I have developed a custom class called 'FightThisWay'. Like Singular and CLU, this is an 'all things to all people' class that handles combat, pulling, etc.
The code is small, clean (all code in 1 file), and unlike CLU and Singular, uses text files to handle the rotations. This keeps the rotations easy to understand, so you don't have to be a rocket scientist to change it.
All classes and specs are handled, including the latest class - Monks. A full help file containing instructions plus questions/answers is bundled with the product, and can be found here: ReadMe.html
Here's what's great about it:
I use this a lot when in dungeons. It takes all the 'reflex' work out of partying with others, and let's me concentrate on game mechanics, steering, and chat. However, it's also useful for leveling - when out of party, it will do it all.
The data files end up being a 'laundry list' of how to play your class. The first action that has all the conditions met and executes successfully, wins this round - it stops there, and starts at the top of the file again.
Every condition starts with one of the following prefixes. If a condition doesn't start with one of these prefixes, 'Target' is assumed.
Here's a sample data file - the ever-popular Paladin tank, coded up as a FightThisWay text file.
Let's go over the '@COMBAT' section of the Paladin Tank in more detail.
Download Link:
fightthisway - Revision 3: /trunk
How to install it:
FTW is available via SVN at fightthisway - Revision 5: /trunk.
All the files go into your 'Honorbuddy/Routines' folder, into a new folder called 'FTW'.
Now, you could download the files one by one, but that would be tedious and time-consuming.
An easier way is to install TortoiseSVN, and checkout the latest changes using the link above.
Don't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds! Just follow these instructions:
After downloading the files via SVN, stop and restart HonorBuddy, if it's running.
If you get a 'file not found' error: Be aware that some SVN packages will name the folder for you.
If it puts the files into a folder named 'FightThisWay', rename it to 'FTW.'
Donation Link:
The code is small, clean (all code in 1 file), and unlike CLU and Singular, uses text files to handle the rotations. This keeps the rotations easy to understand, so you don't have to be a rocket scientist to change it.
All classes and specs are handled, including the latest class - Monks. A full help file containing instructions plus questions/answers is bundled with the product, and can be found here: ReadMe.html
Here's what's great about it:
- Easily customizable - simply change the data file to change your play style. Like to open with Rain of Fire? No problem! Like to heal as soon at you get below 100, instead of below 70? Piece of cake. Do you want to never EVER use a certain spell? Just remove those lines.
- Change combat style at runtime. After making your changes and saving them, FightThisWay automatically notices the file has changed, and reload it at runtime. There's no need to stop and restart HonorBuddy, to preview changes.
- Access spells that aren't currently available in HonorBuddy's Spell Manager. All the missing druid and warlock spells are here, and ready to rock!
- Customizing it makes you play different than everyone else, so it's less obvious that you're playing with a bot.
- Innovative use of the scroll key to handle automatic movement and facing. When the scroll lock key is on, no movement, targeting, or facing is performed, so you can control it yourself. When the scroll lock key is off, everything's automatic. This comes in handy when you want to do dungeons with others, and want it to handle the rotation, while you handle the movement and game mechanics. With scroll lock on, you can 'steer' the bot, and make target choices yourself. If nature calls and you need a quick bio break, turn scroll lock off and let it do its thing.
- Works in all dungeons! For the lower level dungeons, you can pretty much ignore it and assume good stuff's happening. For the higher level trickier dungeons, there are large stretches where it can play unattended, but you will eventually need to come back to manually steer out of Mannoroth's fel flames.
- When in party, it automatically follows the tank when out of combat, and your current target when in combat.
- When in a party in combat, it automatically rezzes any dead tank or healers, if it can - Death Knight 'Raise Ally', warlock 'Soulstone', druid 'Rebirth', etc. It happens so fast you often don't notice someone went down before they've popped back up again.
- In party out of combat, it does the 'cheap' rez on everyone, regardless of whether they're a tank or healer - 'Revive' for druids, 'Redemption' for paladins, etc.
- It uses a weighting system during combat, and will stop what it's doing and go save the healer, if it must. If it's a tank and it's losing aggro, it will drop the current mob and target the mob he lost aggro on. When things get wild during combat, I just hit 'scroll lock' and let the bot handle it. My bear runs around like he's rabid, regaining aggro on the things he lost it on, far faster than I could have.
