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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Does not attack Wood Mites durring "The Infested Protectors"

Edit: Fairly sure its missing the kill monid trigger as the termites don't aggro you. everything else with this quest seems to be in order though.

CC / hb issue. my toons using fpswares's cc's works fine
Also, I had a problem with picking up the quest Jorgensen. It is due to a bug in wow though, since the npc that gives the quest didn't spawn at all. When I logged in this morning, he was suddenly standing next to me.
Mine keeps trying to get "ashes to ashenvale," but its not available. sadly, i havent accepted the heroes call one either. So I'm not sure at this point how to go on further.
same here. what now?
Item Usage is okay, but there has to be a wait time from ... i think 5 or 8 seconds ... the toon canceld the channeling and tried to go back (myctm)
				<UseItem QuestName="Monitoring The Rift: Sundered Chasm" QuestId="11582" ItemId="34669" ItemName="Arcanometer" X="3806.885" Y="6035.52" Z="-132.859" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3805.329" Y="6023.042" Z="-79.5155" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3740.958" Y="5996.458" Z="-7.010993" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3698.114" Y="5948.795" Z="4.483" />

the MyCTM after item usage isn't enought, hb can't generate the path back to questgiver

Could not generate full path from {3804.708, 6044.85, -2.190853} to {3806.885, 6035.52, -132.859} (time used: 1.846 seconds)
Changed tilemap to Northrend, Tiled: True
Loading Northrend_20_24
Loading Northrend_20_25
Could not generate full path from {3806.001, 6028.821, -128.395} to {3614.86, 5978.05, 136.3} (time used: 0 milliseconds)
Item Usage is okay, but there has to be a wait time from ... i think 5 or 8 seconds ... the toon canceld the channeling and tried to go back (myctm)
				<UseItem QuestName="Monitoring The Rift: Sundered Chasm" QuestId="11582" ItemId="34669" ItemName="Arcanometer" X="3806.885" Y="6035.52" Z="-132.859" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3805.329" Y="6023.042" Z="-79.5155" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3740.958" Y="5996.458" Z="-7.010993" />
				<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3698.114" Y="5948.795" Z="4.483" />

the MyCTM after item usage isn't enought, hb can't generate the path back to questgiver

my ctm is tricky, you'll just have to do the best w/ it for now
Here's the error we talked about. Full log attached.

[10:26:14 AM:120] [UseItemOn(debug) @line 1472]: Arzeth the Merciless
[10:26:14 AM:232] Activity: Using item on "Arzeth the Merciless"
[10:26:14 AM:233] [UseItemOn(debug) @line 1472]: Arzeth the Merciless
[10:26:22 AM:949] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4620\Quest Behaviors\CombatUseItemOn.cs'
[10:26:23 AM:451] [CombatUseItemOn(error)]: One or more of the following attributes must be specified:
CastingSpellId, HasAuraId, MobHasAuraId, MobHpPercentLeft
[10:26:23 AM:453] [CombatUseItemOn(warning) @line 1473]: Attribute 'CollectionDistance' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[10:26:23 AM:453] [CombatUseItemOn(warning) @line 1473]: Attribute 'Range' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[10:26:23 AM:453] [CombatUseItemOn(warning) @line 1473]: Attribute 'WaitTime' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[10:26:23 AM:454] [CombatUseItemOn(error) @line 1473]: Stopping Honorbuddy.  Please repair the profile!
[10:26:23 AM:454] Stop called!
I dont know if this has been said before so many pages but just wanted to tell you about the quest "spiritual insight" It will start to say use item then before it uses the item completley it will go and try to turn the quest in to the walruss guy. I just completed it manually and it is going strong again thanks kick.
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="11798" ObjectType="Gameobject" MobId="190334" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="20" X="3999.636" Y="4853.525" Z="25.97277" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" />

can be changed to
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="11798" ObjectType="Gameobject" MobId="190334" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="20" X="3999.636" Y="4853.525" Z="25.97277" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="20000" />

nothing special there, but he reads two times the book ... this is no error or bug, but in my eyes this is trackable ... when every bot reads the book two times ^^

and to my previous post ...
maybe add some more myctms at this place, till the toon is out of the water? this should help alot, i think.

