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A better HB!

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New Member
Jan 31, 2012
Hello everyone,

I was thinking for a long time about this, A better HB.. cause why not?

It's so sad that the bot at it's current is only usable by gold sellers and not casual botters.
Cause gold sellers don't give a damn if the account is banned. Its worth 5.. Got his 5 in no time! + 100 profit!

I would be happy to see some changes in the bot!

List of the things that will make the bot way better!:

- New navigation/path system that will randomize for each bot.
- Enhance the tripwire.. example: It'll shutdown the bot instantly. not after 5hrs
- Prevent gold sellers from abusing this bot, mess wow economy and make it target #1 on blizz eyes! maybe make another edition of the bot with sub. Yes let them pay if they want to bot suicidal 24/7.
- A way to support the bot? sub for new customers maybe?
- New builtin tool that will mimic the behavior of your character. example: it can record your DPS rotation, how many times you jump. it will act as if it was you.
- More features in bot settings?, like Sound on whisper/stuck, logout on too many Ganks, jump from time to time..etc! (most of us are not programmers)
-... Did i miss something else?

Share your thoughts here and respect others!!

Please, no more talks about 64-bit - Read the rules!

P.S: For you who thinks this is a hate/..etc thread, No it's not; we love this bot, and we want to use it more than you do!
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a fresh start for this thread

this time follow our rules/guidelines plz!

About your thoughts on the Tripwire, note that I have no knowledge at all how the tripwire actually works, but I know abit how blizzards anti-***** works.
First of all, see the tripwire as it would be a wow client, it's allways connected but instead of actually using wow it's just interested in checking what the anti-***** system do.
If anything changes in the anti-***** it will instantly trigger and all hb clients will be shut down.
Note that I don't know 100% how everything works but this is just a simple way to look at it.
The anti-***** system doesn't check every client at once. The anti-***** rotates it's checks so unless the tripwire "client" is first in line then some clients is going to get checked then those who are unlucky and gets checked prior to that can get caught.
Hello everyone,

I was thinking for a long time about this, A better HB.. cause why not?

It's so sad that the bot at it's current is only usable by gold sellers and not casual botters.
Cause gold sellers don't give a damn if the account is banned. Its worth 5.. Got his 5 in no time! + 100 profit!

I would be happy to see some changes in the bot!

List of the things that will make the bot way better!:

- New navigation/path system that will randomize for each bot.
- Enhance the tripwire.. example: It'll shutdown the bot instantly. not after 5hrs
- Prevent gold sellers from abusing this bot, mess wow economy and make it target #1 on blizz eyes! maybe make another edition of the bot with sub. Yes let them pay if they want to bot suicidal 24/7.
- A way to support the bot? sub for new customers maybe?
- New builtin tool that will mimic the behavior of your character. example: it can record your DPS rotation, how many times you jump. it will act as if it was you.
- More features in bot settings?, like Sound on whisper/stuck, logout on too many Ganks, jump from time to time..etc! (most of us are not programmers)
-... Did i miss something else?

Share your thoughts here and respect others!!

Please, no more talks about 64-bit - Read the rules!

P.S: For you who thinks this is a hate/..etc thread, No it's not; we love this bot, and we want to use it more than you do!

You do understand the money "us" gold sellers bring to this bot right ??? if it was not for "us" "gold scum sellers" your bot would end up like the POE bot... closed down..

There are plenty of people, in fact probably more then people like your self that think PVP botting is doing more harm to this bot then the gold sellers....
You do understand the money "us" gold sellers bring to this bot right ??? if it was not for "us" "gold scum sellers" your bot would end up like the POE bot... closed down..

There are plenty of people, in fact probably more then people like your self that think PVP botting is doing more harm to this bot then the gold sellers....

This statement is true, keep in mind that honorbuddy/Bossland is simply another company trying to make a profit to pay their bills cause we all have bills. To quote Ambassador Spock: "The needs of the many out weights the needs of the few". Gold sellers is the majority and us casual players are the minority.

The best way to solve the low FPS issue if you are a casual user and not a gold seller is to upgrade your PC to the point where your clocking 150fps plus so if your running honorbuddy at x86 and directX 9 at ultra, it does not effect your gameplay. So if your clocking 150fps normally and running honorbuddy drops you down to say 120fps. Your still in peak performance and will not notice a difference. However if your PC is already having a hard time pushing 30fps+, then you my friend will need to upgrade that hamster powered PC or just play at all low settings. Keep in mind that you will lose up to 30fps and use that as an equation as to how strong of a PC you will need to play wow and run Honorbuddy at the same time.

There are some tricks to help make your game run smoother if your PC can handle it. Just do a google search and there are alot of people who has this issue and will give tips on how to boost performance while honorbuddy is running.

Good luck to all!
Kouno, some of us are trying to run 5 or 6 instances and bots on one machine so our performance sucks.
This company needs more devs.

