In your Honorbuddy folder, look for the file named "Protected Items.xml"hello Echo, very big thanks to you. Sorry my English is not so good to say everything I want, but you should know that I'm really grateful to you for your work and yes it online translator.
I have one question: how deleted Elementium Lockbox from selling vendor list. Thx for answer, sorry for my English!
All profiles are created so that epics aren't using the heavy pulls botanica keep netherweave profile, if a blade of wizardry drops (( epic boe) will it sell it or keep it?
I couldn't answer that.Which dg profile would be the best for "just sell all" 100level 610ilvl char?
What revision of the profile are you using?
i use profile Sra'vess World trash farm
my toons is Druid Balance spec
but , i'm start this profile have a some problem
bot say . toon don't have sunfire? and stuck don't walk = ="
I can't confirm since I was asleep.downloads are down... =/
That's up to my really really low pop realm they started to run a lot of bot since today (+10) before that i was the only one to do the grim batol run , should i stop to bot and expect an ban weave incoming for them?
in my really really low pop realm they started to run a lot of bot since today (+10) before that i was the only one to do the grim batol run , should i stop to bot and expect an ban weave incoming for them?
There's not many worth farming.Are any MoP dungeons planed ?
And awsome work useing your grim batol profile atm
Yes, tell me which profile (precisely - exact name and all.)Is there a way to mail or gdeposit boe greens?
For which pull density?Hi Echo, Would be possible to add Gbank + deposit frostweavecloth to Hol Insanity please?
Thanks in advance!
Tol Barad?The Tol Barad suicide profile is not working for me. It's just standing there. It does nothing. I tried moving manually and clearing cache etc, but nothing works.
Edit. It gets stuck on Loading Tiles
Just:Hey guys, I'm new to using this, and now that we are on WoD, I'm not sure how viable this is, or how to properly use it. It's quite confusing to me. Especially since I'm pretty new to Botting. Anyone willing to help and explain how this works and how to use it properly, would be most appreciated. Please pm me your responses, thanks.
If messages are properly quoted, it would make it easier for me to track-back what's going on.In order to avoid trouble looking back the specification hereby I give you as a recap : Guild Bank + Deposit Frostweave Cloth
Density :
Hall of Lightning - Insanity, please
If you plan to fulfill the modification request, could you please distribute via SVN? I believe lots of people would appreciate this profile, Thank you!
If messages are properly quoted, it would make it easier for me to track-back what's going on.
Else, I have to answer 20+ people all at one time and then end up manually going back through every message to find where the conversation started for everyone that doesn't quote.
Custom / Requested / Modified profiles can be found on this public folder:
Azyul Cloud
The behavior is intended (except for it not being able to get on the ramp), and has never been reported as a bug before.Hi guys, my druid when enters gundrak often falls in water (when he jumps down) and the bot is not able to go back on the ramp. Is there a fix for this? maybe forcing to go down the ramp without jumping down?
It deposits all your gold.Thanks will testing it during the day, just one question since I never used GuildBank added profiles, where should I set the amounts of gold, e.g. if I have 8000 then deposit all till left at the toon 100g? ( I did not found in the solution center)
Hello Echo, thx for answer thats help me. I have once more problem. My Paladin 97 lvl and this is not good for me, becouse many Monsters not agro on him. Can i do somethink ? Profile Grim Batol x1
This is a known issue that has been reported several times.Hey again ! Grim Bartol works great , getting around 1,2kg/h an a lot of cloth ... but the bot misses some mobs.
He just walks near them and as a lvl 90 charakter I'm sure he would have pulled them , but now as a lvl 100 charakter he has to walk through them to get aggro.
I think it would increase the g/h if he pulls all the mobs !
All in all great work ! thx very much !
Newer methods have been created that decrease the exiting and entering time of dungeons.Mine is running pretty good so thanks Azyul!
Question though. Is there any way to speed up the process when leaving instance reseting and going back in? and mount up on tundra and selling? Longer it waits outside the more often someone kills my toon.
I don't recommend usage of any plugins or combat routines (other than Singular) when running my profiles.Hi EchoTiger
What unstuck plugin whould you recommend while using your profiles ?
Got a problem with my warriors, they have 50% chance of being stuck under Laj platform in the Botanica