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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Ashes of Al'ar profile

Not sure if others reported this yet but you could reduce a lot of time if you use the stormwind portal to blasted lands rather than flying there(its a the top of the portal tower right now), besides that you need to update the profile to talk to the NPC in blasted lands to go back to the old blasted lands to use the portal for the old outlands.
If you use a DK or Druid it's very easy to exit Grim Batol. Currently I seem to be getting stuck issues in this dungeon and deaths. Then the toon doesn't enter the dungeon after death. I am waiting for these issues to be fixed.

I have made edits that make a DK Death Gate and use the Mammoth to sell after every run and then Gate back. Same with Druids but teleport to Moonglade. Druids are prefereable since Teleport Moonglade has no CD.

Hi Mindtrapper, where do you port back from Moonglade in case of a druid? (Sorry for the stupid question I have not known that the changed it in mop that ports you back near to the location where you came from to moonglade and the wiki says : "Patch 5.4.0 (10-Sep-2013) Teleport: Moonglade now returns the Druid to a location near their original departure point when the spell is cast while in the Moonglade area. "

Thanks! :)
hello, i'm using this profile for a bit now, and i'm loving it! but i do something wrong is guess.

1. Gundrak - Guild Bank Money+Frostweave not using the guild bank. so ending up with a lot of cash and frostweave!

2. not always using the repair Mamoth but running to a vendor!
Hey, ive been using the dungeons gold farming for Grim Batol i went to be and turned it on for about 7 hours and made just roughly 5900g give or take a tiny bit and then made about 500g selling stuff... Embersilk on my realm sells for about 300g-600g for a 200 stack and i had 6 stacks of 200 making me 1200g so all in all about 7500g within 7 hours which is enough to make me happy but i see the highest dungeon farming you can go is Cata dungeons and i was wondering with the new xpac would we see some new dungeons from MoP in this? Jade temple or Mogu'Shan palace would be a good one... alot alot of group mobs in that, otherwise its a great profile and making a ton of gold and useful for other things but let me know about those MoP dungeons
Hi Mindtrapper, where do you port back from Moonglade in case of a druid? (Sorry for the stupid question I have not known that the changed it in mop that ports you back near to the location where you came from to moonglade and the wiki says : "Patch 5.4.0 (10-Sep-2013) Teleport: Moonglade now returns the Druid to a location near their original departure point when the spell is cast while in the Moonglade area. "

Thanks! :)

To the graveyard, I suppose. Literally a few seconds flight to the entrance of the dungeon.
Hey, running PoS hc trashfarm, gbank gold + cloth. How do I make the toons sell epics? Seems like he keeps them and they sell for almost 10g ea.
Same issues with Stratholme at Aboms. Let it sit there for a few minutes and it never corrects itself.
I also appear to have an aggro issue occasionally with Baroness Anastari.

Level 100 ret paladin, US Alliance.
It's on the bug tracker awaiting to be fixed.

Ashes of Al'ar profile

Not sure if others reported this yet but you could reduce a lot of time if you use the stormwind portal to blasted lands rather than flying there(its a the top of the portal tower right now), besides that you need to update the profile to talk to the NPC in blasted lands to go back to the old blasted lands to use the portal for the old outlands.
The universal navigation code is nearly 3 years old now and is awaiting to be rebuilt entirely.
There's a lot of known "poor pathing" that it takes at the moment.

And yes, its been reported at least 30 times now, a fix for it not going to Outlands properly is coming soon.

Any chance to see this profiles updated? Perhaps a paid feature.
Updated for what?
Bugs will be fixed as they're addressed on the tracker - but I don't see why the profiles would need to be completely "updated."
We are stuck! (<-4072.261, -3517.936, 313.482>)
We are stuck! (<-4072.261, -3517.936, 313.482>)
We are stuck! (<-4072.261, -3517.936, 313.482>)
We are stuck! (<-4072.261, -3517.936, 313.4832>)
How often does this occur?
I don't see how it could even get stuck there, lol.

Perhaps a blackspot would fix it.

"preferably after it exits the dungeon" really you are crazy? and got killed or reported and looks like all other stupid bots.... best place is after you enter to dungeon.
1) I'm speaking as an example. Surely users have enough will to put it where ever they want.
2) Not everyone plays on a PvP realm, or let alone realms where there's 50+ people at the Gundrak portal. My server literately has no one around the dungeons so naturally I'd assume that.

is it this line i shuld change?

