May I ask what bot you use ? I tried to play with combat bot, it sucks.
What profile would you recommend for DK (frost or unholy) and what bot should be used for arena?
thank you in advance
hey evil,
theres a learning curve with all things, that you had to ask what bot to use just says that you need to read up.
1. you ask about a profile for frost or unholy DK. You mean spec (talent spec), and you should look up who is winning with DK's in whatever arena comp you want to play in (should I play blood, frost or unholy), then choose from the DK Spec that seems to be working for the team makeup that is similar to the one you and your friends want to play (MW monk with unholy Dk for 2's maybe? PHD? WMD?)
2. you ask what bot should be used, and again, look up the bots available and follow their instructions. ie tyrael or lazyraider. you say you tried combat bot? why did you? was it the bot that the CR you were using recommended? did you really read how to play the CR you are using?
3. I will assume you didn't ask what CR or combat routine to use because you are the MW monk and you will use Tuanha's CR and will be following his instructions as to what bot base to use with it?
and because you read the setup instructions, you will see that there is a difference between free versions of some CR's and the versions that others are talking about here.
you cannot play arenas with the free or guest CR for Tuanha's Death Knight.
I will say it again for you.. you cannot play arenas with the free or guest CR for Tuanha's Death Knight.!!! ( I think that goes for most Crs)
if you are serious, you will read through the 360 pages and sift out the gems hidden on those pages, it has all of the problems people have, doing every conceivable thing that the instructions tell them not to.
find it here :
good luck with your quest to be above 2k.
it is only possible if you do it, no one else can give you more than I have here. there is no "press here for Gladiator" button.