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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Awesome, thanks. I will see if it works.

Currently the profile from level 80-100.

Perhaps not the right spot to ask this, but is it possible to use another CR than Singular? It never buffs Arcane Intellect - and Every time I try to use Gladiator or Arcanum it bugs out at flight paths/quest giver. What gives?

What I can also suggest, is clear your log files. Then use Singular again to reproduce the Buff issue. Submit that log in the Singular thread so that it can be looked at perhaps? Maybe there is already a solution available in the Singular thread, might be worth taking a look at.

Singular thread here
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What I can also suggest, is clear your log files. Then use Singular again to reproduce the Buff issue. Submit that log in the Singular thread so that it can be looked at perhaps? Maybe there is already a solution available in the Singular thread, might be worth taking a look at.

Singular thread here
Thanks for the input, I will try that out.
Hey there, I have a level 91 ret pally. I start the WOD file [A - Quest] 90-92 SMV [Kick] in HB, I am in Stormwind. It will say then say [Profile Message]: Compiling SW Quests...and just sit there. I have left it alone and after a long time it will log me out of the game. Here is the log


I run this profile at night and i set my pc to auto shutdown
I noticed that now at level 92 i have no quests and then info says grinding to 94
I suspect that i am now on course for grinding completely to 100

Why cant i get it to go back to questing? ok so it might of shutdown in the middle of the quest chain 90-92
but it flew to Gorgrond a fresh quest hub and said grinding to 94? why not start the 92-94 profile?
I can't get the built-in buddy store profiles to from 85-100. Have been using a long time. Bot runs to accept quest and just sits there. I have downloaded a fresh copy.
Bot seems to be leveling a zone behind the actual zone it can go to, instead of dinging a certain level and going to a zone of that level. It goes back to a old zone a couple levels behind?
Im having an error when i start up my questing profile for MoP please help this is all it keeps saying
[Compiler Error]: c:\HB\Quest Behaviors\Development\BallisticVehicle.cs(778,23) : error CS0534: 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviors.BallisticVehicle.BallisticVehicle.QuestGoalType' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.XmlElements.QuestBehaviorXmlBase.ToXml(string)'
I have had an issue the past couple days with WoW disconnecting consistently while the bot is running. Anyone else running into an issue like this? I am currently leveling up a Tauren warrior and this is happening.. When I leveled my warlock I had no such issues.
I am having a problem with the proving grounds XML and duengonBuddy this is the error I am getting and it leaves as soon as it gets there hope we can get a fix

XML Error: Unknown tag "DungeonId" (Input: "<DungeonId>640</DungeonId>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 5
XML Error: Unknown tag "BossEncounters" (Input: "<BossEncounters>
<Boss isFinal="true" entry="0" name="Boogie Man" killOrder="1" stage="2" step="1" optional="false" X="3795.754" Y="533.6238" Z="639.0072" />
</BossEncounters>") in "DungeonBuddyProfile"! - On line 6
Issues & Dispositions at Honorbuddy v2.5.13944.787 drop

[size=-2]Link: [noparse]Issues & Dispositions[/noparse][/size]

[size=+1]Open Issues[/size] (Back to INDEX)
  • HB-2320: Improvements to Kick's profiles
  • HB-2325: Kick's Profiles: More Quality of Life updates
  • HB-2387: Kick's Profiles Oracles & FrenzyHeart: Community improvements to profiles

[size=+1]Cannot Reproduce / Not a Bug / Won't fix / Overcome by Events[/size]
  • HB-2404: Kick's Arak 96-98 (A-1319 / H-1299): Issues with "Admiral Taylor"
    CantReproduce: "We've levelled toons every other day for a few weeks now and yet to have a problem here. We just watched a Horde warrior do it and saw no problem. Closing as can't reproduce."

[size=+1]Already repaired for next drop[/size]
  • [Kick's Goblin 1-12 (643)] HB-2291: TheGreatBankHeist: QB behaves erratically (possibly due to presence of pet bar)
    "TheGreatBankHeist now disables Combat in order to prevent CombatRoutine from interfering."
  • HB-2306: Kick's Talador 94-96 H (1623): Failed at turning in quest "Dropping In"
    "Its a questbot problem but I will fix in the profile as its a weird edge case. Added defensive checks for turn-ins."
  • HB-2310: Kick's LK 68-80 A (7903): "Conversing with the Deep" not jumping after interacting with pearl
    "Added an extra IW to make sure that it works."
  • HB-2359: Kick's EK 12-58 A (8570): Not completing "Dig-Boss Dinwhisker"
    "KillUntilComplete added to make the boss spawn more quickly."


Back to INDEX
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ive took this quest out of bc profile Fel Spirits its annoying alot of botters standing there waiting for the fel spirits to respawn evry 45 seconds or so it looks verry bottish
Does it automatically change zone? For example:
Azeroth > Outland or Outland > Azeroth. I mean, do you have to change zone by yourself or the bot will do all?

I get this error when I start Questing

Changing current profile to [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]($Rev: 3926 $)
[InteractWith-v2059(warning) @line 3017]: Found attribute via its alias name 'MobType'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'ObjectType', instead.
[InteractWith-v2059(warning) @line 5304]: Found attribute via its alias name 'MobType'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'ObjectType', instead.
Kick's 1-100 Mega Profile Pack

With the profile pack it isn't showing MOP quests or WOD quests in the drop down any idea why they're missing?
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So this is what happends i have no idea what to do, and my hunter just stands there and does nothing.

what it says:

[Singular] Your Level 43 Night Elf Survival Hunter Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Stormwind City
[Singular] ... Zone: Eastern Kingdoms using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[MountHook-vUnknown(info)] Insert was requested, but was already present
[Profile Message]: Compiling Eastern Plaguelands Quests
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
MoveTo failed to move to the location: <1916.45, -2651.12, 60.62035>
I'm trying to use the Horde 12-58 profile but it only says " quest pickup" and it does nothing. I've tried with a lvl 20 Blood elf hunter and a lvl 45 orc hunter and it doesn't work with either of them
I'm trying to use the Horde 12-58 profile but it only says " quest pickup" and it does nothing. I've tried with a lvl 20 Blood elf hunter and a lvl 45 orc hunter and it doesn't work with either of them

Exact same thing but at 52 on my hunter, no logs though as I'm at work. Tried a reinstallation of HB but issues persisted.