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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

First off thanks for the profile. Been using it ever since I realize Stonecore and Vortex mount aren't heroic-only (been running it on 3 chars the past months). And today managed to finish it in 11 runs.

Now farming Vortex, I realize this is an "all purpose" profile so it's got to take into consideration melee classes (so it always engage boss at point blank). The problem is I run a hunter and this seems problematic in Vortex.

1: Maybe it's Singular, but the pet pretty much 1 shot dragon 70% of the time. Resulting in no loot. So that sucks.

At first the fix sounds easy enough just set pet to passive, but that problem is surprisingly bigger than it seems. Because what happens now is the guy just runs through everybody in the instance, sometimes he stops to kill big minions (not the small ones they summon), goes and kills first boss, then stand next to the wind portal stuck in combat while the little elementals take free shots at me. If pet is set to "Passive" this will pretty much last forever because hunter will not turn around to engage but constantly tries to click portal.

I have changed spec to survival, and took the Lone Wolf talent, dismissed pet hoping this problem would go away (because I'm now essentially a mage or warlock). Nope, now it seems the hunter just run straight to the wind portal stuck in combat the entire time with little wind elemental chasing me, don't even engage first boss and waits.

I'm guessing this is not really a problem with the profile more so than Singular's approach on hunter combat or dropping aggro? But I'm not sure.
Yea, it's mostly Singular.
The easiest solution would be to add a code that'll make the bot attack the boss instead of walking up to him.

Something like:
<If Condition="(Me.Class == WoWClass.Hunter)" >  <!-- Hunter, Arcane Shot -->
	<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" IgnoreCombat="True" MobState="Alive" MobId1="43873" InteractByCastingSpellId="3044" WaitForNpcs="False" Range="39" >
Put this before:
<RunTo X="-1197.9132" Y="56.4448" Z="734.1751" />

Cannot load profile!
'MobId' is a duplicate attribute name. Line 408, position 73.
For Reins of Raven Lord

[UserSettings-v1581(warning) @line 440]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. When running the Blue Protodrake profile.

[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-11908.09, -3208.854, -14.83002> from <3667.8, -3843, 44.1352> (For Ashes of Al'ar)
First issue will be fixed in next SVN update.

Second issue, just ignore it.

Third issue, need a full log.
Hello! Ive an isue.

Using Get All Mounts.xml when I come inside Stratholme with a [A]Mage 100 and move to the boss spots, the char try to join inside the zigurat without attack the boss or any mob I pulled. If I kill them, it happends again with the next boss.

I got this [Singular] info: botbase disabled BehaviorFlags.Combat. Have to say that if I manually attack and it starts enable and disable this behavior and sometimes attacks, but not working correctly
This is most-likely an aggro tolerance issue caused by the fact that you're level 100.

Now launching Ashes of Al'ar.xlm, he went into Kael'thas room and wait nosense 8 fucking minutes doing nothing, and if I cancel and run it again it goes to the beginning of the instance, come back and wait 8 fucking minutes. WHY? WTF?

After pulling the boss, and wait for the speech "Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do." Really? I think you forgot the full encounter here..
Nope, I in fact did not forget "the full encounter."
As I said in the previous relply, it's most-likely an aggro tolerance issue caused by the fact that you're level 100.

Given that I'm not even working on Azyul at the moment, I've not had time to individually address over 450+ profiles and rework them for level 100s.

Drake of the North Wind - Endless Farm.xml, sold all my my "Draenic Intellect Potion" and some other items while repairing at Blacksmith Abasi. Why and when it decides the repair and sell time? Because I had enough space in my inventory and I wasnt killed in the runs (It did 5 before it).

The run/loot works nice here.
Any items of importance should be added to your Protected Items file prior to using the bot.
It's also important to note that the custom Lua profiles will ignore the protected items file, and the Lua code itself must be modified to whitelist the item.

The repair/vendor times vary depending on the situation you're in - and in some cases the routine isn't triggered by the profile.
In Botanica bot dont kill Laj, please Fix it.
Version of Honorbuddy 761.
Give me a log.

