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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

hello , i am running grim batol suicide optimized gold farming profile but i got a question.How can i get my disc. priest to use holy nova to kill mobs when he picked them all ?In class config my aoe option is open but still my char is using penance , holy fire smite, to kill 50-60 enemies so it takes so long.But holy nova could one shot them all :(
hello , i am running grim batol suicide optimized gold farming profile but i got a question.How can i get my disc. priest to use holy nova to kill mobs when he picked them all ?In class config my aoe option is open but still my char is using penance , holy fire smite, to kill 50-60 enemies so it takes so long.But holy nova could one shot them all :(
Combat-related tasks are only handled by your combat routine.
If the settings aren't working, you would need to manually re-code the combat routine to prioritize the AoE.
There's a boatload of level 92 druids in Stonecore. Is this instance going to be added to the Azyul projects?
Hey Echo!

I add it here aswell if you might forget.
To add the new portals so the bot can travel from SW--> Outland and back and so the bot wont fly back into the sethekk halls cave once it has farmed the instance and about leaving.
It's on the to-do list.

Hello, I downloaded it but now when i run the profile HB loads it and then when i press start it freezes and then all the text disaperes and i get a grey screen on HB... Help please
Your character is located in some random zone.
Start the profile where the dungeon portal is.

Hey Echo, great profile! I was wondering if you had an ETA on the troll mount profile?

Also maybe you can have an option to set hearth to the shrine if the player is at least 90 so you can use the portals? The zep/boat logic can be kinda buggy at times and this would save a lot of time.

The profile has been complete for a while.
There's just no boss-fight support.

At the same time I started working on boss-fight support, I had to drop everything I was doing and work on another project.
I haven't been able to address Azyul since then.
Hi Azyul,

Here is my log.

View attachment 157828
The log suggests that you started the bot while dead.
I don't really see any more information rather than that.

Hey, The bot does not sell cloth and meat that drops in dungeon. Any easy way to fix this ?
Remove it from your Protected Items file as suggested by the Solution Center.
Or use the Sell All profiles.

Bit of an error in the suicide grim batol profile. After killing the 3rd bosses first form, when he jumps down to hop onto his drake, the bot considers the boss dead and continues to run on. This creates further problems in the profile where it either stands still not being able to complete dungeon or it just runs off the cliff and dies and tries to click the ressurect button that isn't there.

Edit: sat here watching it for a while, I've noticed in the GBx1Suicide it also just randomly runs off the edge.
Its a known issue.
Unfortunately most of the logic that's being handled there is by the bot itself, not the profile.
The boss encounter will need a customized behavior to handle the fight.

Echo, i have a problem. Using any Botanica profile. After killing last boss bot stays at the end of instance waiting for needed 10/hour limit. But after needed time ends it starts waiing again new 15 seconds, then again 15 sec, again, again... till it goes afk and dc.
I can't help you without a full log.
I'm searching the log trying to find information I need, but you cut it out.

Hi Azyul,

Thank you so much for putting in all the effort and time into these profiles.
I'm currently using the Grim Batol profile and it works like a charm!
However, there are some small issues with pulling packs at lvl 100. Sometimes the range of the hotspot isn't enough.
I did a minor update in the locations and took a bit more risk with the first mob pull.
View attachment 157983
I also had an idea to decrease the running time in the instance. When you've killed the last boss you can use this script to unequip the durability gear and then you can corpse run back to the instance. This decreases the runtime with atleast 4 minutes. /script local t={1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,16,17,18}; for k,v in pairs(t) do PickupInventoryItem(v); PutItemInBackpack(); end
I have little to no experience in creating profiles so it would be awesome if you where able to implement this.
Otherwise I will take a look in the holidays :-)

It's a known issue.

Also that script wouldn't be the proper way of handling removing items.
Instead, a data-store would need to be created that's deisgned to remember which items are removed, that way they can be properly re-equip after the fact.

There's a boatload of level 92 druids in Stonecore. Is this instance going to be added to the Azyul projects?
Not anytime soon.
I barely even have time to reply to these forum posts. :P
There's a boatload of level 92 druids in Stonecore. Is this instance going to be added to the Azyul projects?

There are also a boatload of Druids (90 - 92) in Grim Batol, all Level 90 boost characters. I see one enter the dungeon ever 20 seconds or so. Based on my timing, they take 8 minutes to clear the dungeon.

So doing some math he is running ~50 bots just on Grim Batol. Looks like he uses a highly customized Bot/profile too, probably not honorbuddy. I think someone on mmo-champion mentioning tricking on of the druids to join a party so he could go inside and witness what was going on. Apparently the druid army is teleporting from mob to mob and running the entire instance incredibly fast.
What should i change in code for selling netherweave cloth instead of putting in in gb? Botanica - Heavy pulls, gb gold and cloth profile.
Is it possible that after it clears a dungeon, it goes into stealth before running out and reset the dungeon? If so can some one help please?
I know it says to use a mage for portals, and I do, but when im in Org and wanna go for Ashes, the bot says"Going to outland, going to boat in ratchet" and starts flying.
So why would it not just use the portal to go to Shattrath?
What should i change in code for selling netherweave cloth instead of putting in in gb? Botanica - Heavy pulls, gb gold and cloth profile.
[Azyul Cloud] The Botanica - Guild Bank Money.
Alternatively, use the AM-Alpha profile. It lets you choose all the settings.

Is it possible that after it clears a dungeon, it goes into stealth before running out and reset the dungeon? If so can some one help please?
CTRL+F in the profile for the words: Timer="Check"
Below this, paste this in:
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(5215); CastSpellByID(1784);" />
The first CastSpell is for Prowl, the second is for Stealth. Either-or can be removed depending on which class you're using.
I know it says to use a mage for portals, and I do, but when im in Org and wanna go for Ashes, the bot says"Going to outland, going to boat in ratchet" and starts flying.
So why would it not just use the portal to go to Shattrath?
It should. Don't see why it doesn't.

Perhaps there's a conditional error somewhere.
Has there been any work done on the instance grind for zul' farrak. when I click start on the bot it just says" Bot Stopping! reason : Nothing more to do", On the info tab it says Goal : Nothing. any ideas?
Has there been any work done on the instance grind for zul' farrak. when I click start on the bot it just says" Bot Stopping! reason : Nothing more to do", On the info tab it says Goal : Nothing. any ideas?
It was created with the demands of a custom quest behavior.
You can try copying over the Quest behavior folder and see if that works.

If not, the sections where the quest behavior are required will need to be modified.
hello Echo, very big thanks to you. Sorry my English is not so good to say everything I want, but you should know that I'm really grateful to you for your work and yes it online translator.
I have one question: how deleted Elementium Lockbox from selling vendor list. Thx for answer, sorry for my English!
im using the heavy pulls botanica keep netherweave profile, if a blade of wizardry drops (( epic boe) will it sell it or keep it?
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I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Can you at least tell me which profile you are using?


i use profile Sra'vess World trash farm
my toons is Druid Balance spec
but , i'm start this profile have a some problem
bot say . toon don't have sunfire? and stuck don't walk = ="
CTRL+F in the profile for the words: Timer="Check"
Below this, paste this in:
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(5215); CastSpellByID(1784);" />
The first CastSpell is for Prowl, the second is for Stealth. Either-or can be removed depending on which class you're using.
Very interesting, although the lvl 100's that come from time to time to camp our bots wont be fooled by a lvl 90 stealth I think :p