For all toons: I've disabled vendoring in the options for this botbase and farm timbers as well!
Lvl 93 monk, in a lvl 2 alliance garrision. Mine level 1:
It went to the mine and got all deposits there. But then it just stands near the entry (at the last gathered blackrock deposit) and does nothing.
It should now go to collect the mine shipment and start work orders but it doesn't do so...
Btw. going to the garrison cache and doing the mission assignment worked flawlessly. Navigation inside the garrision was fine.
[08:28:28.829 D] Activity: Moving to Collectable : True Iron Deposit
[08:28:28.829 D] Goal: Moving to Collectable : True Iron Deposit
[08:28:34.740 D] Interacting with True Iron Deposit (GameObject Id: 232544)
[08:28:35.451 V] Blacklisting 283094A660E318000044430000840EAE for 00:03:00 [Type: All] - Reason: Used Gatherable
[08:28:39.467 N] (Singular) info: 5.3 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[08:28:43.384 D] Interacting with True Iron Deposit (GameObject Id: 232544)
[08:28:44.085 V] Blacklisting 283094A660E318000044430000040EAE for 00:03:00 [Type: All] - Reason: Used Gatherable
[08:28:48.144 N] (Singular) info: 5.4 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[08:28:48.221 N] [AkatoshGarrison] Moving to Collectable : Blackrock Deposit
[08:28:48.223 D] Activity: Moving to Collectable : Blackrock Deposit
[08:28:48.223 D] Goal: Moving to Collectable : Blackrock Deposit
[08:28:52.849 D] Interacting with Blackrock Deposit (GameObject Id: 232542)
[08:28:53.457 V] Blacklisting 283094A660E317800044430000040EAE for 00:03:00 [Type: All] - Reason: Used Gatherable
[08:28:57.581 N] (Singular) info: 5.4 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[08:28:57.671 N] [AkatoshGarrison] Previous Objective Distance : 100000 - Previous Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GatherObjective - New Objective Distance : 100000 - New Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GarrisonMissionObjective
[08:28:57.671 N] [AkatoshGarrison] Adding Normal Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GarrisonMissionObjective
[08:30:19.815 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: JumpAscend
Regarding mission assignment: A few of my chars don't have much garrision resources (only about 300-500)
Can we get some options of how we'd like it to assign missions?
E.g. I'd always like to gather ressources first (if it's over the mission success setting) and equipment, too (for myself). It seems it just tries to fill missions with a high success rate and a loooong time first (e.g. the 3 followers mission for 10 hours). There are so many 2-follower missions that get's you 2/3 of the XP (if your followers aren't lvl 100 where you sometimes get 8000 xp+) in only 1.5 - 2 hours missions.
Maybe some drop down fields in the bot config where we set our priorities for the missions?
Btw. tried the next toon (lvl 93, garrison lvl 2, too). Does exactly the same. After mining it doesn't go anywhere from there on (it should at least start the work orders for the mine afterwards and collect the shipment).
Next toon: Lvl 96, has herbalism as a profession skill. Alliance lvl 2 garrison.
Get's the cache, assigns missions, herbs, goes to the mine and at the end... it went out of the mine^^
It did everything ok, got the shipments and placed new work orders. Only the priority was way off.
After mining:
- Placed work orders for herbing
- Went to the sagemill
- Went back to the mine for work orders
Would it be possible to do the work orders right after you've gathered the resources?
E.g.: Herbs, get shipment for it, start work orders
Mines, get shipments, start work orders...
After a few more toons (all 93 without herbing): It leaves the mine only when you are 96 (and or have the herbing skill) OR if you have other professions (engineering, smithing, etc.) that have available work orders, etc.
When you move a char out of the mine manually the botbase WILL kick in again and get the mine shipment and start the work orders for it!
Things I liked:
- Navigation is really fast (even inside the mine)
- It can operate the command table even if you have wow plugins running (MasterPlan for example)