Hi Echo and thanks for your answer, So, when I got disconnected the AM reset the settings, ok. Is there a way to save the settings or to load as it was before... as... getting disconnecting is more than likely to happen and I cannot all the time check my toons, I am out of the house... I bot AFK 100% :-)
Open the profile with a text (or code) editor, you should see documentation inside of the profile that tells you how to set defaults.
It's fairly simple.

your great, but i have a small problem. using a grim batol medium profile, it happens to die (by falling in the middle) after release is going infront of the dungeon, and goin afk, bot log file says that he cannot grab his corpse, (die inside, try to revive outside), sorry if this is discused allready but didnt know what to search exactly
Having the same problem in Light Grim Batol profile
The 761 and 763 update of Honorbuddy broke death support.
Hopefully in the next update, it will work again.

View attachment 162893View attachment 162894View attachment 162895
I started yesterday with Botanica sell everything profile...it does bug a lot, cant leave it unattended for more than 20 mins, have to restart the script very often.
Somethimes it just stops itself also.
Here are some logs, any help will be appreciated
Can you explain what issues you're having?
I don't fancy looking through 80,000 lines of log lines to find a assumed bug.

Hey EchoTiger,

I just came across a Grim Batol profile for Deathknights on the *****-forums that uses "Death Gate" to port out of the dungeon sell everything (on the lower Ebon Hold level there is even repair and a mailbox) and ports back to the graveyard. All in all it is way faster than just running all the way back. Is there a chance that you could make a version like that at all?
It has been suggested months ago several times for Death Knights, Druids, and Monks.
It is in consideration, but I don't know how soon I'll be able to get around to it.
I'm currently not working on Azyul.
Thanks Echo,

One other question though, do you think if it's possible, if so how do I slightly modify the run path for the profile. Consider we're 100 running an 82 dungeon, if you simply choose to run along the edge or through mobs they wouldn't aggro you at all, significantly increase the efficiency of the run if you can run straight to first boss, then to second without any combat in between. Right now the pathing is literally running on top of every mob (the guy on the bridge and the dudes on the spiraling stairway all can be avoided.)

Once that's achieved I can even have the profile cast Camo and Aspect of Cheetah to make things even smoother.

While yes you make it wait at the start as to not go over the 10/h limit anyway but still since we're not looting any mobs anyway, just fighting through them put unnecessary durability repair.
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Which one of these profiles will earn you the most amount of gold atm?

On my server Grim batol's embersilk sells for 300g per 200 stack so for me grim batol on insane is making me about 1kg a hour and ive heard Gundrak is better but i havent tried it to much
I've been using your profiles for a while but when I went to start the bot it gave me this message in the log
"Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Borean Tundra (Borean Tundra - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!"

I checked the profile and it does contain a <questorder> line of code at the beginning.

Any tip to get this working again would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for such awesome profiles!
Can you explain what issues you're having?
I don't fancy looking through 80,000 lines of log lines to find a assumed bug.
Well my druid dies often after he finishes botanica, he runs in cat form on the red edge around instance entrance, then he stops at the very edge, sometimes it turns into travel form and goes yo sell stuff but often it just fall and die...and very often after respawn it turns into cat form and runs to the cliff edge and falls again...after 2-3 consecutive deaths script stops and needs to.be started again
Yea, it's mostly Singular.
The easiest solution would be to add a code that'll make the bot attack the boss instead of walking up to him.

Something like:
<If Condition="(Me.Class == WoWClass.Hunter)" >  <!-- Hunter, Arcane Shot -->
	<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" IgnoreCombat="True" MobState="Alive" MobId1="43873" InteractByCastingSpellId="3044" WaitForNpcs="False" Range="39" >
Put this before:
<RunTo X="-1197.9132" Y="56.4448" Z="734.1751" />

First issue will be fixed in next SVN update.

Second issue, just ignore it.

Third issue, need a full log.

[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-11908.09, -3208.854, -14.83002> from <3667.8, -3843, 44.1352> (Can't seem to find the log with this in it, I checked over 10. It just doesn't seem to be there, but it came up in Honorbuddy's visual thing, I just copied and pasted from there.
Im trying to get the bot to not sell embersilk cloth and its not working? I had added to protected items and turned off white sell and turned on mail green and white items. The bot is still selling everything after every few runs.
Im trying to get the bot to not sell embersilk cloth and its not working? I had added to protected items and turned off white sell and turned on mail green and white items. The bot is still selling everything after every few runs.
Which profile are you using?
Some will ignore Honorbuddy's vending rules.
Too bad really, the ***** profile just doesn't work with a lvl 90 char :<
The what profile? :P

I've been using your profiles for a while but when I went to start the bot it gave me this message in the log
"Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Borean Tundra (Borean Tundra - Zone - World of Warcraft)
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!"

