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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Get error by Questing Alliance

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 9177 in database.
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!


Hi guys! First thanks alot for this awesome profilepack. I have (just a small) error to report in which I ran into with my last 3 chars leveling with these profiles. The bot will stop at the NPC Magister Krelas (in Talador) and refuses to pick up the quests after accepting the quests manually and starting the Bot again it will continue without problems. --> Log attached


Hi Chinajade, I cannot seem to find the guide / link on how to install and configure the subversion for Kicks profiles. Where do I download SVN from, and where is the guide on how to set it up?
Hi, Mandriva,

You can fin the instructions for obtaining the profiles in the front matter of this thread.

Hi guys! First thanks alot for this awesome profilepack. I have (just a small) error to report in which I ran into with my last 3 chars leveling with these profiles. The bot will stop at the NPC Magister Krelas (in Talador) and refuses to pick up the quests after accepting the quests manually and starting the Bot again it will continue without problems. --> Log attached
Hi, Waldbrand, and many thanks the log.

Against this issue, we've opened:
HB-2306: Kick's Talador 94-96 H (1623): Failed at turning in quest "Dropping In"​

Superficially, this looks like it might be an issue with the Questbot. Will have to wait for what the analysis says.


[size=-2]Ref: Waldbrand's problem report w/log[/size]
Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Quest: Conversing with the Depths (Conversing With the Depths - Quest - World of Warcraft)
Issue: I am using an Alliance Warlock. The toon just stops at the question location and does nothing. I have leveled several toons in the past few weeks and they all stop here. I also see other people just stuck in the same location.
Log: View attachment 7828 2015-04-22 22.06.txt

In this quest, the toon is supposed to talk to the sea-goddes Oacha'noa after clicking this orb. Then when she compels you to jump off the cliff, you're supposed to jump into the water. The problem is that the toon never jumps but instead seems to sit in the same location right next to the orb until the LogMeOut! plugin logs me out after 5 minutes of inactivity.

The relevant snippet from Kick's profile is:
			<While Condition="HasQuest(12032) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(12032)">
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Pearl of the Depths" X="2457.292" Y="1723.715" Z="76.43291" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12032" MobId="188422" NonCompeteDistance="0" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" 
                                 Range="8" X="2456.661" Y="1719.555" Z="59.93533" />
				<MoveTo X="2455.553" Y="1717.125" Z="59.9511" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="55000" GoalText="Waiting for event {TimeRemaining}" />
				<DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Geronimo!" LogColor="Orange" />
				<MoveTo X="2455.553" Y="1717.125" Z="59.9511" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="2434.546" Y="1709.331" Z="-1.577231" />
				<MoveTo X="2438.683" Y="1654.85" Z="0.3224503" />
				<EnableBehavior Name="Combat" />

Although I attached the full log, the relevant snippet from the log is:

[05:54:03.517 D] Activity: Moving to interact with The Pearl of the Depths (id: 188422, dist: 10.3, TtB: 17s)
[05:54:04.128 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Interacting with 'The Pearl of the Depths'
[05:54:04.129 D] Interacting with The Pearl of the Depths (GameObject Id: 188422)
[05:54:05.703 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Interact with 'The Pearl of the Depths' succeeded.
[05:54:07.706 V] Blacklisting 28002C4760B801800000390000364F8A for 00:03:00 [Type: Interact] - Reason: No reason specified. Caller:    at Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Extensions_WoWObject.BlacklistForInteracting(WoWObject wowObject, TimeSpan duration) in C:\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Extensions\Extensions_WoWObject.cs:line 50

[05:54:07.871 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] InteractWith behavior complete.  Reached our required count of 1.
[05:54:07.906 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[05:54:07.906 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 2f9c8cfe-91f8-48a0-8203-d5e007f73464
[05:54:07.906 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] dc559c4f-5720-427b-8118-1806c4f5329d
[05:54:07.943 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Behavior completed in 6s
[05:54:07.943 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[05:54:07.967 D] Goal: Moving to <2455.553, 1717.125, 59.9511> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 7907]
[05:54:08.838 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[05:54:08.839 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.

Not sure if this is the problem but there is a weird "Blacklist" entry in the log when interacting with the orb.
Would like to thank Kick and the team for such a great profile pack, have used the profiles many times and they are great, thank you guys for the work
I have question:

How to force honnorbudy, do all lower lvl quests in WoD.

For example: at this moment I am lvl 100 but in Gorgrond zone (lvl 92-94) bot not completed all quests.

