ok so here are my thoughts on all of this
1. they knows that so many players buy gold so they are making it so that you can buy it direct from them (kinda like what they tried to do with D3 and stop the gear selling)
2. they are going to give the gold sellers massive amounts of gold when they start buying 100's of tokens with stolen credit cards
3. it is a gold sink to pull gold out of the game while moving it around they are telling you what you are going to get paid for it before it sells does that mean that is what it is going to sell for no i doubt it, it is going to sell for more they pay you what they said you will get and the rest vanishes
4. botters that do sell gold are going to start losing that income quickly when the sites stop buying it from us
5. the price of gold on the sites that make it through this are going to have to drop there prices a lot 30k is about what you get for $20 i wonder where they got there starting price from

6. most botters are never going to have to pay for game time again i have the next 2 years on my 3 accounts covered already if they are 30k each
7. since the tokens have there own AH tab and you can not see all of the ones posted what is to keep them from just putting more up for sale to pull gold out of the game
all and all i think it is a smart move on their part stop punishing people for buying gold just take over the market lol