GUI: There must be a GUI interface with a preset list of ALL items sold via the Honor Buddy Vendors (Including Vicious Gladiator Honor Point Gear, Honor Point Heirloom, Honor Point Materials/Justice Point Transfer Vendor, Old PvP gear [old level 60 gear], etc.) A user can simple pick the items from a preset list, creating a user defined list that can be saved and opened at a later time if the bot crashes or is stopped by the user. The user created list will have all the items the user wishes to have purchased, in the purchase order, when the required amount of Honor for each item (preset value already programmed in) is achieved.
How to make Mr.HonorCap better: Either have a way for a user to Mxed Mode say ArchBuddy / BGBot, and have the plugin override ArchBuddy when the preset Honor is collected for the next item that is user defined in the GUI or some sort of anti-afk feature for having the bot sit in front of the vendors, queue for BG's and do nothing else, but when there are those long queue times, bots get disconnected, so an anti-afk feature is necessary.
How to make Mr.HonorCap even better than better: Do you find yourself with all the Honor PvP Gear and Honor Heirlooms you need? Don't need any materials either? Trade your Honor Points in for Justice Points. Oh, Justice Points are capped now you say? Have the plugin be interchange able between Honor Points and Justice Points. Have the bot farm BG's for Honor, use the Honor Vendors to transfer the Honor Points into Justice Points, then travel to the Justice Points vendor and but gear that is created by the user on a list in the GUI from a predefined list already saved in the plugin.