Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1092.493
Logging in...
T: 5247034013562166076 H: 2601856704
Login Success!
First CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
OS Version: Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
App Path: C:\Users\lap7\Desktop\buddywing\Buddywing.exe
Current build number: 990722
Loading client.gom..
Loaded client.gom!
Took 156ms to get the nodes list.
There are 26586 nodes.
DomList has 26665/49157
spnOracle handled.
ablOracle handled.
cnvOracle handled.
ctlOracle handled.
_InputHandler handled.
mapOracle handled.
scSpaceCombatOracle handled.
Debug Draw Oracle added.
dbgDrawOracle handled.
guiApiGfx handled.
ablTrainerOracle handled.
prfOracle handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCamera - 3B9AFF01
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMouse - 3B9AFF0E
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMovement - 3B9AFF12
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputVehicle - 3B9AFF27
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputTargetting - 3B9AFF36
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputGame - 3B9AFF59
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUI - 3B9AFFB8
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputConvo - 3B9AFFEA
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCharacterSelection - 3B9AFFFC
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputCreditsScreen - 3B9B0002
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputUtility - 3B9B0004
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputLoadingScreen - 3B9B000F
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputMacroBinoculars - 3B9B0011
sysInputLayer handled.
Adding input layer ctlInputSCFFVehicle - 3B9B001D
sysInputLayer handled.
_BaseClient handled.
utlStaticDefinitions handled.
strOracle handled.
gmOracle handled.
chrOracle handled.
qstOracle handled.
Took 408ms to process the node list
User is a Consular
Routine Path: Routines
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - Initializing
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.CommonBot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload !THROTTLED!
Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
DefaultCombat v1.0.1092.493
JoesCombat v0.2014.1.23
[DefaultCombat] Level: 12
[DefaultCombat] Class: Consular
[DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Shadow (None)
[DefaultCombat] Building method list
[DefaultCombat] Added 203 methods
[DefaultCombat] Combat support for Consular [None] is not currently implemented.
BotMain.Stop() called
Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
[DefaultCombat] Pull support for Consular is not currently implemented.
BotMain.Stop() called
Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
[DefaultCombat] Buddy Wing stopped!
Chose DefaultCombat as your combat routine.
[DefaultCombat] Level: 12
[DefaultCombat] Class: Consular
[DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Shadow (None)
[DefaultCombat] Combat support for Consular [None] is not currently implemented.
BotMain.Stop() called
Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
[DefaultCombat] Pull support for Consular is not currently implemented.
BotMain.Stop() called
Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
[DefaultCombat] Buddy Wing stopped!
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Buddy.Common.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing
Initializing Auto-Equip
Initializing BuddyMonitor
BuddyMonitor has started up successfully.
[BuddyMonitor] You have enabled BuddyMonitor but haven't entered your API key or your identifier yet! Open the configuration, set the values and restart BuddyWing.
Initializing Use Lockboxes
There are 3 plugins.
Current bot set to Quest Bot
Loaded profile [R - Light] 10-17 Coruscant [Kick - CryoGenesis Edit]
Sell quality set to Premium.
Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[JoesCombat] Level: 12
[JoesCombat] Class: Consular
[JoesCombat] Advanced Class: Shadow (Balance)
[JoesCombat] Reported Processor Count: 8
[JoesCombat] Star Wars Process ID Detected as: 3868
[JoesCombat] Checking Professions...
[JoesCombat] Abil Archaeology found
[JoesCombat] Pull Range set at 2
[JoesCombat] Spec Detected as: ShadowBalance
[JoesCombat] Combat Toggle Key [Home] HotKey Registered.
[JoesCombat] Group Tag-Along Key [Subtract] HotKey Registered.
[JoesCombat] Movement Toggle Key [Delete] HotKey Registered... You can edit the value in MercHelpers.cs if necessary (and then restart the .exe)
[JoesCombat] Forced Bot Thread ABORT [NumPad0] HotKey Registered. Use this after a few seconds of no action, and the bot window is unresponsive/hung (and then wait 5-10s after pressing it,and try and Alt-Tab back to BuddyWing window).
[JoesCombat] Checking/Loading Abilities...
[JoesCombat] Ability Field Revive found.
[JoesCombat] Ability Summon Companion found.
[JoesCombat] Ability Return to Medcenter found.
[JoesCombat] Ability Quick Travel found.
[JoesCombat] Total (Non-Passive) Abilities Found: 28
[JoesCombat] Check Abilities: Bio False Scav False Arch True Slicing False
Current bot set to Quest Bot
Loaded profile [R - Light] 10-17 Coruscant [Kick - CryoGenesis Edit]
Start/Stop Button Clicked!
BotMain.Start() called
Forcing profile reload. -- Temporary fix for behavior cache issues during start/stop.
