[2:29:17 AM:477] interact: 0x1C0220F8
[2:29:17 AM:477] interact done: 0x1C0220F8
[2:29:17 AM:910] ProfessionBuddy: Queueing server for Item: 2447
Ty it solved my issue the plug in works now =)
Will do. Next release this weekend unless HB still being updated.I am using this bot a lot and and I'm loving it. There is only one thing I could ask, is it possible for you to implement a mounting logic so that if the tank mounts you will mount and follow. The reason I am asking is I am using this during Cata heroics and normals and in the lost city the tank always mounts up and runs. I know this is not meant to be an afk bot however I like being able to turn away and watch tv every once in a while and I get asked if I am coming or not a lot. Again I know it is a minor thing so you may not have time for it but if you do I would appreciate it.
user issue. thoroughly read the first postCannot find dl link on provided link
logsIm having this problem in stv
12:11:14 PM:703] Picking up The Altar of Naias : 26731
[12:11:14 PM:703] Goal: Picking up The Altar of Naias
[12:11:14 PM:718] Stop called!
[12:11:14 PM:734] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[12:11:14 PM:734] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
Any ideas
logsWhy do i have to keep stopping/starting the bot for it to continue. It keeps getting to a point where it just does nothing.
hb issue, it shouldn't be an issue really. dunnoIs this a Mech, bot other or profile issue?
At FP in stormwind not taking standing next to the flight master. about to fly to westfal. works if i manually klick it.
"[14:09:13:775] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!"
logs"To Kill With Purpose" is gone.. the bot cant seem to pick it up..just stands at the npc wich would have it but it dosent have it... quest id is 27451
what do you mean by logs? the quest is no more:S