Download the new version.
There are no authentication servers available right now. Please try to log in again later. If this message occurs for long periods of time, please inform us in the Support Issues Forum. (Support Issues)
Authentication failed!
Just in HB
GB1 is still runnin fine.
I am having the same error still, i'll keep trying.
Loading Honorbuddy settings.
Gatherbuddy Sessions: 0/0
Honorbuddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 0/0
Invalid Account Details
Authentication failed!
is the message, I am 100% certain the username and password is correct (logged onto the forums), I tried rebooting the program and redownloading it.
I used another account, that one does log in, but this one does not. Maybe it is linked to lifetime accounts? (my other account isn't lifetime)
mine is working fine now just to let you know xD
Ty for the reply, mine is still down though XD. Seems some accounts can log in and others cant :/
Loading Honorbuddy settings.
Gatherbuddy Sessions: 0/0
Honorbuddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 0/0
Invalid Account Details
Authentication failed!