Current bot set to Quest Bot
Loaded profile [R - Light] 10-17 Coruscant [Kick - CryoGenesis Edit]
Starting bot Quest Bot
Added new hook [RepopCorpse] 309f9a2f-f34a-43b7-9afa-a3117b56d29e
Added new hook [Pull] 354f613e-0584-4859-97fd-a11cf9988797
Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 354f613e-0584-4859-97fd-a11cf9988797
Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 704066c5-7a54-422b-a596-ccf7a84cfe41
Added new hook [SellVendorPoi] 6cd170fc-505c-4423-b9d8-8f50b1d634f6
Added new hook [SetLootPoi] b025487d-8275-452f-bb96-2c08284e1189
Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 1444c074-2e13-49ed-9b4c-e562bc78c38a
Added new hook [SetVendorPoi] cfd81d7d-8294-42ba-979c-bd630427467d
Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 9fe82ff1-f1b1-4c3d-a13a-de3d62530785
Added new hook [SelectPoiType] b467caf1-6a5b-4d45-b890-d829264f121e
Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 389ad80a-049e-4d03-9e66-02529b5df9f0
Setting force alignment settings.
Spooling up bot thread.
Bot thread started.
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanBelt slot's score is: 300
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanChest slot's score is: 950
[AutoEquip] Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Jacket - Value: 100
[AutoEquip] Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Jacket - Value: 100
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFace slot's score is: 100
[AutoEquip] Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Helmet - Value: 100
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanFoot slot's score is: 400
[AutoEquip] Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Boots - Value: 60
[AutoEquip] Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Boots - Value: 60
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanGlove slot's score is: 225
[AutoEquip] Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Gloves - Value: 60
[AutoEquip] Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Gloves - Value: 60
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanLeg slot's score is: 630
[AutoEquip] Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Pants - Value: 100
[AutoEquip] Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Pants - Value: 100
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanWrist slot's score is: 355
[AutoEquip] Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Bracers - Value: 60
[AutoEquip] Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Bracers - Value: 60
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanMainHand slot's score is: 1395
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanShield slot's score is: 1268
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRanged slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRangedPrimary slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRangedSecondary slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRangedTertiary slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidChest slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidLeg slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidFeet slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidHand slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidGyro slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidLower slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidUpper slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidOutfit slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidSensor slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidShield slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Equipping companion!
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipDroidUtility slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanEar slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanImplant slot's score is: -1
[AutoEquip] Currently equiped EquipHumanRelic slot's score is: -1
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to UserDialogTag: DialogFinished: True, DialogMessage: This profile has been edited for all Republic classes. All Class Quests have been added and improvements have been made to speed up the leveling. If you encounter any issues, please report it on the forums!, DialogTitle: CryoGenesis, QuestId: 0, BranchId: 0, StepId: 0, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: 0, IsDoneCache: True, Behavior: null, .
Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 1491fd1e-bef2-4450-9aef-3335612c9a04
[JoesCombat] Scanning for 'Goodies' (for Rep, or Lockboxes) in inventory...
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
[UseObject] Started
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Current quest behavior changed to UseObjectTag: X: -96.88853, Y: 154.001, Z: -389.6191, ObjectName: Customs Terminal, Radius: 20, UseTimes: 1, UseRange: 0, WaitTime: 0, BlacklistDuration: 30, Hotspots: null, PlaceableNames: null, IgnoreLOS: True, IgnoreQuestRelation: False, Names: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String], Object: null, Position: <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>, QuestId: 16140915039589757075, BranchId: 1, StepId: 3, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: E0000CB5D481F093, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector, .
Replaced hook [QuestProfileBehavior_Hook] 24b37c94-160c-46e2-96e3-04e1e165bc85
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 50 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-113.6, 142.1125, -424>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.097489
Moving to next hop: <-111.5, 142.6125, -423.45>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 2.232447
Moving to next hop: <-111.375, 142.6, -423.325>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.1828586
Moving to next hop: <-111.35, 142.6, -423.225>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.1086189
Moving to next hop: <-111.35, 142.6, -423.125>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.1640652
Moving to next hop: <-111.375, 142.6125, -421.85>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.2753
Moving to next hop: <-111.4, 142.6125, -421.675>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.177167
Moving to next hop: <-111.825, 142.8125, -419.425>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 2.304471
[JoesCombat] Flushing Cache.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: FightAtJoes: Cache/POI Clear.
Setting force alignment settings.
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 43 hops.
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
Moving to next hop: <-111.825, 142.8125, -419.425>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.393111
Moving to next hop: <-112, 142.8125, -417.6>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.842946
Moving to next hop: <-113.5, 142.8125, -415.55>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 2.576294
Moving to next hop: <-113.525, 142.8625, -415.05>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.5093173
Moving to next hop: <-113.6, 143.6125, -412.8>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 2.37752
Moving to next hop: <-114.2, 143.6231, -408.125>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 4.717277
Moving to next hop: <-114.2, 143.6231, -407.275>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.8849212
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
Moving to next hop: <-113.6, 143.6106, -403.2>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 4.121791
Moving to next hop: <-113.425, 143.6106, -402.675>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.5568205
[JoesCombat] Flushing Cache.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: FightAtJoes: Cache/POI Clear.
Setting force alignment settings.