- It uses a weighting system to pick who to heal, as well. Some classes should never off-heal - feral druid comes to mind, because it breaks form. But for some classes, it's appropriate - tanks can occasionally toss a heal to the worst hurt player, to take the load off the healer, for instance. The worst hurt player pops to the top, with an extra 10 points given if they're a tank or healer, so they're prioritized first in healing.
- It can optionally pull only groups of monsters, ignoring onesie-twosies. This is great when farming for cloth, such as the trogg packs in Deepholm.
I use this a lot when in dungeons. It takes all the 'reflex' work out of partying with others, and let's me concentrate on game mechanics, steering, and chat. However, it's also useful for leveling - when out of party, it will do it all.
The data files end up being a 'laundry list' of how to play your class. The first action that has all the conditions met and executes successfully, wins this round - it stops there, and starts at the top of the file again.
- Lines that start with two dashes are comments.
- The commands are broken up into three sections - @COMBAT, @PULL, and @REST. @COMBAT contains what to do when fighting a mob. @PULL contains what to do when pulling a mob. @REST contains what to do when you're otherwise idle.
- Every line that starts in column 1 on the left, is a command to be executed. All the lines that are indented under that, are conditions that must be true, for that command to be executed.
- All the conditions indented under a command must be true, for the command to be executed. If the conditions aren't all true, the command will be skipped, and FightThisWay starts looking at the next command in the list.
- If all the conditions are true, the command is executed. If the command executed successfully, FightThisWay stops there, and starts again at the top.
- If all the conditions are true, but the command didn't execute (spell on cooldown, for instance), FightThisWay will continue looking down the list for a command to execute.
- If there are no conditions listed, the command will be executed, but may still return false, causing FightThisWay to continue looking down the list for the next command to execute.
Every condition starts with one of the following prefixes. If a condition doesn't start with one of these prefixes, 'Target' is assumed.
- Me - the player
- Tank - the tank when in party, the player when not in a party.
- Healer - the healer when in party.
- Target - the mob you're targeting
- Heal - the party member most in need of healing
- Pet - your pet
- Revive - a dead person
- Cleanse - a diseased person
Here's a sample data file - the ever-popular Paladin tank, coded up as a FightThisWay text file.
Let's go over the '@COMBAT' section of the Paladin Tank in more detail.
- It will heal the player ('Me'), if his health is getting too low.
- With Heal.Cast Flash of Light, we're casting flash of light on the player whose most in need of healing, only if their health is under 50%. This is the 'take the load off the healer' method I mentioned earlier.
- Next, it will remove diseases from the player, if applicable.
- Paladin tanks don't have a 'rebirth during combat', so that section is empty.
- Next comes targeting - the 'GrabAggro' line causes it to target any mobs it may be losing aggro on. This should only be used for tank classes, when scroll lock is off. For everyone else, 'FindBetterTarget' will find a new target if the current target is dead, or a pet, etc.
- Ranged spells that should be cast while running to the target - in this case 'Speed of Light', to increase your run speed towards the target.
- Movement - Me.FollowTarget causes you to move to within melee range if you're a melee class, or 20 yards if you're a ranged class.
- Stuns are next - disable the current target, if you're fighting a bunch of 'em.
- Now, come all the spells that go against target. Notice most of them say just the spellname, such as 'Judgment', instead of 'Target.Cast Judgment.' If you ever see a condition without a prefix, 'Target' is assumed.
- If we're fighting more than 1 mob, the target is in melee range, and I'm not running, cast 'Consecration.'
- Also cast 'Reckoning' if we have loose or no aggro.
- Perform combat buffs such as Blessing of Kings, if we don't already have it, and get the right seals up depending on the situation.
- Then come the interrupts, if the target is casting a spell, and that spell is interruptable.
- Then comes the normal damage dealers, prioritized in the order you want to see them. If one is on cooldown, it will just fall through to the next, as you'll recall.
