like my window that check files last longer and need more pauseI have earned
On one machine starts on another does not startI have earned
1.1.17 no work. starting window wow and wait
Window location and window resize no work
login and password no work
[6:16:18 PM] 1: Starting C:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[6:16:19 PM] 1: Waiting for Wow to start
[6:16:22 PM] 1: Wow is ready to login.
[6:16:23 PM] 1: Setting Window location to X:0, Y:0 and Size to Width 400, Height:300
[6:16:25 PM] 1: Sending letters to AccountLogin.UI.PasswordEditBox
[6:16:31 PM] 1: Attempting to close Wow
[6:16:37 PM] 1: Killing Wow
1.1.14 no starting window WoW only first window that check files and close
[6:21:48 PM] 1: Starting C:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[6:21:49 PM] 1: Waiting for Wow to start
[6:21:54 PM] 1: WoW failed to load and is an error popup; Restarting
1.1.15 no starting window WoW only first window that check files and pause
[6:20:40 PM] 1: Starting C:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[6:20:41 PM] 1: Waiting for Wow to start
[6:20:43 PM] 1: WoW v7.2.0.23877 failed to load and is a popup. Make sure your WoW installation is updated. Pausing profile.
1.1.17 no work. starting window wow and wait
Window location and window resize no work
login and password no work
[6:16:18 PM] 1: Starting C:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[6:16:19 PM] 1: Waiting for Wow to start
[6:16:22 PM] 1: Wow is ready to login.
[6:16:23 PM] 1: Setting Window location to X:0, Y:0 and Size to Width 400, Height:300
[6:16:25 PM] 1: Sending letters to AccountLogin.UI.PasswordEditBox
[6:16:31 PM] 1: Attempting to close Wow
[6:16:37 PM] 1: Killing Wow
1.1.14 no starting window WoW only first window that check files and close
[6:21:48 PM] 1: Starting C:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[6:21:49 PM] 1: Waiting for Wow to start
[6:21:54 PM] 1: WoW failed to load and is an error popup; Restarting
1.1.15 no starting window WoW only first window that check files and pause
[6:20:40 PM] 1: Starting C:\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe
[6:20:41 PM] 1: Waiting for Wow to start
[6:20:43 PM] 1: WoW v7.2.0.23877 failed to load and is a popup. Make sure your WoW installation is updated. Pausing profile.
[03:59:23] Blackmoore Expires: 21/4/2017 01:03: Sending letters to AccountLogin.UI.PasswordEditBoxI got rid of the dialog checks in this build. Let me know if it fixes the issue
Now it resizes dialog check window instead of wowI got rid of the dialog checks in this build. Let me know if it fixes the issue
does login Wow but do not open honorbuddyThe new 1.1.17 release should now work on VM. Download it here
Can confirm it works on VM.The new 1.1.17 release should now work on VM. Download it here
yes. work on VM. thanks highvoltzThe new 1.1.17 release should now work on VM. Download it here