Okay I just respeced to Engineering to see what the hell is going on. Yeah, this is difficult. There's no way to track when it's out. Here is what I'm think as a quick fix:
The Plasma Probe puts a debuff on the target that lasts 45 seconds. Each tick of the probe refreshes that debuff. We could try tracking the debuff and whenever its time left is less than 42 seconds we refresh the probe. That's cludgy as shit, and I'm not sure how it would work in a group (when someone else is applying the same debuff), but it should work fine solo for now.
Longer term, we'll need to write a Spell.DoTonGround function :/
EDIT: it also puts a slow on the target while it's in range. Maybe that's easier to track?
I thought Frag Grenade was an AoE ability-- does it go in single target as well? What the priority for it?
Also, why do we need Series of Shots from cover? You don't need to be in cover to use it.
<-- doesn't play an Agent, so pardon the stupid questions.
frag grenade is ST as well now and also when you get the buff from EMP Discharged called "Energy Overrides" the cost is free and gives back 5 energy and no you dont need it while covered like i said im noob programming so if thats in there it dosent need to be
(laze target- orbital strike- snipe-explosive probe-target aquired series of shots)
**priority rot**
(series of shots (always on cd)- plasma probe- explosive probe- interrogation probe- (it procs) emp discharge - orbital strike- (free)grenade- corrosive dart- while things are on cd fill with grenades- and take down on cd when at 30%)
EDIT** i like orbital strike in there
public override Composite SingleTarget
return new LockSelector(
//Low Energy
new Decorator(ret => Me.EnergyPercent < 60,
new LockSelector(
Spell.Cast("Rifle Shot", ret => !Me.IsInCover())
Spell.Cast("Distraction", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled),
Spell.Cast("Series of Shots"),
Spell.Cast("Explosive Probe"),
Spell.Cast("EMP Discharge", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Interrogation Probe")),
Spell.CastOnGround("Plasma Probe", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Slowed")),
Spell.DoT("Interrogation Probe", "Interrogation Probe"),
Spell.CastOnGround("Orbital Strike"),
Spell.Cast("Frag Grenade", ret => Me.HasBuff("Energy Overrides")),
Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "Corrosive Dart"),
Spell.Cast("Takedown", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
Gonna give it a shot when I get home but what's the difference between !Me and Me
Series of shots is a free cast and probably should be in the low energy rotation
thx and it seems good but spams the plasma probe when its on a boss or anything that is immune to movement effects so until there is a definitive fix the plasma nade is not gonna work i on bosses and such! indicates "not". So !Me.HasBuff means I do NOT have the buff (the buff is missing) while Me.HasBuff means I do have the buff (buff is present).
Good to know re: Series of Shots. Is that for all 3 specs or just Engineering?
thx and it seems good but spams the plasma probe when its on a boss or anything that is immune to movement effects so until there is a definitive fix the plasma nade is not gonna work i on bosses and such
public override Composite SingleTarget
return new LockSelector(
//Low Energy
new Decorator(ret => Me.EnergyPercent < 60,
new LockSelector(
Spell.Cast("Rifle Shot")
Spell.Cast("Distraction", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled),
Spell.Cast("Series of Shots"),
Spell.Cast("Explosive Probe"),
Spell.Cast("EMP Discharge", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Interrogation Probe")),
Spell.Cast("Fragmentation Grenade", ret => Me.HasBuff("Energy Overrides")),
Spell.DoT("Interrogation Probe", "Interrogation Probe"),
Spell.CastOnGround("Orbital Strike"),
Spell.DoT("Corrosive Dart", "Corrosive Dart"),
Spell.Cast("Takedown", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
Spell.Cast("Fragmentation Grenade"),
Spell.Cast("Snipe", ret => Me.EnergyPercent > 45),
Spell.Cast("Rifle Shot")
is this not a line of code that is accepted?
Spell.Cast("Snipe", ret => Me.EnergyPercent > 45),
i would like to have snipe in there but only if i am above 45% energy
That looks fine, but it shouldn't matter anyway. The earlier decorator should make it spam Rifle Shot when below 60% energy anyway. Are you seeing it do something different?
did you re write the plasma probe? or should i use the one with the slow?
Spell.CastOnGround("Plasma Probe", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.DebuffTimeLeft("Overwhelmed (Mental)") < 43000),
I'm using this now:
It'll recast Plasma Probe when that debuff drops below 43 seconds (it never drops below 44 while the probe is up) on your main target. I still worry that in a group, with another player who can cast this debuff, it'll get screwed up. If that's the case, we'll need to add in an entire new cast call (I could try to kludge something, but I could also fuck that up big time).Code:Spell.CastOnGround("Plasma Probe", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.DebuffTimeLeft("Overwhelmed (Mental)") < 43000),