why it doesnt want to mount?
-> ground mount id checked
-> distance 25 yards
automatic / random
do you have a toon that can test it once I make the changes? thats the bigest setback im having is only 2 lvl 85s to test with.The quests in Pawdon Village are not exactly done efficiently. So far profile is running smooth, but efficiency needs to be worked on. For example:
-When doing all of these quests, It will get the apple barrels, and do the kill quest, it will turn in the one quest, get the next killing the rhino. It will then run all the way back to the village to turn those 2 in, then it will run back out to do the pilots...Can this be coded to do the pilots before, or just after the rhino before running back to town?
-Not sure if it can handle multiple objectives at once, but it was doing the kill quest first, but it ran right past pilots and barrels.
It is still running, I will report back later.
do you have a toon that can test it once I make the changes? thats the bigest setback im having is only 2 lvl 85s to test with.
The changes are updated to the SVN, all exept the chopper, if you know how to use HB to get the objectID then i can add it but both my toons are past the quest and i cant find it on wowhead.I have several 85's spread over multiple accounts, so yes I could load up another and give it a go.
A couple other issues I ran into from the follow up quests after those are as follows:
Twinspire Keep - While killing the mobs for this quest it ran up the stairs towards the named mobs on the balcony above. It killed one I'm assuming because it attacked first. Then it jumped down to the area below where the imps were and killed a few more, then it was running into the wall. Not sure if I just glitched there or if something else was going on. I did the rest of the quests in this area by hand just in case (Fractured Forces, Unfair Trade, Smoke before Fire).
Onward and Inward - After killing the named in the building, it turns the quest in outside, then mounts up to run back to town, instead of taking the chopper back. Again, not sure if anything can be done for that, just a minor annoyance if you are going for efficiency.
Thats as far as I have gotten, you should have made it to 86 at least, I made it to 87 with all rested xpGot to Temple of the Jade Serpent accepted quests when in and stopped...wouldnt move..I manually completed then it Keeps saying "Can not turn in quest They Call Him... Stormstout (ID: 32019) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False" Is this the end? Cause im still only 85 and that quest is a Lvl 87 quest
this is a problem with HB when it checks to see if the quest is complete, the profile is coded to only get the quest if its not completed.I dont have the Quest IDs but the 4 in Jade Forest with SI-7 where the Bot tells me to continue after u do the out of body sections. I turned the Bot off and did them and after I turned the Bot back on it just wants to talk to Sully. Can you please help me walk threw how to make it work again.
BTW: So far my mage has gone threw flawlessly!
Figured it out...
without quest log i realy dont know whats the problem, where you are and why cant the bot find the vendorMy bot stuck at repair and selling vendor it kept saying Moving to Type: Sell, Name: Jadori Ironeye. Any suggest? Im newb anyway, thanks
check my second post at main thread and clean cache for now, just close bot clean cache and restart probably will fixI dont have the Quest IDs but the 4 in Jade Forest with SI-7 where the Bot tells me to continue after u do the out of body sections. I turned the Bot off and did them and after I turned the Bot back on it just wants to talk to Sully. Can you please help me walk threw how to make it work again.
BTW: So far my mage has gone threw flawlessly!
Figured it out...