this might be an oceanic issue only, we have our weekly quests reset on Tuesday and our instances reset on Wednesday. This means today the weekly apexi garrison quest is flagged as reset but is already completed from "last week"
The bot gets stuck trying to pickup the weekly apexi quest, i know this must only effect a very few of your users and only for this 1 day every time the apexi event pops up but is there a easy fix for it so next time the event pops it doesn't happen?
The bot gets stuck trying to pickup the weekly apexi quest, i know this must only effect a very few of your users and only for this 1 day every time the apexi event pops up but is there a easy fix for it so next time the event pops it doesn't happen?
[06:07:57.135 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Time to Strike ( : From - Seer Kazal ( [Ref: "Pickup" @line 149]
[06:07:57.169 D] Activity: Waiting for NPC to show a quest cursor