Hi Azyul,
Thank you so much for putting in all the effort and time into these profiles.
I'm currently using the Grim Batol profile and it works like a charm!
However, there are some small issues with pulling packs at lvl 100. Sometimes the range of the hotspot isn't enough.
I did a minor update in the locations and took a bit more risk with the first mob pull.
View attachment 157983
I also had an idea to decrease the running time in the instance. When you've killed the last boss you can use this script to unequip the durability gear and then you can corpse run back to the instance. This decreases the runtime with atleast 4 minutes. /script local t={1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,16,17,18}; for k,v in pairs(t) do PickupInventoryItem(v); PutItemInBackpack(); end
I have little to no experience in creating profiles so it would be awesome if you where able to implement this.
Otherwise I will take a look in the holidays