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all my acc banned

again dont bot if you dont wanna get banned,thats rule number one,so in order to get at the point to get banned you already agreed to take the risk

so your point is invalid already

also read again the first post on this thread and you know why the specific user got banned

Okey Tony I really don't know by now if you got some brain dmg or what but all you are saying is: "It's your own fault you got banned because of overuse of bots."


In other words, it's not our overuse of botting, I admit I botted over 24h in one piece a few times but I regulary do 10-15h a day with 80-90% watching over it. But atm it's another issue because players can't even use it for 3-4hours. It's not "player" based anymore it's software based issue.

Gosh stop being so arogant and admit it....
I think we don't have any reason to be mad on tony or anyone else in HB team. They did great job, but as i said 5 years ago, you can't make bot to be same like real person, and i was wondering 5 years ago why do blizzard let us use bot, because if someone take me and say "go find 300 bots per month" i will do it in 1 day i guess. Blizzard decided to ban us now because they need more MONEY so dont blame HB or yourself, try to make money doing something else. We are all sad because we can't continue making 100$ per day, but arguing with tony will not fix it, let him do his job and pray he will find some solution for all of us. If someone think that flaming tony will help, please send me PM with explanation for that and i will start flaming tony with you ^^ Joking! Go level new accounts and PRAY! :p

How exactly is blizzard gaining money from banning botters? I didn't quite catch it... a botter is making blizzard a lot more money then regular players its X time the amount of accounts the botter uses and all gamecards/expansions were PAID by some1 in return for gold so blizzard is making a shitload of money from us....your argument is false.

About Tony, I am pretty sure he found a solution and/or he or any other dev don't know how to fix it so he is either trying to not cause the global panic (he failed at that one) or just wants to buy some time(he failed at that one also). Eitherway, all of
his comments are false and every1 knows it.

How exactly is blizzard gaining money from banning botters? I didn't quite catch it... a botter is making blizzard a lot more money then regular players its X time the amount of accounts the botter uses and all gamecards/expansions were PAID by some1 in return for gold so blizzard is making a shitload of money from us....your argument is false.[/B]

Banning botters will net Blizzard even more $ because you'd need to pay for Cataclysm + MoP again, as well as new monthly subscriptions. Plus it looks good for the company's numbers - "Oh look we've sold x million copies of Cata/Mop! Best MMO in the world etc <insert thinly veiled brags here>"
How exactly is blizzard gaining money from banning botters? I didn't quite catch it... a botter is making blizzard a lot more money then regular players its X time the amount of accounts the botter uses and all gamecards/expansions were PAID by some1 in return for gold so blizzard is making a shitload of money from us....your argument is false.

About Tony, I am pretty sure he found a solution and/or he or any other dev don't know how to fix it so he is either trying to not cause the global panic (he failed at that one) or just wants to buy some time(he failed at that one also). Eitherway, all of
his comments are false and every1 knows it.


Well if they ban your 30 farmer accounts, i am pretty sure you will continue that kind of gold selling business, because it is profitable for you.
Then you gonna buy 30x new accounts again and pay 30x subscription fee. I really dont see how it is hard to understand, how Blizz is gains money on botters..
Really ? Come on tell me what moron gona buy new accounts if you get baned in a matter or days, whers the profit in that lol. Blizz only makes money from bothers if the keep doing like they were doing so far, let us do our job ban us from time to time , every1 is happy. But now , no thx, its gg for botting.
You both got a point yes, BUT if my "30 farmer accounts" get banned all at once it's not like plain bad luck lol... I might make 5 new battlechest account and if they get banned also I will have like a big brake before I make any more. So if they continue at this rate they will lose like half a mil - 1 mil of "player accounts" on their lists so it will look bad on their reports.... Q.E.D.
Really ? Come on tell me what moron gona buy new accounts if you get baned in a matter or days, whers the profit in that lol. Blizz only makes money from bothers if the keep doing like they were doing so far, let us do our job ban us from time to time , every1 is happy. But now , no thx, its gg for botting.
Exactly my point, it's only temporary gg I hope, no software is 4ever lasting in this time :P I am pretty sure that if this keeps on for a long time that some of the "big fishes" so to call them, ppl that use 50+ botting accounts daily will pay some other ppl (because they can and it's in their interest) to find a solution.
I could be wrong, but it seems like most of those worried about new detection, are the heavy (should we say professional?) users running 5+ accts (in this case 45 in the last month?), usually with a history of multiple bans before hand. Not so much the folks botting 1/2 accts on a somewhat casual approach. So maybe its not the bot, but how the bot is being used? Patterns of behaviour.
account closed 2 days ago on my main account. had this account for 4 years and botted safely that whole time. until boom, account closed without warnings.
started new account 3 days ago. got to level 85. account closed. I actually didnt bot on this new account at all. did quests and dungeons all by hand. I didnt exploit or hack at all and still got banned. So not sure what is going on. But alot of people are getting banned just in this last week.
I could be wrong, but it seems like most of those worried about new detection, are the heavy (should we say professional?) users running 5+ accts (in this case 45 in the last month?), usually with a history of multiple bans before hand. Not so much the folks botting 1/2 accts on a somewhat casual approach. So maybe its not the bot, but how the bot is being used? Patterns of behaviour.

