Oy, as one of the first profile's I'm givin' a try I was terribly enthusiastic about these Mount farm runs, having logged over 300kills on Altairus I can't wait to get it without any further effort!
Despite having the other mounts, those runs work just fine (reset > enter > move to boss > loot said boss > back to entrance > wait till 6 minutes have passed > exit & repeat), however the Vortex Pinnacle mount run stops upon killing & looting Altairus, it keeps saying; "Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center' ", followed by; "No viable mobs in area" and it just stand on Altairus location. When I wanna move the toon, the bot puts it back in Altairus location.
I've a Balance Druid without any UI enhancements (not while running the bot atleast). Any idea to what I can do to remedy this situation? I've reinstalled Honorbuddy, reinstalled & updated (.zip & SVN) this profile-set.