I'm playing with a lvl 100 DK. Today I used the '[N] Lost City of the Tol'vir - (x1) - Guild Bank Money+Embersilk' profile (Suicide profile) for my first time. Sometimes (3 out of 5 times I would say) when I clear the instance my toon just keeps waiting without exiting (then he goes AFK with the subsequent disconnect after a while). This happens even when my bags are full and the bot is supposed to start the vendor+repair routine. If I move him out of the instance (manually) the bot continues with its normal behavior.
Is anyone else having this problem? / anyone knows how to fix this? (I'm new to botting and I have no idea about profile editing).
In addition to that, I run Gundrak with a lvl 90 paladin. I usually make ~900-1000 GPH with the Gundrak heavy profile, but in the last few days I only get to ~750GPH. I've watched my toon running the instance and its behavior seems to be the same as when it made ~900-1000GPH (clears the instance in less than 6 min 8sec, attacks/loots almost everything, kills all the bosses...). Have you noticed a drop on your GPH? I asked a friend who runs the same profile and he noticed the same.
Thank you for your answers
EDIT: With the Tol'vir suicide profile the bot never loots lockmaw and sometimes just skips Siamat (Instead of fighting him, it's just mounts and exit the instance as it has killed him)