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[A-H][Q] 100% Automated/Afk Ashran (Universal Language Module + Rep)

Why your Aliance profile doesn't farm lil plants in the cave? I thought it is the best farming spot in Ashran

It farms the cave, i didnt add multiple visits in the loop there because they need to respawn :p
I will be redoing alliance hotspots completely and will keep this in mind. Thanks! :)
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Just going off of what Wowhead says the drop rate is. It doesn't show it on them at all.

I'll download the new version and let it run some while i do some homework and can watch it. See if I noticed anything else.
- Fuglie

Wowhead also says goren doesn't drop them but they do.
The upcoming 6.1 patch is having everything in ashran drop them plus increased drop rate but i believe the former part is already hotfixed and live.
As i dont play horde, i cant confirm onyx but going off the "alliance" mobs onyx should drop them as well.
if i use Ashran Auto Accept plugin the profile dont work and i get crazy lag on honnorbudy (on horde profile)
the char dont move or move 1 meter and stop and the honorbuddy show "moving to type ...."
with the plugin off the profile work great (version 1.0.6)

Never experienced that. Do you have other honorbuddy plugins active ?
Could you try with a fresh install and only Ashran plugin ?
i saw the ashran plugin topic and everyone are saying the plugin dont work or giv mass lag to the bot

see the last post's there
It farms the cave, i didnt add multiple visits in the loop there because they need to respawn :p
I will be redoing alliance hotspots completely and will keep this in mind. Thanks! :)
Now i see that it farms the cave, thanks, really nice profile.
Over 200 downloads and so little feedback :(

Is it working good, getting lucky with parts ?
Any issues ?
Something you'd like to work/do differently ?
How is the alliance profile ?

Over 200 downloads and so little feedback :(

Is it working good, getting lucky with parts ?
Any issues ?
Something you'd like to work/do differently ?
How is the alliance profile ?

Alliance profile works pretty fine


That's what i got after 15 hours of farming + 10k rep and 8k honor

And i think it will be nice if u could do path for aliance that avoides bridge, couse horde always siege the aliance base.
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since u ask for some ideas i got one..
i dont no if its possible but can u avoid a area where u die 3/4 times in less than 5 min? and change the farm spot to other position?

sometimes my char dies 10 times in the same spot becouse all allies force are in that position.

its just a thought :P
since u ask for some ideas i got one..
i dont no if its possible but can u avoid a area where u die 3/4 times in less than 5 min? and change the farm spot to other position?

sometimes my char dies 10 times in the same spot becouse all allies force are in that position.

its just a thought :P

I will look into changing area upon "> 5 deaths" but unsure if thats even possible with a questing profile.

Also any information about horde is valueable to me as I dont play horde at all.
I only leveled one so i could get hotspots for the horde profile and release for both factions :)
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sometimes my char dies 10 times in the same spot becouse all allies force are in that position.

Check new horde version, 1.09, will now avoid bridge when going to farm area.
Should lower your deaths significantly :)
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Check new horde version, 1.09, will now avoid bridge when going to farm area.
Should lower your deaths significantly :)
ok i will try

just remember something - add to avoid list the allies patroll's on ashran

its not funny see my char charging a bunch of elites and die instantly lol
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just remember something - add to avoid list the allies patroll's on ashran

New version is uploaded. Couldn't find the patrol ingame to verify mobid and name but its now avoiding Stormshield knights, which was the only patrol i could find on wowhead.
Let me know if it doesnt work :)
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seems mutch better
but if i stop and start the profile the char returns to the start its not possible to record the points i already have been and proceed ?

if you die and rez moving to position the char dont ignore the bridge and i still die like a crazy (my solution is to stop and start the profile :P)
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seems mutch better
but if i stop and start the profile the char returns to the start its not possible to record the points i already have been and proceed ?

if you die and rez moving to position the char dont ignore the bridge and i still die like a crazy (my solution is to stop and start the profile :P)

Im sure you could code it somehow but you are not supposed to stop and start the profile, its automated and afk.
Doesn't reflect my testing, it ignores bridge after death just fine.
Post log.
Does your profile have new path? I mean your own path, not copied from other profiles like this?)
This looks like an awesome profile, and I'm looking forward to trying it out, but I must have done something wrong. I have the latest version of HB, and the addon and plugin as specified, and configured as you said, but whenever I load the profile (In Stormshield of course) I get an error message and HB just hangs with the message "Loading Profile"

Can you let me know what I might have done wrong, thanks a lot.

This is the error message displayed by HB :

[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\User\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)'
Warning: Could not parse While body node
Changing current profile to Tomtens ULM/Wrynn's Vanguard Rep Farm
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Stormshield (Stormshield - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!