Testing Horde Version. Waiting for ashran que can take up to 5 hours though..hoping it wont tonight.
doesnt queue up for me (horde version)
Log or explain whats happening.
Also kills Onyx Scavengers which do not drop the parts as of now.
- Fuglie
nothing to explain really, just runs to the entrace of pvp area and waits there, not queueing up
View attachment 168138
[13:53:32.185 N] [Profile Message]: Moving to Ashran queue...
[13:54:04.056 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 0, FPS: 20, Map: Draenor, loc: <5220.09, -3966.021, 6.351777>)!
[13:54:10.439 N] WoW cannot be minimized while running Honorbuddy!
Seems to run a very small circle to grind...
- Fuglie
You are not even reaching the entrance so it can queue up, plus the log is partial.
Code:[13:53:32.185 N] [Profile Message]: Moving to Ashran queue... [13:54:04.056 V] We are stuck! (TPS: 0, FPS: 20, Map: Draenor, loc: <5220.09, -3966.021, 6.351777>)! [13:54:10.439 N] WoW cannot be minimized while running Honorbuddy!
You are also using german version, the problem is on your end, not the profile.
it runs to the entrance no doubt, and only my ingame version is german, using standard honorbuddy with a proxy.. and no the log is not partial, it was everything
Always big debate what drops them and what doesn't drop them. From my experience, if they drop fragments, they drop parts.