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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Doesn't seem to be able to run the profile, tried it and all it does is just standing stil outside Grim Batol, says"Loading tiles". Further then that i haven't tested it, something that i'm doing wrong? Kind of new to using SVN's and stuff like it so maybe that?
Cause i should run it on "Questing" right?
/stats2 ... and then i look at the estimated gold in the middle of the dungeon and then my estimated guess on how much ive gained since the last hour... but honestly i think gundrak isnt the best place to be at... Grim Batol makes 1100 GPH according from the stats2 which is just about the same amount from gundrak but it drops alot of Embersilk which each 200 stack goes for 200-400g on my server and in gundrak the drop chance for frostweave is much lower than embersilk so there basically the same gold amounts but different in cloths and i just find it more profitable in batol
Im not sure what is happening when I run grim batol as a 91 rogue but I can clear the entire instance easily not even coming close to dying and the GPH is great but I randomly die without it showing on the logs what happened. I will have to watch the bot until it dies tomorrow and figure out what is causing it because its very annoying. Has anyone else looked into it already or had the same issue? I also have an issue with Honorbuddy not looting the boss Dragha after killing him. Anyone else experience this?
You may be falling into lava.
As far as the looting issue goes, I don't know - looting is handled by the bot itself, not the profile.

Hi, for the profile : Dungeons\Outlands\[AM - Alpha] The Botanica.xml

I have notice that the windows AM appears, I then click sell all, depost in GBank and deposit the cloth.
Toon goes in, then out, then goes in again, and the AM windows show the Sell all not ticked anymore, same for deposit in GBank and deposit cloth ? Any reason ?
The only (known) occurrences of AM-Alpha settings resetting is caused by the character logging out / disconnecting.
If that isn't happening, try disabling your mods. Deadly Boss Mods (along with several other mods) will conflict with the AM-Alpha.

Groundhack i was having the same problem id die now and then and i figured it was just the horde outside and @echo out of all of them which do you think is the best to farm for gold xP i mean i sell the BoE rare items on AH but only if there actually worth it and grim batol had some but they were like 100g a peice... the cloth was 1g per cloth so after a hour id end up of like 600-800g of cloth for AH and then the dungeon loot i didnt really look at but is gundrak good for BoE items and cloth? mainly its better than grim batol right?
All I know is that The Botanica, Gundrak, and Drak'tharon are all decent farms.
Grim Batol, Tol'vir, Stonecore (exclusive to Azyul chat members), and several other dungeons are "decent" alternatives.
Doesn't seem to be able to run the profile, tried it and all it does is just standing stil outside Grim Batol, says"Loading tiles". Further then that i haven't tested it, something that i'm doing wrong? Kind of new to using SVN's and stuff like it so maybe that?
Cause i should run it on "Questing" right?
If it's stuck on loading tiles, then the bot is downloading + loading + calculating a path to the destination.
You may have to give it some time before it actually starts moving - especially if the destination is far away.
Okay, thanks! Never had that problem before thought, happen like 1 once before. But it shouldn't be too far away when i'm standing right in front of the instance
First off thanks for the profile. Been using it ever since I realize Stonecore and Vortex mount aren't heroic-only (been running it on 3 chars the past months). And today managed to finish it in 11 runs.

Now farming Vortex, I realize this is an "all purpose" profile so it's got to take into consideration melee classes (so it always engage boss at point blank). The problem is I run a hunter and this seems problematic in Vortex.

1: Maybe it's Singular, but the pet pretty much 1 shot dragon 70% of the time. Resulting in no loot. So that sucks.

At first the fix sounds easy enough just set pet to passive, but that problem is surprisingly bigger than it seems. Because what happens now is the guy just runs through everybody in the instance, sometimes he stops to kill big minions (not the small ones they summon), goes and kills first boss, then stand next to the wind portal stuck in combat while the little elementals take free shots at me. If pet is set to "Passive" this will pretty much last forever because hunter will not turn around to engage but constantly tries to click portal.

I have changed spec to survival, and took the Lone Wolf talent, dismissed pet hoping this problem would go away (because I'm now essentially a mage or warlock). Nope, now it seems the hunter just run straight to the wind portal stuck in combat the entire time with little wind elemental chasing me, don't even engage first boss and waits.

I'm guessing this is not really a problem with the profile more so than Singular's approach on hunter combat or dropping aggro? But I'm not sure.