Thank you in advance.
how to get autoloader to work? It always sends me to starting zone (1-5), i tried changing the order=true to false thing, but the result was same in the end. I'm level 82, and I have to manually choose every single zone. Anything can be done about it?
how to get autoloader to work? It always sends me to starting zone (1-5), i tried changing the order=true to false thing, but the result was same in the end. I'm level 82, and I have to manually choose every single zone. Anything can be done about it?
Hi, Whateever,

It sounds like you have modified the profile pack, and caused it to misbehave. Most definitely, setting "IgnoreCheckpoints" to "false" is counter-productive to your stated desire. Please re-instate the unmodified profiles and settings, and try again.

If still no joy, we will need a full log to help you.

Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Quest: Conversing with the Depths (Conversing With the Depths - Quest - World of Warcraft)
Issue: I am using an Alliance Warlock. The toon just stops at the question location and does nothing. I have leveled several toons in the past few weeks and they all stop here. I also see other people just stuck in the same location.
Log: View attachment 176694

In this quest, the toon is supposed to talk to the sea-goddes Oacha'noa after clicking this orb. Then when she compels you to jump off the cliff, you're supposed to jump into the water. The problem is that the toon never jumps but instead seems to sit in the same location right next to the orb until the LogMeOut! plugin logs me out after 5 minutes of inactivity.

The relevant snippet from Kick's profile is:
			<While Condition="HasQuest(12032) && !IsQuestCompleted(12032)">
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Pearl of the Depths" X="2457.292" Y="1723.715" Z="76.43291" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12032" MobId="188422" NonCompeteDistance="0" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" 
                                 Range="8" X="2456.661" Y="1719.555" Z="59.93533" />
				<MoveTo X="2455.553" Y="1717.125" Z="59.9511" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="55000" GoalText="Waiting for event {TimeRemaining}" />
				<DisableBehavior Name="Combat" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Geronimo!" LogColor="Orange" />
				<MoveTo X="2455.553" Y="1717.125" Z="59.9511" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="2434.546" Y="1709.331" Z="-1.577231" />
				<MoveTo X="2438.683" Y="1654.85" Z="0.3224503" />
				<EnableBehavior Name="Combat" />

Although I attached the full log, the relevant snippet from the log is:

[05:54:03.517 D] Activity: Moving to interact with The Pearl of the Depths (id: 188422, dist: 10.3, TtB: 17s)
[05:54:04.128 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Interacting with 'The Pearl of the Depths'
[05:54:04.129 D] Interacting with The Pearl of the Depths (GameObject Id: 188422)
[05:54:05.703 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Interact with 'The Pearl of the Depths' succeeded.
[05:54:07.706 V] Blacklisting 28002C4760B801800000390000364F8A for 00:03:00 [Type: Interact] - Reason: No reason specified. Caller:    at Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Extensions_WoWObject.BlacklistForInteracting(WoWObject wowObject, TimeSpan duration) in C:\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\Extensions\Extensions_WoWObject.cs:line 50

[05:54:07.871 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] InteractWith behavior complete.  Reached our required count of 1.
[05:54:07.906 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[05:54:07.906 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 2f9c8cfe-91f8-48a0-8203-d5e007f73464
[05:54:07.906 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] dc559c4f-5720-427b-8118-1806c4f5329d
[05:54:07.943 D] [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Behavior completed in 6s
[05:54:07.943 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[05:54:07.967 D] Goal: Moving to <2455.553, 1717.125, 59.9511> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 7907]
[05:54:08.838 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[05:54:08.839 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.

Not sure if this is the problem but there is a weird "Blacklist" entry in the log when interacting with the orb.
Hi, Skuld, and thank you for such a spectacular report!

It is normal for InteractWith to blacklist the objects that yielded a successful interaction. In situations where many objects of the same time must be interacted with, this prevents it from trying to re-use objects that have already been successfully interacted with.