<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then
MyMoney = GetMoney();
print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing "..GetCoinTextureString(MyMoney));
print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Your mobile guild bank wasn't detected, continuing run.")
end" />
No, that's part of the Lua.
You're wanting to wrap the Lua with Honorbuddy conditioning.

<If Condition="Me.Gold &gt;= 3000" >
	<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(83958);" />
	<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3500" />
	<If Condition="Me.IsAlliance" > 
	    <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="206602" WaitForNpcs="false" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="10" WaitTime="2000" /> 
	<If Condition="Me.IsHorde" > 
	    <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="206603" WaitForNpcs="false" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="10" WaitTime="2000" /> 
	<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
		if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then
			MyMoney = GetMoney();
			print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing &quot;..GetCoinTextureString(MyMoney))UseContainerItem(b,s);
			print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Your mobile guild bank wasn't detected, continuing run.&quot;)
		end" />

hey, im an lvl 94 druid and want to try grim batol or tolvir .. which profile do you recommend to achieve the highest GPH?
The community would have to answer that.

Yeah, I was/am using a level 100. Is there anything I can change to have this work a little bit better?
Like what? I haven't touched WoW in nearly 7 months, so I'm a bit clueless.
Most dungeons are completed in under 6 minutes already so you couldn't really improve them anymore.

Put the gold code before this code:

if you use EchoTiger profile. But this also depend of the profiles.
It would be better to put it before Timer="Check"
That way it deposits after the run.

please help profile - Halls of Lightning - Insanity, Bank Money + Sell All
Death support is currently broken as of the latest Honorbuddy update.

Hey echo I checked your cloud but there's only Halls of lighting suicide sell all + deposit, could you upload a deadwish version with sell all/deposit gbank? thanks again man and btw the cloud was down last time i checked. Cheers
somehow his cloud is offline for me?
It's online now, was doing some maintenance on it.

I've added a Deathwish with Sell All + Deposit Money.

Hi Mindtrapper, where do you port back from Moonglade in case of a druid? (Sorry for the stupid question I have not known that the changed it in mop that ports you back near to the location where you came from to moonglade and the wiki says : "Patch 5.4.0 (10-Sep-2013) Teleport: Moonglade now returns the Druid to a location near their original departure point when the spell is cast while in the Moonglade area. "

Thanks! :)
Typically it puts you near a graveyard that's closest to where you teleported from.
So if you teleport from Grim Batol, you may end up back in the Grim Batol graveyard.

hello, i'm using this profile for a bit now, and i'm loving it! but i do something wrong is guess.

1. Gundrak - Guild Bank Money+Frostweave not using the guild bank. so ending up with a lot of cash and frostweave!

2. not always using the repair Mamoth but running to a vendor!
1) Are you using any in-game addons?

2) Couldn't guess why this is happening. But any causes of it running to the vendor is Honorbuddy activating its built-in vendor routine.

Hey, ive been using the dungeons gold farming for Grim Batol i went to be and turned it on for about 7 hours and made just roughly 5900g give or take a tiny bit and then made about 500g selling stuff... Embersilk on my realm sells for about 300g-600g for a 200 stack and i had 6 stacks of 200 making me 1200g so all in all about 7500g within 7 hours which is enough to make me happy but i see the highest dungeon farming you can go is Cata dungeons and i was wondering with the new xpac would we see some new dungeons from MoP in this? Jade temple or Mogu'Shan palace would be a good one... alot alot of group mobs in that, otherwise its a great profile and making a ton of gold and useful for other things but let me know about those MoP dungeons
I've yet to see a MoP dungeon worth farming with a bot. Granite I've not really experimented.
Most of them only get around 500-600 GPH at the most.

Hey, running PoS hc trashfarm, gbank gold + cloth. How do I make the toons sell epics? Seems like he keeps them and they sell for almost 10g ea.
You would need to include the epic hex color to the Lua code.

Replace this:
if (n and strfind(n, &quot;ff9d9d9d&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ffffffff&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff1eff00&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff0070dd&quot;))

With this:
if (n and strfind(n, &quot;ff9d9d9d&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ffffffff&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff1eff00&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff0070dd&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ffa335ee&quot;))

