Hi, Aaron913. This is a most excellent bug report, thank you.
From your log, the 'stuck' happens while you are heading for a quest PickUp. This makes the problem a purely navigational issue, and there is nothing we can do in the profile to abate the situation.
I'm going to move your post to the Navigation thread, where it belongs. You can find it here, now.
[size=-2]Ref: Aaron913's problem report w/log[/size]
Hi chinajade,
Thanks for the reply. To help you visualize better, I have took a screenshot and did some editing.
1. The red circle indicates where the troggs are battling the npc. The bot will dismount at this NPC location and then attempt to kill the troggs. After hitting the trogg once, the bot decides to move to yellow
2. Since the troggs didn't exactly get aggroed by the bot (the troggs are still attacking the NPC), the bot decides to move back to red. While doing so, a click command continues to be sent at the yellow spot.
3. The bot then get stuck in between red and yellow, constantly moving back and forth. No troggs are killed in the process.
level 50 in searing gorge
[13:11:44.814 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Fergus Gravelsmash
[13:11:53.377 D] InteractDebug:554264184
[13:11:53.404 D] Interact Done:554264184
[13:11:53.960 D] Activity: Selling Items
[13:11:58.114 D] Activity: Repairing Items
[13:12:02.186 D] Cleared POI - Reason Done selling/repairing
[13:12:02.186 D] Cleared POI
[13:12:02.468 D] Activity: Waiting for Npc to spawn
and he waiting 1 hour the i stop it and load again and start and its the same?
Why can't we force fly mode anymore in honorbuddy? Kick's profiles now uses ground mount half of the time... So annoying.
Hi, Emmark,Please enable Checkpoints in [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick].xml again. This stupid thing where it goes back to lowlevel areas to do quests is so annoying. Worked fine until I updated.
For me its just getting worse and worse with this bot. Humps mailboxes all day, doesn't seem to be aware of objects (Houses, tents, etc), mount/dismount cycles, going into water - aggro a mob - run up on shore again and shoot at an evading mob until stopped, and the list goes on and on and on.
Why does the horde 12-58 do so many low level quests? its doing northen barrens quest (15-20) at level 30?
Or completely freezing up and doing nothing
First of all, sorry for posting without a log, the last character I leveled to 90 was weeks ago and I deleted the logs.
The quest Gardener Fran and the Watering Can has not worked on any of the characters I have leveled with kick's profiles. Most issues can be fixed by attacking a mob or moving my character but from the last 4 characters I have leveled to 90 with your profiles they all have gotten stuck on this one quest. It will pick it up and the event to begin watering will start, but the bot will stop moving and sit idle. Very sorry for not including logs but I thought I should finally report it.
Is there anyway i can the bot to NOT get stuck every 2 minutes? have to sit there and watch it the whole time it bots...
for alliance it goes to SW and does the stupid quest instead of main ones
Hello Chinajade, you looked at the wrong profile!i DID mention the ProfileName="[Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml" and not : [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml
Check the horde profile for the quest i mentioned, not the alliance one.
Edit : Adding the link to the related post : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/131188-kicks-1-90-mega-profile-pack-21.html#post1313655
It looks like I added the wrong log! - here is the one with the kodo quest. Sorry about that, should that thread be moved back or should i post my new log over in nav issue?
View attachment 109137
Bot gets stuck in a cave trying to leave to turn in [n]80-82 "Return from the Firelands" Quest, it dosen't step through the portal. Instead it just tries to climb up a rock and mount. Log attached
Code:[05:27:04.684 N] We are stuck!! [05:27:07.519 D] Could not generate full path from {5001.199, -2040.656, 1157.691} to {5045.922, -2053.849, 1367.628} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
*EDIT* Log is too big to post (2mb)