The problem appears to be that the MyCTM behavior is no longer causing the toon to jump from the cliff. For this issue, we've opened:

HB-2310: Kick's LK 68-80 A (7903): "Conversing with the Deep" not jumping after interacting with pearl​


[size=-2]Ref: Skuld's excellent problem report w/log[/size]
Issues & Dispositions @ Honorbuddy v2.5.13765.784 drop

[size=-2]Link: [noparse]Issues & Dispositions[/noparse][/size]

[size=+1]Open Issues[/size] (Back to INDEX)
  • [Kick's Goblin 1-12 (643)] HB-2291: TheGreatBankHeist: QB behaves erratically (possibly due to presence of pet bar)

  • HB-2310: Kick's LK 68-80 A (7903): "Conversing with the Deep" not jumping after interacting with pearl

  • HB-2306: Kick's Talador 94-96 H (1623): Failed at turning in quest "Dropping In"

[size=+1]Cannot Reproduce / Not a Bug / Won't Fix / Overcome by Events[/size]
  • HB-2175: Kick's Deepholm 82-83 (1474): "Keep Them Off the Front" broken due to bad vehicle aiming
    NotABug: "Working as intended."
  • HB-2176: Kick's Hyjal 80-82 (2497): "Finish Nemesis" broken
    OvercomeByEvents: Repaired by HB-2205​
  • HB-2194: Kick's BC 58-70 H (7789): "Nether Gas in a Fel Fire Engine" broken due to doing objective for quest we do not have
    CannotReproduce: "The profile logic is "<While Condition="HasQuest(10855) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(10855)">..." which means that if the bot doesn't have the quest it won't gather the item. We've tried to reproduce the problem, but it all worked perfectly. Closing as its more likely a cache issue. Its definitely not a profile bug."
  • HB-2195: Kick's Deepholm 82-83 (1474): "Keep Them Off the Front" broken due to trying to mount a non-interactable vehicle
    CannotReproduce: "Several toons successfully completed quest."

[size=+1]Already repaired for next drop[/size]
  • HB-2171: Kick's BC 58-70 H (3158): "Arelion's Secret" broken due to omitting a required interact
    "Fixed an issue that caused InteractWith with multiple HuntingGround waypoints to terminate before completion after navigating to first waypoint."
  • HB-2174: Kick's LK 68-80 H (12451): "Discipline" broken due to too small collection distance (repaired for post-.783 drop)
    "HuntingGrounds added and its fixed now"
  • HB-2196: Kick's Uldum 83-85 (1077): "Salhet's Secret" broken at turnin due to inability to move to Salhet
    "Additional Flyto added for robustness."
  • HB-2197: Kick's LK 68-80 H (12551): "The Hyldsmeet" broken due to failure to pick up quest
    "Improved IW and works now"
  • HB-2198: Kick's Hyjal 80-82 (3281): "The Firelord" broken due to failure of assisting NPCs
    "Reworked in terms of KillUntilComplete and its works great now"
  • HB-2220: Kick's Gorgrond 92-94 (1227): Attempting to interact with Glirin, but he's not gossiping
    "We only try Glirin / Follower now if we have already selected Lumber Mill."

Back to INDEX
If you will publicly pledge to repair MoreDots for BLM, then I will donate $20 now, and another $20 when it is finished. This is based on a recent discussion where it was noted that a good CR should be worth $19. I am willing to pay more than my share for a good working CR for Black Mages.
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Hi chinajade, it's me, one more time. Haha.
I just asked myself, will it buy the "flying license"? Can you tell me? I'm not sure.
Good job, and good bye :p
Hi chinajade, it's me, one more time. Haha.
I just asked myself, will it buy the "flying license"? Can you tell me? I'm not sure.
Good job, and good bye :p
Hi, Dylpan00,

This is answered in the FAQ in the front matter of this thread.

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I've been running Kick's Draenor packs on a few L100s and fixed a couple of things along the way.
I've checked on assembla but can't figure out how to do a pull/merge request.

[H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick]
- added consideration for toons that have already completed the breadcrumb quest to go to Talador.​

[H - Quest] 94-96 Talador [Kick]
- added check for Garrison level so that Ahm (follower) can be found in L2 and L3.​
- added consideration for toons that have already completed the breadcrumb quest for going to Spires of Arak.​


I've been running Kick's Draenor packs on a few L100s and fixed a couple of things along the way.
I've checked on assembla but can't figure out how to do a pull/merge request.

[H - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick]
- added consideration for toons that have already completed the breadcrumb quest to go to Talador.​

[H - Quest] 94-96 Talador [Kick]
- added check for Garrison level so that Ahm (follower) can be found in L2 and L3.​
- added consideration for toons that have already completed the breadcrumb quest for going to Spires of Arak.​
Hi HHeLiBeBCNOF, and thank you for the improvements.

Against this issue, we've opened:
HB-2320: Improvements to Kick's profiles​


[size=-2]Ref: HHeLiBeBCNOF's improvement contributions[/size]