[5:43:13:056] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Choker of Proficiency, 70539
[5:43:13:056] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Cloak of Alacrity, 70542
[5:43:13:056] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Cloak of Prowess, 70543
[5:43:13:056] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece, 70558
[5:43:13:058] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets, 70559
[5:43:13:058] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm, 70560
[5:43:13:058] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards, 70561
[5:43:13:059] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders, 70562
[5:43:13:059] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty, 70563
[5:43:13:059] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Emblem of Meditation, 70564
[5:43:13:059] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Emblem of Tenacity, 70565
[5:43:13:060] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty, 70573
[5:43:13:060] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Girdle of Prowess, 70574
[5:43:13:060] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Insignia of Conquest, 70577
[5:43:13:060] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Insignia of Dominance, 70578
[5:43:13:060] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Insignia of Victory, 70579
[5:43:13:061] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Medallion of Cruelty, 70602
[5:43:13:061] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Medallion of Meditation, 70605
[5:43:13:061] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Medallion of Tenacity, 70607
[5:43:13:061] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Relic of Conquest, 70628
[5:43:13:061] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Accuracy, 70653
[5:43:13:061] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty, 70654
[5:43:13:061] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Alacrity, 70667
[5:43:13:062] ForEach is Running NAME: Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty, 70668