-- Healing spells
--Divine Protection
-- Me.Health < 70
Flash of Light
Me.StackCount("Selfless Healer") >= 3
Me.Health < 80
Word of Glory
Me.Health < 70
Me.StackCount("Bastion of Glory") = 1
Eternal Flame
Me.Health < 70
Me.HasAura("Bastion of Glory") = 1
Flash of Light
Me.HasAura("Supplication") = 1
Me.Health < 70
Word of Glory
Me.Health < 60
Guardian of Ancient Kings
Me.Health < 60
Ardent Defender
Me.Health < 50
Heal.Cast Flash of Light
Heal.Health < 50
Me.Cast Lay on Hands
Me.Health < 40
Divine Shield
Me.Health < 40
Me.IsDiseased = 1
-- Rebirth
-- Targeting
Me.InParty = 1
Me.ScrollLock = 0
Me.InParty = 0
Me.InParty = 0
-- Ranged spells (cast while running)
Target.Distance > 10
Speed of Light
Target.Distance > 10
-- Movement
-- Stuns
Fist of Justice
Target.AddsCount > 1
Target.Health > 35
Target.IsCasting = 1
Target.Interruptable = 1
Target.Distance < 5
-- AOE
Target.AddsCount > 1
Target.Distance < 5
Me.IsMoving = 0
-- Combat Debuffs
Target.Aggro < 4
-- Combat buffs
Me.Cast Blessing of Kings
Me.HasAura("Legacy of the Emperor") = 0
Me.HasAura("Mark of the Wild") = 0
Me.HasAura("Blessing of Kings") = 0
Me.Cast Righteous Fury
Me.HasAura("Righteous Fury") = 0
Me.Cast Seal of Righteousness
Me.HasAura("Seal of Righteousness") = 0
Target.AddsCount > 1
Me.Cast Seal of Truth
Me.HasAura("Seal of Truth") = 0
Target.AddsCount <= 1
Avenging Wrath
-- Runners
-- Interrupts
Target.Distance < 5
Target.IsCasting = 1
Target.Interruptable = 1
-- Freebies
-- Normal attack rotation
Shield of the Righteous
Me.HasAura("Divine Purpose") = 1
Crusader Strike
Target.AddsCount = 1
Hammer of the Righteous
Target.AddsCount > 1
Avenger's Shield
Me.HasAura("Grand Crusader") = 1
Hammer of the Righteous
Target.HasAura("Weakened Blows") = 0
Avenger's Shield
--Shield of the Righteous
-- Me.HolyPower >= 3
Hammer of Wrath
Target.Distance < 5
Me.IsMoving = 0
Holy Wrath
Target.AddsCount > 1
Avenger's Shield
Me.Health < 50
--Divine Protection
-- Me.Health < 70
Guardian of Ancient Kings
Me.Health < 60
Word of Glory
Me.Health < 50
Me.HasAura("Bastion of Glory") = 1
Eternal Flame
Me.Health < 50
Me.HasAura("Bastion of Glory") = 1
Ardent Defender
Me.Health < 30
Me.Cast Flash of Light
Me.Health < 30
Me.Cast Lay on Hands
Me.Health < 30
Divine Shield
Me.Health < 20
Heal.Cast Flash of Light
Heal.Health < 50
Me.IsDiseased = 1
Revive.CastOnce Redemption
Revive.Dead = 1
Download Link:
fightthisway - Revision 3: /trunk
How to install it:
FTW is available via SVN at fightthisway - Revision 5: /trunk.
All the files go into your 'Honorbuddy/Routines' folder, into a new folder called 'FTW'.
Now, you could download the files one by one, but that would be tedious and time-consuming.
An easier way is to install TortoiseSVN, and checkout the latest changes using the link above.
Don't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds! Just follow these instructions:
- Download and install TortoiseSVN.
- Create a folder called 'FTW' inside the 'Honorbuddy/Routines' folder.
- Right-click the FTW folder, and choose 'SVN Checkout...' from the popup menu.
- Enter this when it asks you for the URL, and click 'OK': fightthisway - Revision 5: /trunk
After downloading the files via SVN, stop and restart HonorBuddy, if it's running.
If you get a 'file not found' error: Be aware that some SVN packages will name the folder for you.
If it puts the files into a folder named 'FightThisWay', rename it to 'FTW.'
Donation Link:

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