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Token Price revealed 30k

I'm surprised it's 30k. I was thinking 15-20k, but then again that would be pretty cheap
i was thinking it was going to be 30k-45k happy its on the low end, i can get tons of these
Well that's a retail gold price of 0.66USD / 1000G = really cheap.
If you want to buy retail gold atm you are going to have to pay almost 1 usd / 1000g from legitimate companies.

I'm curious how this will change over time, if it will remain at 30k or drop to 10k.
So based on simple economics, it would seem that the realms with the most bots would have the cheapest prices?
Im pretty sure they said somewhere that if they were being sold quickly the prices actually go up and if they didn't sell they go down that's in simple terms. in short terms supply and demand. High supply with low demand lower prices and reverse. so to be honest if no one bought them for a while then bought up a lot of them would be the best. But i can already tell the people who have been hoarding gold are gonna be buying them so expect the price to sky rocket the first couple weeks then die down. Just like ores/herbs at the beginning of xpac same aspect.
Im pretty sure they said somewhere that if they were being sold quickly the prices actually go up and if they didn't sell they go down that's in simple terms. in short terms supply and demand. High supply with low demand lower prices and reverse. so to be honest if no one bought them for a while then bought up a lot of them would be the best. But i can already tell the people who have been hoarding gold are gonna be buying them so expect the price to sky rocket the first couple weeks then die down. Just like ores/herbs at the beginning of xpac same aspect.

agreed.. altho i would say its gonna take at least a month or 2 before we see a steady price range for each server cluster
Just like anything else new, the selling price is always high until market gets packed and then price drops.
30k is a joke, how many days u get to play free for 30k? 30 days ?? and why are the token $20 when 30 days game-time is less than $15

price is gonna go sky high. cos bliz limit on how many tokens can be bought per realm, @ price of 30k I have enough gold to bot wow for free for the rest of my life.
Finally blizzard figured out how to make botters pay them.

Like the title says. The token prices have been released.


We easily buy the tokens with gold, the other player pays for the token... in effect, the token seller is now paying for the botter's monthly account. But Blizzard doesnt care, as long as someone pays cash for both accounts. This is actually rewarding botting more than anything that Blizz has ever done.
We easily buy the tokens with gold, the other player pays for the token... in effect, the token seller is now paying for the botter's monthly account. But Blizzard doesnt care, as long as someone pays cash for both accounts. This is actually rewarding botting more than anything that Blizz has ever done.

I agree, im gonna empty my account for these cheap ass time tokens.
30k is a joke, how many days u get to play free for 30k? 30 days ?? and why are the token $20 when 30 days game-time is less than $15

price is gonna go sky high. cos bliz limit on how many tokens can be bought per realm, @ price of 30k I have enough gold to bot wow for free for the rest of my life.

dont know if you are trolling you just plain stupid... the reason for the 20.00 is this

subject 1 buying tokens with irl cash: i have lots of real life money i should buy tokens and sell them for gold in the game i play.

subject 2 buying game time with gold: i dont have much money to pay for the game time but i do have lots of gold to spend so i can basically play the game and earn game time doing it.

ill give u a great example of this :D. hold on tight b.c this might hurt your head.

my brother does not have a job due to not being old enough, so he cant afford wow sub every month so he buys the 60 day cards when he makes enough money to get one. Now he can use his gold which is useless in the expansion since garrison supplies mats up the ass. so now insted of using the little money hes got on game time cards, he can now just play the game and make money and buy game time.

i certainly will be buying a few tokens with my gold to help save me some real life money. when you grow up and see how hard it is to pay for bills besides wow you will wana save ever dollar you make

also id like to know how you pay less then 15.00 a monet for wow -.- im being charged 16.19 a month.
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dont know if you are trolling you just plain stupid... the reason for the 20.00 is this

subject 1 buying tokens with irl cash: i have lots of real life money i should buy tokens and sell them for gold in the game i play.

subject 2 buying game time with gold: i dont have much money to pay for the game time but i do have lots of gold to spend so i can basically play the game and earn game time doing it.

ill give u a great example of this :D. hold on tight b.c this might hurt your head.

my brother does not have a job due to not being old enough, so he cant afford wow sub every month so he buys the 60 day cards when he makes enough money to get one. Now he can use his gold which is useless in the expansion since garrison supplies mats up the ass. so now insted of using the little money hes got on game time cards, he can now just play the game and make money and buy game time.

i certainly will be buying a few tokens with my gold to help save me some real life money. when you grow up and see how hard it is to pay for bills besides wow you will wana save ever dollar you make

also id like to know how you pay less then 15.00 a monet for wow -.- im being charged 16.19 a month.

You forgot subject 3:

Botters that make the gold in 1 day for 30 days of game time, keke (and these are A LOT)
You forgot subject 3:

Botters that make the gold in 1 day for 30 days of game time, keke (and these are A LOT)

see now i left that subject out b.c its not a constant XD. some ppl "not many " bot just for the CR for raiding... a silly as it sounds some only use it for that :P
Oh and also, my 2 cents, might be flawed but hey, Blizzard can make up whatever the fuck they want about supply/demand we will never know what the actual supply/demand is, they can just artificially increase the gold prices of the token to drive gold selling websites out of business, it will create some inflation yes, but it's nothing wow couldn't handle before, look at the prices now compared to vanilla. Blizzard can reglement gold price with this and nothing can stop them.
exactly, but what i dont quite get is how that the price fluctuate if they are setting a price? fluctuating happens from under cutting with a mix of supply and demand. like oil for example