Appreciate your comments, I believe the issues are with it standing around are related to the database its using which is what pbettell is having issues with to. I am converting it to be local now just included with the botbase so that way it only has to connect to its local one which is always instant.
Also the reason it kinda acts like kicks or cavas right now is because I dont have too many zones scripted out of the way of the main path, only because I want to get 1-90 totally afkable first. But the quests it does right now are 100% AI based and I dont tell it do a single quest or a single zone even.
Every post you guys give me the bot gets closer and closer to being totally afkable, but its also hard with how bad HB fails in places and I have to create workarounds.
thanks again for the quick reply Akatosh. Love the execution and concept of the botbase and keen to help in the limited way I can. I figured it may be that there were only limited zones scripted, hence the linear seeming leveling experience at the moment. Looking forward to the next update.
In the meantime I will keep testing and feedback any more anomalies I notice.
Great work as ever.