You would need to include the epic hex color to the Lua code.
Replace this:
if (n and strfind(n, "ff9d9d9d") or n and strfind(n, "ffffffff") or n and strfind(n, "ff1eff00") or n and strfind(n, "ff0070dd"))
With this:
if (n and strfind(n, "ff9d9d9d") or n and strfind(n, "ffffffff") or n and strfind(n, "ff1eff00") or n and strfind(n, "ff0070dd") or n and strfind(n, "ffa335ee"))

There may be multiple occurrences, replace all of them.
Didnt work with thenew lua script. But it doesnt matter anymore didnt know you could get a q item that sells pretty well.
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Cannot load profile!
'MobId' is a duplicate attribute name. Line 408, position 73.
For Reins of Raven Lord

[UserSettings-v1581(warning) @line 440]: Attribute 'FindVendorsAutomatically' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it. When running the Blue Protodrake profile.

[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-11908.09, -3208.854, -14.83002> from <3667.8, -3843, 44.1352> (For Ashes of Al'ar)
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Aside from the issues on getting to the instance entrance as it needs some love, this profile run like a champ, thanks Echo ;)
First off thanks for the profile. Been using it ever since I realize Stonecore and Vortex mount aren't heroic-only (been running it on 3 chars the past months). And today managed to finish it in 11 runs.

Now farming Vortex, I realize this is an "all purpose" profile so it's got to take into consideration melee classes (so it always engage boss at point blank). The problem is I run a hunter and this seems problematic in Vortex.

1: Maybe it's Singular, but the pet pretty much 1 shot dragon 70% of the time. Resulting in no loot. So that sucks.

At first the fix sounds easy enough just set pet to passive, but that problem is surprisingly bigger than it seems. Because what happens now is the guy just runs through everybody in the instance, sometimes he stops to kill big minions (not the small ones they summon), goes and kills first boss, then stand next to the wind portal stuck in combat while the little elementals take free shots at me. If pet is set to "Passive" this will pretty much last forever because hunter will not turn around to engage but constantly tries to click portal.

I have changed spec to survival, and took the Lone Wolf talent, dismissed pet hoping this problem would go away (because I'm now essentially a mage or warlock). Nope, now it seems the hunter just run straight to the wind portal stuck in combat the entire time with little wind elemental chasing me, don't even engage first boss and waits.

I'm guessing this is not really a problem with the profile more so than Singular's approach on hunter combat or dropping aggro? But I'm not sure.
I am also running a hunter there but with Tuan's routine no issues as a MM hunter with Lone Wolf as Tuan's routine does not summon pet in this case unlike singular(not sure if that has changed now).

I switched today to survival, and Tuan's have an option called "control auto per stance" which you can mark after setting it to passive which I haven't used yet as I had no issues since it engages the bosses on top of it and my pet had no chance to get the hit kill.
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Hello! Ive an isue.

Using Get All Mounts.xml when I come inside Stratholme with a [A]Mage 100 and move to the boss spots, the char try to join inside the zigurat without attack the boss or any mob I pulled. If I kill them, it happends again with the next boss.

I got this [Singular] info: botbase disabled BehaviorFlags.Combat. Have to say that if I manually attack and it starts enable and disable this behavior and sometimes attacks, but not working correctly
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Hi Echo and thanks for your answer, So, when I got disconnected the AM reset the settings, ok. Is there a way to save the settings or to load as it was before... as... getting disconnecting is more than likely to happen and I cannot all the time check my toons, I am out of the house... I bot AFK 100% :-)
your great, but i have a small problem. using a grim batol medium profile, it happens to die (by falling in the middle) after release is going infront of the dungeon, and goin afk, bot log file says that he cannot grab his corpse, (die inside, try to revive outside), sorry if this is discused allready but didnt know what to search exactly
Now launching Ashes of Al'ar.xlm, he went into Kael'thas room and wait nosense 8 fucking minutes doing nothing, and if I cancel and run it again it goes to the beginning of the instance, come back and wait 8 fucking minutes. WHY? WTF?

After pulling the boss, and wait for the speech "Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do." Really? I think you forgot the full encounter here..
Drake of the North Wind - Endless Farm.xml, sold all my my "Draenic Intellect Potion" and some other items while repairing at Blacksmith Abasi. Why and when it decides the repair and sell time? Because I had enough space in my inventory and I wasnt killed in the runs (It did 5 before it).

The run/loot works nice here.
Hey EchoTiger,

I just came across a Grim Batol profile for Deathknights on the *****-forums that uses "Death Gate" to port out of the dungeon sell everything (on the lower Ebon Hold level there is even repair and a mailbox) and ports back to the graveyard. All in all it is way faster than just running all the way back. Is there a chance that you could make a version like that at all?