You can't track something as complicated as that, also patterns can always be changed. Even players botting on 1 account got banned so it's not a "player style" issue it's software related.
I dunno, wouldn't be that hard to track basic things, and if you can track basic things you can build up complexity from there. And yes, patterns can be changed, but can and do are two different things.

Even players botting on 1 account got banned so it's not a "player style" issue it's software related.
Of course they do, its not an all or nothing thing. I would guess something like half the time I find my quest bot stuck somewhere I'll find at least one other botter stuck doing the exact same thing. If I can see that, other people who think reporting is fun can see it too.

Yes, but you must understand that most of us got caught off guard with this ban-wave, and for the quest stuck, well it's no secret that people get banned for using kick's profiles. I personaly monitored all accs while they lvled using kick's and if I was going out I have just put them to grind untill I come back ^^

Yes, but you must understand that most of us got caught off guard with this ban-wave, and for the quest stuck, well it's no secret that people get banned for using kick's profiles. I personaly monitored all accs while they lvled using kick's and if I was going out I have just put them to grind untill I come back ^^

me and my brother had to try something to see how they ban ppl!
i start farming non stop at Jade Forest following the exaclty path that bot was going to follow (i had mark it on the map)! after 5hours and 38mins my acc got banned with out any warnings or /w! when i tried to logon it was saying acc closure! i open a ticket and when the GM spoke to me he unbanned me and told me that it was looked botish!
my brother done the same think but in questing! the same think happent to him after 8 hours non stop power lvling! same results after speaking to a GM!

not suspencion or anything else! they gave our acc's back!

next day we done the same thing but with bot!
same results again! my acc got banned after 7 hours of farming (this time i even stoped for 5-10 mins after the first 5hours) with out any warnings or /w!
brother got banned this time after 5 hours of non stop questing!

tickets up acc's back!
dont know what Blizz is doing but they cant track HB exclusivly!
my milling PB bot is running nonstop everyday for the last 2 days now and nothing have hapent to him (non stop = 18-20hours)!
Okey Tony I really don't know by now if you got some brain dmg or what but all you are saying is: "It's your own fault you got banned because of overuse of bots."


In other words, it's not our overuse of botting, I admit I botted over 24h in one piece a few times but I regulary do 10-15h a day with 80-90% watching over it. But atm it's another issue because players can't even use it for 3-4hours. It's not "player" based anymore it's software based issue.

Gosh stop being so arogant and admit it....

3 days for being rude
IT is quite pathetic. I just got banned on fresh accounts (no sors). They havent farmed yet (ever) , they have been made before the banwave. I have used custom made profiles. It was like 1-2 hours to get them perma banned. So please dont give us some bullshit that we need to be more carefull or something cause obviously HB can be detected within few hours of using.
quick question how many of you who are banned within 3-4 hours - 1 week have been banned before ? :)
IT is quite pathetic. I just got banned on fresh accounts (no sors). They havent farmed yet (ever) , they have been made before the banwave. I have used custom made profiles. It was like 1-2 hours to get them perma banned. So please dont give us some bullshit that we need to be more carefull or something cause obviously HB can be detected within few hours of using.
I can detect bot in 2 min. Do you realise if Blizzard wanna keep eye on us, they can do that? This is not based on HB software it is based on profiles used in HB and patterns.