I checked the profile and it does contain a <questorder> line of code at the beginning.

Any tip to get this working again would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for such awesome profiles!
I need a log.

Well my druid dies often after he finishes botanica, he runs in cat form on the red edge around instance entrance, then he stops at the very edge, sometimes it turns into travel form and goes yo sell stuff but often it just fall and die...and very often after respawn it turns into cat form and runs to the cliff edge and falls again...after 2-3 consecutive deaths script stops and needs to.be started again
The only Botanica profile that has death support is the AM-Alpha profile.
And the death support that it has was broken by a bug in the bot itself which should be fixed in the latest update.

The "running to the edge" issue was fixed.
You're using an older version of the profile.
Make sure you're using the SVN version, not the ZIP

can you make heavy pulls gundrak - sell everything + guildbank money?
sorry for bad english
There's one on the cloud:

View attachment 163045
Is that logs, EchoTiger.
I believe the issue is that the profile is trying to make the Warrior use "Throw."
But if I'm not mistaken, Throw was removed for Warriors when Draenor launched.

Throw will need to be replaced with something else.
I will add this to the tracker and get it fixed soon.
Thanks Echo,

One other question though, do you think if it's possible, if so how do I slightly modify the run path for the profile. Consider we're 100 running an 82 dungeon, if you simply choose to run along the edge or through mobs they wouldn't aggro you at all, significantly increase the efficiency of the run if you can run straight to first boss, then to second without any combat in between. Right now the pathing is literally running on top of every mob (the guy on the bridge and the dudes on the spiraling stairway all can be avoided.)

Once that's achieved I can even have the profile cast Camo and Aspect of Cheetah to make things even smoother.

While yes you make it wait at the start as to not go over the 10/h limit anyway but still since we're not looting any mobs anyway, just fighting through them put unnecessary durability repair.
It would require a bit of re-working for the navigation.
You'd need to add a ton of movement lines to make it fine-tuned to the edges.

So, you would just have to go in-game to the dungeon and generate a new path.

[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-11908.09, -3208.854, -14.83002> from <3667.8, -3843, 44.1352> (Can't seem to find the log with this in it, I checked over 10. It just doesn't seem to be there, but it came up in Honorbuddy's visual thing, I just copied and pasted from there.
Hmm, I just did a mass-search through the Azyul project for that coordinate.
From the looks of it, it's in the universal navigation code for while going to Outlands.

Draenor broke the Outlands navigation so at the moment there's no functionality for it.
We're working on a new and improved universal navigation code as we speak.

after 1 doungeon run dont go out from doungeon i I have to do it manually
I need to at least know which profile.
Or if you have a log, that would help.
Which profile are you using?
Some will ignore Honorbuddy's vending rules.

i am using the optimized gold > tolvir > suicide run. When the mobile bank is off cd the bot will put the item in the bank, when its not it will get sold. As well the green items, I have sell greens set to false and yet it just dumps everything.

Is it ignoring the forcemail portion of HB? Its a great profile, I just want to save the cloth and greens. Is there a quick fix for this or just have to play around with the profile?
I personally haven't addressed this issue yet because I've not touched WoW in so long and I don't have a level 100 to do it with.

Alternatively, if you could get the Grim Batol map, and mark on the map which mob packs aren't being pulled, I could fine-tune the coordinates a bit.

The Botanica and Gundrak are some of the more profitable dungeons out there.

Stonecore, Tol'vir, Grim Batol, and several others are considered "strong alternatives."
There's a Stonecore profile, but it's no public on the SVN/ZIP.
It's only exclusive to the Azyul Group Chat members.

Firstly, here's the map with the marked areas where a 100 often/always misses the pack due to running right near them but not close enough to aggro:
imgur: the simple image sharer

And second, what's this Azyul Group Chat? :D