There may be multiple occurrences, replace all of them.
Well Echo, as I was saying in Grim Batol there are quite a few packs it skips, probably because I am level 100 and not 90. It gets close to the mobs, but not close enough to agro them. I was wondering if there was a way for you to fix the waypoints so it walks over the mobs. However, if you haven't been logged in WoW for 7 months I doubt that's a possibility. Is there a way that I could change some of the waypoints? I'm not sure how. In any case, I love your profiles and appreciate that you're active on the forums. Either that or i'll just stick to Botanica.
Last edited:
Yeah ive been running Grim Batol grind all night and all morning and got around 20k, the embersilk stacks go for about 200g a stack on my server so its very easy money im still running it at this second but what im wondering is what is the most optimal grind for gold? ive been in both Vortex pinnacle and Lost city and in the lost city it seems i miss nearly every mob since im 100 and in Vortex pinnacle it seems the mob groups are to far apart to be a good place to be farming... but the Volatile air that drops in that sells for a insane amount but still i get embersilk quicker than i would get the air im also running grim batol on suicide since im a 100 ... i cant really die but so far it seems that the silk stacks and the amount of mobs place grim batol on my best place to farm list but is there any others that u guys think come close? im just trying to make as much gold as possible... and also echo i didnt know that xP i would think that all the tmog greens / gold drops from MoP dungeons would be a good place to be farming but i might be wrong
Well Echo, as I was saying in Grim Batol there are quite a few packs it skips, probably because I am level 100 and not 90. It gets close to the mobs, but not close enough to agro them. I was wondering if there was a way for you to fix the waypoints so it walks over the mobs. However, if you haven't been logged in WoW for 7 months I doubt that's a possibility. Is there a way that I could change some of the waypoints? I'm not sure how. In any case, I love your profiles and appreciate that you're active on the forums. Either that or i'll just stick to Botanica.
I personally haven't addressed this issue yet because I've not touched WoW in so long and I don't have a level 100 to do it with.

Alternatively, if you could get the Grim Batol map, and mark on the map which mob packs aren't being pulled, I could fine-tune the coordinates a bit.

Yeah ive been running Grim Batol grind all night and all morning and got around 20k, the embersilk stacks go for about 200g a stack on my server so its very easy money im still running it at this second but what im wondering is what is the most optimal grind for gold? ive been in both Vortex pinnacle and Lost city and in the lost city it seems i miss nearly every mob since im 100 and in Vortex pinnacle it seems the mob groups are to far apart to be a good place to be farming... but the Volatile air that drops in that sells for a insane amount but still i get embersilk quicker than i would get the air im also running grim batol on suicide since im a 100 ... i cant really die but so far it seems that the silk stacks and the amount of mobs place grim batol on my best place to farm list but is there any others that u guys think come close? im just trying to make as much gold as possible... and also echo i didnt know that xP i would think that all the tmog greens / gold drops from MoP dungeons would be a good place to be farming but i might be wrong
The Botanica and Gundrak are some of the more profitable dungeons out there.

Stonecore, Tol'vir, Grim Batol, and several others are considered "strong alternatives."
There's a Stonecore profile, but it's no public on the SVN/ZIP.
It's only exclusive to the Azyul Group Chat members.
Im not sure what is happening when I run grim batol as a 91 rogue but I can clear the entire instance easily not even coming close to dying and the GPH is great but I randomly die without it showing on the logs what happened. I will have to watch the bot until it dies tomorrow and figure out what is causing it because its very annoying. Has anyone else looked into it already or had the same issue? I also have an issue with Honorbuddy not looting the boss Dragha after killing him. Anyone else experience this?
Hi, for the profile : Dungeons\Outlands\[AM - Alpha] The Botanica.xml

I have notice that the windows AM appears, I then click sell all, depost in GBank and deposit the cloth.
Toon goes in, then out, then goes in again, and the AM windows show the Sell all not ticked anymore, same for deposit in GBank and deposit cloth ? Any reason ?
Groundhack i was having the same problem id die now and then and i figured it was just the horde outside and @echo out of all of them which do you think is the best to farm for gold xP i mean i sell the BoE rare items on AH but only if there actually worth it and grim batol had some but they were like 100g a peice... the cloth was 1g per cloth so after a hour id end up of like 600-800g of cloth for AH and then the dungeon loot i didnt really look at but is gundrak good for BoE items and cloth? mainly its better than grim batol right?
Im not sure what is happening when I run grim batol as a 91 rogue but I can clear the entire instance easily not even coming close to dying and the GPH is great but I randomly die without it showing on the logs what happened. I will have to watch the bot until it dies tomorrow and figure out what is causing it because its very annoying. Has anyone else looked into it already or had the same issue? I also have an issue with Honorbuddy not looting the boss Dragha after killing him. Anyone else experience this?
For me it was net, casted by some mobe, it hasn't actual time of ending, so my hero just stucked in it and died veeery slowly :) Dunno how to avoid this, but it happens quite seldom.