tested this for a few hours multi-boxing arenas and bg's just around 1700 at most so nothing special. also watched it afk for a few hours while i was bored running on the treadmill and some things i observed i think is wrong.
the heal logic for spriest and finisher logic is off. the option to prioritize heal above damage can't just be set at a number and be all or nothing, It has to calculate enemy health compared to yours and consider how many orbs you have. With or without VE, if the enemy health is anywhere close to yours it is way safer to prioritize DP over any heal spell. It heals more than any heal spell, it pressures the enemy to go defensive if their HP is less than the HP you set healing at (default set at 60%, enemy at 30% health, the CR will still spam flash when a MB + DP would get them in execute range and you would be safe anyways cuz they would go defensive), and it can't be interrupted. I've watched the bot die over and over trying to spam flash when it has enough orbs for a DP and the enemy is lower than you are. If playing for real going for rating of course you would disable all healing and hotkey them yourself, but if you wanted auto-mode to work better more has to go into the calculation than "my hp < 50% then spam flash." it is guaranteed to get interrupted, do less healing, and less pressure if you have MB + DP up neither of which can be interrupted.
even if this option is checked, DP should still default as the higher priority heal no matter how many orbs you set to use DP at. If you select enable heal priority at all, if you ever hit this number, DP should be top priority and changed to 3 orbs to cast.
the calculation also needs to consider WHO is dropping below XX HP. If it is your ally then the heal priority is more acceptable cuz ranged dps will never be stacked and your chances of getting kicked mid flash is much lower and DP will not heal your partner. The calculation would not have to be very complicated, just needs to include WHO is below 60% (just using the default value for ease of explaining) you or your ally, is the enemy HP lower than yours/friend, how many orbs do you have, is the enemy near execute range. If the enemy is at 25% and you have 2 orbs and MB is coming off CD, almost guaranteed it will be better to MB + VE + DP into execute range no matter how you set your healing numbers at.
I may be way off since I'm brand new to priests and have only been testing it for 1 day, but I'm pretty experienced at both PVP and botting. I've multi-boxed and self-capped thousands of matches with almost every single class for multiple seasons, so I think I kind of understand the mechanics of how spriests should be prioritized even though I've never really played one. If I'm just plain wrong then I apologize in advance

but these are just my initial impressions. Other than that it's great. Just watching the bot die spam flashing with 5 orbs while the enemy is at 25% health just really bugs me lol.
lastly, trinket usage needs more options for AFK mode or multi-boxing. For healers, burst should be set on player OR ALLY health low and you should be able to set the number yourself. Also there should be an option for "on Lose Control > XXX ms" for CC break trinket. I know your intention is a manually controlled CR for high level players to try to get R1, but these QOL changes would really help all of us multi-boxers or just less experienced players who rely on near full AFK play from the CR. Sadly enough most of the guys i play with are no better than just multi-boxing myself and letting the CR do it 100% AFK (my friends suck

whether or not these things are fixed, still a great CR and the price is just way too cheap for what we get. 3 full specs of a very fast CR. overall love it, just the small things I don't like listed above which may not even be correct as I'm new to priests. So much value in this package I'll be donating soon whether or not you can make some QOL changes for AFK play or multi-boxers.