- address bugs faster
- renew/replace old stuff (bgbuddy, professionbuddy,...)
- new features


- bots are too cheap
- no financial scope for more devs and therefore no time to fix stuff faster


- higher prices for bots
- different price models dependant on usage casual/core botter, subs, premium features/access
I've been saying this for years; charge a subscription model; up the price; tier the product like PiroX; I'll happily pay for quality.
Look at the price of gold, noones going to pay for subs. What is it you think additional devs would add anyways? Almost everything is community created and managed. Bugs are typically handled reasonably fast and it will do nothing to improve safety
Look at the price of gold, noones going to pay for subs. What is it you think additional devs would add anyways? Almost everything is community created and managed. Bugs are typically handled reasonably fast and it will do nothing to improve safety

So you would say we have a proper solution for battleground botting? An easy way to handle and manage professions (beginner friendly)? You say the bot moves human like or there have been improvements to movement in the past years?

No. We have a bg bot that is not usable like it is, doing professions is a mess and the bot still moves like a total retard 100% detectable as a bot. Not a single improvement here in the past years. I am not talking about navigation itself, sure it finds its target but the movement itself is still the same. Tt stands still and does totally un-human direction shifts, hard 45°, 90° turns and whatever....not a single improvement here.

And this is something that could be done with more devs, that don't only do 99,9% bug fixing but have time to try new stuff, time to make improvements.

It is always possible to improve!
So you would say we have a proper solution for battleground botting? An easy way to handle and manage professions (beginner friendly)? You say the bot moves human like or there have been improvements to movement in the past years?

No. We have a bg bot that is not usable like it is, doing professions is a mess and the bot still moves like a total retard 100% detectable as a bot. Not a single improvement here in the past years. I am not talking about navigation itself, sure it finds its target but the movement itself is still the same. Tt stands still and does totally un-human direction shifts, hard 45°, 90° turns and whatever....not a single improvement here.

And this is something that could be done with more devs, that don't only do 99,9% bug fixing but have time to try new stuff, time to make improvements.

It is always possible to improve!

yeah, and Running back and forth... running hours solo into 918237712361237813 enemys..... just use bg bpt 5 bin and you will find TONS of BUGS.

At this stage it should be removed or complete changed.
So you would say we have a proper solution for battleground botting? An easy way to handle and manage professions (beginner friendly)? You say the bot moves human like or there have been improvements to movement in the past years?

No. We have a bg bot that is not usable like it is, doing professions is a mess and the bot still moves like a total retard 100% detectable as a bot. Not a single improvement here in the past years. I am not talking about navigation itself, sure it finds its target but the movement itself is still the same. Tt stands still and does totally un-human direction shifts, hard 45°, 90° turns and whatever....not a single improvement here.

And this is something that could be done with more devs, that don't only do 99,9% bug fixing but have time to try new stuff, time to make improvements.

It is always possible to improve!

There are community projects for many of those things. Once you start talking about detection, the conversation has no value though. This is a multi faceted issue, and exasperated by the fact most people on this forum haven't a clue. You can still find arguments about clients per ip, usage time, movement patterns etc popping up constantly. Experienced botters running at scale aren't here posting tips and tricks for a reason, and definitely not interested in making things "beginner friendly". If you can't figure out professions, idk what to say to you.

You're never going to outgun blizzard with more devs. Heuristic analysis is going to get you banned whether or not you walk smoothly.
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There are community projects for many of those things. Once you start talking about detection, the conversation has no value though. This is a multi faceted issue, and exasperated by the fact most people on this forum haven't a clue. You can still find arguments about clients per ip, usage time, movement patterns etc popping up constantly. Experienced botters running at scale aren't here posting tips and tricks for a reason, and definitely not interested in making things "beginner friendly". If you can't figure out processions, idk what to say to you.

You're never going to outgun blizzard with more devs. Heuristic analysis is going to get you banned whether or not you walk smoothly.

Well said, people should stop requesting things they have no clue about! Unless you are a developer how can you say things like more developers will fix X or Y, you haven't a clue! People are so self-entitled it's pathetic
I think the issue is truly that this bot has 2 very different user bases. You have gold sellers utilizing it as a tool; and disgruntled casuals that want a product to help them gear an alt, farm mats before a raid, tell their guild friends etc. To the latter crowd, safety is the main concern, as losing their main is unacceptable. However, this wide spread usage is what drew blizzards angst in the first place, and depending on their commitment, may or may not ever exist in that capacity again.

They have changed many corporate policies through the years, all the way down to selling their own gold which they swore they'd never do. You can't just look at one side in this equation and say, hey honorbuddy isn't as good as it used to be.