he moves nearly perfect to all of the 3 points, so it is only needed to add some more points :)
I dont know if this has been said before so many pages but just wanted to tell you about the quest "spiritual insight" It will start to say use item then before it uses the item completley it will go and try to turn the quest in to the walruss guy. I just completed it manually and it is going strong again thanks kick.

fixed, re-svn
Hi kick. The quest Morbent's Bane has a simple error. You use some mumbo jumbo on him that turns him into "weakened morbent fel" instead of just morbent fel. And this cause your profile to mess up a little. In particular it said "failed to generate path to morbent fel, blacklisting" im sure this is easy to fix :) Working good so far, cheers.
Hi kick. The quest Morbent's Bane has a simple error. You use some mumbo jumbo on him that turns him into "weakened morbent fel" instead of just morbent fel. And this cause your profile to mess up a little. In particular it said "failed to generate path to morbent fel, blacklisting" im sure this is easy to fix :) Working good so far, cheers.

hb mesh issue
[18:28:21:783] [InteractWith(debug) @line 4500]: Lok'lira the Crone
[18:28:27:201] Goal: Running Macro
[18:28:27:201] Activity: RunMacro 1/4 Times
[18:28:28:255] Activity: RunMacro 2/4 Times
[18:28:29:319] Activity: RunMacro 3/4 Times
[18:28:30:405] Activity: RunMacro 4/4 Times

does not work. it does not interract, or well it hasn?t interracted with any mob at all in this profile, i have had to manually interract with mobs several times.
bengan, i need a real log please

			<While Condition="((HasQuest(12970)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(12970)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12970" MobId="29975" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="50" X="6922.175" Y="-1534.575" Z="836.0744" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script SelectGossipOptions(1)" NumOfTimes="4" WaitTime="1000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script CloseGossip()" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />

is the window closed? or open? when it tries to runmacro

or is it just failing to run the interactwith behavior?
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Here we go.
View attachment 21797

Reinstalled with latest HB 3 hours ago or so, SVN:ed all profiles today and QB?s as well.

But this problem has been there longer then just today. seems as soon as it say "Macro" it get problem.

Edit: The window is open, i just have to klick the text and the bot continues.
i'll be fixing that w/ the next release of LK.

if you can take note and make a list while you're in LK, all i have to do is change the macro's to GossipOptions="" and it will permanently fix that issue (this wasn't available when I first made the profile :( )
found one more problem.

It is trying to pick up "You'll need a bear" when the avilable quest is "Lok'lira's Parting Gift", this is right after you manually fight 6 bears riding a bear.
By restarting the bot it tries to pick Drakensryd, but it cannot unless "Lok'lira's Parting Gift" is completed.

I guess "You'll need a bear" was supposed to be "Lok'lira's Parting Gift".

Once named quest is completed the bot continues.

get that quest and stick it in there
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You need a force dismount or it wont mount the harpoon. <Fixed>

Sorry for the short code clips, but i think a full log wont help you more here :D <Fixed>

The new version of HB does not have the file "UseAoeCircle.cs" nor does the old one, did you dream up that QB? :D
it messes things up.
[20:27:17:443] Successfully generated path from {7299.583, -130.1542, 770.355} to {7446.136, 138.293, 768.1174} in 107 milliseconds
[20:27:18:448] Mounting: Charger
[20:27:40:735] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Games\HB\Handy\Quest Behaviors\UseAoeCircle.cs'
[20:27:40:737] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[20:27:40:737] Could not find file 'C:\Games\HB\Handy\Quest Behaviors\UseAoeCircle.cs'.
[20:27:40:737] Stop called!

change to UseItemTargetLocation

[20:36:00:828] Compiling expression '(HasItem(41556))' @ line 4710
[20:36:01:94] Could not find quest with ID 12922! (Or could I: False)
[20:36:01:94] Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 41558!
[20:36:01:94] Could not create current in quest bot!


what it should do is to go and complete "Mending fences" i think doing that one manually right now.

Yeah, completing that quest made it go on by it self... for now.

For now, well that quest after " The Refiner's fire" it seem as it dosn?t know how to do it. it dosn?t collect sparks, it walks to the anvil and walks against it all the time.

EEEKKK, evil elite giants. how about stoping before this part and go on in Icecrown?
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