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[A-H][Q] 100% Automated/Afk Ashran (Universal Language Module + Rep)

TBH I'm not really sure how to help improve it. I see that the toon seems to always go over the bridge especially when there is a large group of ally outside of it. Is it possible to use a different exit or to check and see how many ally's are present and avoid it for x minutes/idle?

Edit: on my server it's 7 allies to 1 horde :(

You could download the latest version of the profile. It never goes over bridge anymore.
Idk about anyone else, but the 3 times i joined it was something like 4m que times... was it fixed?
You could download the latest version of the profile. It never goes over bridge anymore.

I am using the 1.11 version unless something was changed w/o an update? I'll try to re-download and try tomorrow. I'll let you know!
I am using the 1.11 version unless something was changed w/o an update? I'll try to re-download and try tomorrow. I'll let you know!

It should never go over the bridge anymore. If it does with 1.11 please upload log for me :)
can someone explain how to remove the goal to farming fragmets?
there is a bug when u have 50 fragments after death your spirit going to npc to change the fragmets and can't do it in spirit form of course.
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can someone explain how to remove the goal to farming fragmets?
there is a bug when u have 50 fragments after death your spirit going to npc to change the fragmets and can't do it in spirit form of course.

The condition for turning in fragments is that you're alive.
Even removing the goal wouldnt solve that "bug".

And since you ask for someone else to help you in my thread. I'll let someone else help you.
From now on, if you want help, you post a log.

Any problems posted without logs will be ignored.
The condition for turning in fragments is that you're alive.
Even removing the goal wouldnt solve that "bug".

And since you ask for someone else to help you in my thread. I'll let someone else help you.
Why are u so agrassive, mate?
I described a real problem, buddy sometimes don't recognize alive character or not and trying to give fragments (and doin some other shit) to npc in spirit form.
Why are u so agrassive, mate?
I described a real problem, buddy sometimes don't recognize alive character or not and trying to give fragments (and doin some other shit) to npc in spirit form.

Im tired of people posting vague problems without logs.

If you dont post logs, i cant see what happened and forward it to HB or try and work around it. Its pointless and will lead to nothing, you might aswell not post at all.
Im tired of people posting vague problems without logs.

If you dont post logs, i cant see what happened and forward it to HB or try and work around it. Its pointless and will lead to nothing, you might aswell not post at all.
But there are no any logs about inactivity of bot /)_-
But there are no any logs about inactivity of bot /)_-

There is log leading up to the decision to go to npc while dead.
And if the bot is trying to turn in fragments while dead, the log will show that.

The only other option i have is guessing....logs of the problem or no help. Not debatable.
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The condition for turning in fragments is that you're alive.
Even removing the goal wouldnt solve that "bug".

And since you ask for someone else to help you in my thread. I'll let someone else help you.


I see you are still new profile writer here, but the latest profile versions run very smoothly, gratz for the good work!

Now on the question, the majority of the fellow forum members are casual WoW gamers and casual botters too, so sometimes they are not aware of the common practices for reporting issue.

Thats why being unpolite help neither himself or yourself.

As you requested above, providing logs usually helps a lot in the issue focusing, so if you remind the users for this on the first post, could safe yourself some time ;)

Good luck!

Btw, just received 72h suspension on my horde toon, ran it for ~20-22 hours straight, with just a 2-3 short brakes, so try to do it with moderation, pals ;)

At least the horde profile was doing its job decently, it farmed something around 2-3 fragments, while the alliance ones farmed 5-6 each, but the RNG always apply here!

Hello, i need some help. I cannot get the bot to release if i were to die. The bot runs great and its something i would really like to use.

Thank you for the help!

View attachment 168981
You are "released" by the wow addon ReleaseMe, not from the botbase ;)


I see you are still new profile writer here, but the latest profile versions run very smoothly, gratz for the good work!

Now on the question, the majority of the fellow forum members are casual WoW gamers and casual botters too, so sometimes they are not aware of the common practices for reporting issue.

Thats why being unpolite help neither himself or yourself.

I've solved and added several features he requested.
When he then asks someone else for help without posting logs (read. Giving me a chance to actually fix the core issue).
I take that as an insult, why should i help him further ?

Far as the alliance vs horde. I've spent days making the alliance profile, watching it play, tweaking it endlessly.
The horde profile was done in 30 min and spent another 90 min fixing issues.

I sadly dont play horde and have no interest in doing so either, its there to provide a complete package. How good it is depends on the community providing logs and directions for me to implement.

Sorry to hear about your suspension, i've been running it pretty wild myself and pretty sure it comes down to user reports.
Had a couple people whisper and tell me its obvious and that they reported me but so far I've been safe *knock on wood*.

About a profile without turning in fragments.
I can see why, personally I decided against it... I think its bad to have it farm up max fragments and die to players (it dies consistently when catching an event/rare group) and release huge chunks of them.
If enough people show interest for one, i might release one. But for now you can edit out the part yourself or deal with it :)
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