I don't know the solution to appeasing casual users, but I'm confident hiring more devs isn't going to take honorbuddy off the radar and return to its blissful state
Kouno, some of us are trying to run 5 or 6 instances and bots on one machine so our performance sucks.

My reply was aimed towards the casual players as we are the minority. I had an developer replied to another thread saying that if you are a gold seller and based on your comment of running 5-6 instances, you are a gold seller so you should not need to look at the screen and let the bot do it's own job. Regardless if you are running 5fps on each instance...the bot should be controlling your toon to do what it needs to get done even under 5fps performance, whether that be farming herbs/ore or fishing, etc. Now for myself as a casual player, I only run one instance of wow and one bot so . I never go AFK while botting as I am at the PC 100% of the time while bot is running so it would be nice to not drop to 5fps cause that would be unplayable for me as a human, however the bot is in perfect working order at 5fps.

I hope this makes sense.

Quoting original response from Raphus:
- New navigation/path system that will randomize for each bot.

This is already done in BGBuddy and Dungeonbuddy.

Randomization is not easy task. As someone mentioned earlier, the more you randomize the paths, the more error prone the bot becomes. Bot also starts taking weird paths which makes it less human like.

That's why it is only done in specific cases where bot trains are possible for now.

- Enhance the tripwire.. example: It'll shutdown the bot instantly. not after 5hrs

Tripwire shuts down the bot instantly once it detects a change. The Tripwire system is the best in the market and is being continuously improved.

You can easily see that by us being the only ones that knows how the latest detections are working and where they actually are.

- A 64bit version (i know it doesn't matter, but why make it easy for blizz to catch us? 95% of wow players if not more are using the 64bit version of wow. squeeze us(botters) between them) + performance

This will be my final statement regarding 64bit phenomena.

Performance wise, an 64b HB will not have better performance then 32b version. Rather, it will have more memory usage around 15%-30%. 64b performance only shines when you have a compute intensive application like image processing and such.

Detection wise, we have confirmed the latest detection methods are already in place for 64b WoW client aswell. Blizzard just doesn't have the will to enable it. It seems like they only care about us right now. Once we do a 64b version, they will start pushing detections to 64b client aswell.

- Prevent gold sellers from abusing this bot, mess wow economy and make it target #1 on blizz eyes! maybe make another edition of the bot with sub. Yes let them pay if they want to bot suicidal 24/7.

Sorry but we are running a business here. What you are saying is like asking Nike to stop selling Airs to Afro-Americans.

- A way to support the bot? sub for new customers maybe?

You can always buy new licenses to support us :)

- New builtin tool that will mimic the behavior of your character. example: it can record your DPS rotation, how many times you jump. it will act as if it was you.

I can't really see any use of this. Especially in the core.

- More features in bot settings?, like Sound on whisper/stuck, logout on too many Ganks, jump from time to time..etc! (most of us are not programmers)

That's the reason we have an open API. We can't really fulfill every request. Afaik there are already some plugins that does what you ask.
If you guys where so for a Subscription based model... why don't you buy a 1 day access pack every mouth for your sub...

that way you paying a subscription ... and I'm not... because I certainly cant afford to pay for wow and HB with the amount of money I make from selling gold.
I think the issue is truly that this bot has 2 very different user bases. You have gold sellers utilizing it as a tool; and disgruntled casuals that want a product to help them gear an alt, farm mats before a raid, tell their guild friends etc. To the latter crowd, safety is the main concern, as losing their main is unacceptable. However, this wide spread usage is what drew blizzards angst in the first place, and depending on their commitment, may or may not ever exist in that capacity again.

They have changed many corporate policies through the years, all the way down to selling their own gold which they swore they'd never do. You can't just look at one side in this equation and say, hey honorbuddy isn't as good as it used to be.

I don't know the solution to appeasing casual users, but I'm confident hiring more devs isn't going to take honorbuddy off the radar and return to its blissful state


this should be stickied !

this should be stickied !
While generally this is true that two different player bases uses the bot, the conclusions are completely away of the real situation:

First, Blizzard are not "just" after the goldsellers. They have different tools for fighting goldselling, no need to mention, maybe half or more off the gold sold across boards/sites is either stolen off hacked accounts or sold by non-botting players.
The most "annoying" part of the botting in the common players' eyes are the overcrowded with bots Battlegrounds, so this is where the botting have direct touch with the WoW playerbase.

The botting in competitive PvP games, like Arenas, RBGs is getting playerbase's attention too!

Regarding the Blizzard bans, they obviously initiated Banwaves just after their court cases lost.

Just a week before both banwaves, Blizzard had lost final ruling in German courts. Actually, the very first strong loses for them vs Bossland since their first lawsuits in 2011.

If that is coincidence, what would not be?

08.05.2015 [Legal] Bossland GmbH has won a lawsuit against Blizzard Entertainment S.A.S.
13.05.2015 - Banwave #1
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