location?
Oy, as one of the first profile's I'm givin' a try I was terribly enthusiastic about these Mount farm runs, having logged over 300kills on Altairus I can't wait to get it without any further effort!

Despite having the other mounts, those runs work just fine (reset > enter > move to boss > loot said boss > back to entrance > wait till 6 minutes have passed > exit & repeat), however the Vortex Pinnacle mount run stops upon killing & looting Altairus, it keeps saying; "Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center' ", followed by; "No viable mobs in area" and it just stand on Altairus location. When I wanna move the toon, the bot puts it back in Altairus location.

I've a Balance Druid without any UI enhancements (not while running the bot atleast). Any idea to what I can do to remedy this situation? I've reinstalled Honorbuddy, reinstalled & updated (.zip & SVN) this profile-set.
Spank you very much :)
Rawr. ;3

So I figured out in Grim batol the issue with the falling in the lava is only as a feral cat, as a bear I've yet to fall in the lava and didn't have any issues over night. Usually if i go to bed as feral cat it will have died and d/ced within an hour or two. So I guess slower farming but uninterupted
Huh interesting.
I could imagine other classes with passive speed buffs would also suffer from the issue.

No doubt it's the bot's precision being thrown off by the increased speed.

Hello EchoTiger,
I currently use your profiles for farming Sra'Vess and what I noticed is that the amount of gph is smaller than from other bots, which use a simple agro one mob - kill one mob way of thinking. But on the other hand, your profile pulls much more mobs than any other bot I tested. Watching the bot work I saw that what happens is that it pulls some mobs, starts running to the next hotspot to agro more, but looses the first pack on the way there... I tried changing the pull distance, but it still does the same thing. Changing the amount of mobs it pulls causes it to ignore a bunch of mobs standing nearby and kill them after the first pack is finished with, what results in slower farming. So the question is... Is it possible to get the profile to pull all mobs in a hotspot and only after that move to the next location?
Compare the KPH.

I never got around to adding a termination code if the mobs are pulled too far.
You could always try a lesser pull density though.
Oy, as one of the first profile's I'm givin' a try I was terribly enthusiastic about these Mount farm runs, having logged over 300kills on Altairus I can't wait to get it without any further effort!

Despite having the other mounts, those runs work just fine (reset > enter > move to boss > loot said boss > back to entrance > wait till 6 minutes have passed > exit & repeat), however the Vortex Pinnacle mount run stops upon killing & looting Altairus, it keeps saying; "Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center' ", followed by; "No viable mobs in area" and it just stand on Altairus location. When I wanna move the toon, the bot puts it back in Altairus location.

I've a Balance Druid without any UI enhancements (not while running the bot atleast). Any idea to what I can do to remedy this situation? I've reinstalled Honorbuddy, reinstalled & updated (.zip & SVN) this profile-set.
Hrrm, I'll sniff out the profile and see what's going on.
There may be a stray interaction code that isn't set to terminate properly.
Rawr. ;3

Huh interesting.
I could imagine other classes with passive speed buffs would also suffer from the issue.

No doubt it's the bot's precision being thrown off by the increased speed.
Actually, I'm half sure I witnessed something that might cause it.
The bot randomly jumps sometimes. In Grim Batol, you're always pretty close to falling into lava. A random jump too close to an edge, and you're dead. Obviously having more movement speed increases the danger, but I'm pretty sure the risk is still there without any.