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 35 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-113.425, 143.6106, -402.675>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.01323686
Moving to next hop: <-113.3, 143.6106, -402.525>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.2040035
[Stuck Handler] We're stuck at <-113.3044, 143.601, -402.5305> - coruscant_main - 4000000024FBCF55
Stuck handler, unsticking.
at Buddy.Navigation.ReactiveAntiStuck.Pulse()
at Buddy.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.(String )
at Buddy.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast, Boolean straightLineWhileGenerating)
at Buddy.Navigation.Navigator.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast, Boolean straightLineWhileGenerating)
at Buddy.CommonBot.CommonBehaviors..(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 35 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-113.425, 143.6106, -402.675>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.138677
Moving to next hop: <-113.3, 143.6106, -402.525>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.1982207
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
Moving to next hop: <-111.325, 143.6106, -400.925>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 2.541797
Moving to next hop: <-111.325, 143.6106, -399.25>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.675046
Moving to next hop: <-112, 143.6106, -396.8>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 2.546699
Moving to next hop: <-113.25, 143.6106, -391>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 5.939484
[JoesCombat] Flushing Cache.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: FightAtJoes: Cache/POI Clear.
Setting force alignment settings.
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 30 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-113.25, 143.6106, -391>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.2840596
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
Moving to next hop: <-113.25, 143.6106, -390.05>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.9585152
Moving to next hop: <-113.125, 144.1106, -388.125>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 2.003075
Moving to next hop: <-113, 144.1106, -387.95>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.2192364
Moving to next hop: <-112, 144.1106, -387.2>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.256337
Moving to next hop: <-111.375, 144.1106, -386.575>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.889368
Moving to next hop: <-110.4, 144.3981, -385.6>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.417204
Moving to next hop: <-110.2, 144.6231, -382.475>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 3.144552
Moving to next hop: <-109.95, 144.6106, -382.15>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.41727
Moving to next hop: <-109.1, 144.6106, -382.1>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.8532957
Moving to next hop: <-104.1, 144.6106, -382.1>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 5.006975
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
Moving to next hop: <-102.4, 144.9231, -382.4>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.760854
[JoesCombat] Flushing Cache.
[Poi.Clear] Reason: FightAtJoes: Cache/POI Clear.
Setting force alignment settings.
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 19 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-102.4, 144.9231, -382.4>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.093871
[Stuck Handler] We're stuck at <-103.4343, 144.601, -382.3683> - coruscant_main - 4000000024FBCF55
Stuck handler, unsticking.
at Buddy.Navigation.ReactiveAntiStuck.Pulse()
at Buddy.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.(String )
at Buddy.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast, Boolean straightLineWhileGenerating)
at Buddy.Navigation.Navigator.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast, Boolean straightLineWhileGenerating)
at Buddy.CommonBot.CommonBehaviors..(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 19 hops.
Moving to next hop: <-102.4, 144.9231, -382.4>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 1.811365
[JoesCombat] Scanning for 'Goodies' (for Rep, or Lockboxes) in inventory...
[JoesCombat] Scanning for loot....
[Stuck Handler] We're stuck at <-103.434, 144.601, -382.3663> - coruscant_main - 4000000024FBCF55
Stuck handler, unsticking.
at Buddy.Navigation.ReactiveAntiStuck.Pulse()
at Buddy.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.(String )
at Buddy.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast, Boolean straightLineWhileGenerating)
at Buddy.Navigation.Navigator.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast, Boolean straightLineWhileGenerating)
at Buddy.CommonBot.CommonBehaviors..(Object )
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Action..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Decorator..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector..()
at Buddy.BehaviorTree.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.()
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Waiting for path request to finish...
Nav callback called.
Navigation returned a partial path. Destination may not be reachable by mesh!
Generating path to Customs Terminal <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>
Nav Service path generated.
Generated path to <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191> (Customs Terminal) with 21 hops.
Start/Stop Button Clicked!
BotMain.Stop() called
Moving to next hop: <-103.525, 144.6106, -382.325>, T: None (Customs Terminal) D: 0.6214578
Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
Sleeping while waiting on execution state to be available for BotMain.Stop()
We slept way too long waiting for the bot thread to give control back. Aborting thread. Client may crash!
[Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot Stopped
Resetting force alignment settings.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches.
Resetting current behavior.
Calling OnDone() on current behavior. UseObjectTag: X: -96.88853, Y: 154.001, Z: -389.6191, ObjectName: Customs Terminal, Radius: 20, UseTimes: 1, UseRange: 0, WaitTime: 0, BlacklistDuration: 30, Hotspots: null, PlaceableNames: null, IgnoreLOS: True, IgnoreQuestRelation: False, Names: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String], Object: null, Position: <-96.88853, 154.001, -389.6191>, QuestId: 16140915039589757075, BranchId: 1, StepId: 3, TaskId: 0, QuestName: Quest Id: E0000CB5D481F093, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: Buddy.BehaviorTree.PrioritySelector,
[UseObject] Done