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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Hi, i stumbled upon this and being a noob, can anyone point me to the right direction on how to set this bot up for gundrak farm? Grind, quest, or dungeonbuddy?

Many thanks! <3
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Quote Originally Posted by wtfmofo View Post
With all this guy helps I certainly hope a lot of you people have donated something to him.
I get an average of $5 to $10 a month. :P
Rarely someone will donate $20.

Damn that sucks, well just donated $10 hope people follows. cheers man

[email protected]

Elias, your donation is now complete

Nice! I donated about a week ago also. Going to donate alittle more soon. People need to keep donating. This guy does more work than any community dev Ive seen. Cant believe the donates (ok yeah I can) are so little. Not sure what Id do if this guy stopped making profiles.
IM gona donate aswell, im just going thrue some steps to get my paypal unlocked since i used a false name years ago! lol
W00t ??!!

Using a lvl 100 Hunter... Can't reach more than 450/500g without mamouth. I can't belive that mamouth increase by 700g/h my stats :o

There is something "special" to do ? :o

Well hunters sucks in dungeon farming you better farming world trash, also check that your pet is in passive.
Two things determine the GPH
1. the dungeon you farm: x gold per fun, assuming fixed drop rate
2. time for each run

due to the instance reset limits, 10 times/h = 6min per run. Hence, as long as your run time is greater than 6min, there is always benefit to improve it.

it doenst matter how much mobs can u pull at once, pala runs way slower

I've kinda figured it out, using a rogue I can get around 1200/hour - the profile isn't very level 100 friendly though as it'll miss a few mobs by maybe 1-2 feet in game because it's too high level to aggro them.. would love if Echotiger could run the heavy grim batol once on a 100 to see what I mean, as it also tends to skip the Third boss sometimes because of this (the orc one that mounts up on Valiona then comes back down). Would love a few tweaks added for 100s as I'm useless at finding out which specific hotspot in the profile relates to which part of the instance ><
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Same issues with Stratholme at Aboms. Let it sit there for a few minutes and it never corrects itself.
I also appear to have an aggro issue occasionally with Baroness Anastari.

Level 100 ret paladin, US Alliance.
running botanica heavy guildbank money + cloth and 1 out of 10 he's being afk after third boss with this message.
MoveTo failed to move to the location: <-138.4058, 391.5507, -17.91263>
MoveTo failed to move to the location: <-32.52724, 390.2758, -26.58639>
Quote Originally Posted by wtfmofo View Post
With all this guy helps I certainly hope a lot of you people have donated something to him.
I get an average of $5 to $10 a month. :P
Rarely someone will donate $20.

Damn that sucks, well just donated $10 hope people follows. cheers man

[email protected]

Elias, your donation is now complete
Thanks. ^^

Hey there! I running The Botanica Heavy Sell Everything profile on my mage and it doing it gr8 until it come to the end. He wont go out of dungeon. Any solutions for this?
Only one 'The Botanica' profile was found to have this issue, which it was the: Heavy - The Botanica - Sell Everything
It should be fixed in the latest SVN update.

here's a log from just now, updated the svn and the bot is working but gets stuck a few times

huge thanks for all the help :)
Is it only getting stuck?
If so, could you post screenshots of the stuckspots?

my character doesn't re-enter the instane HoL when dying inside. how do i fix this?
Death support was broken as of the latest bot update.
Hopefully it should fix itself in the next update.

How would i add sell everything and guildbank the money to a profile?
You'd need to put the Lua script into the profile during your vendor routine.

Deposit Gold to Guild Bank:
	<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(83958);" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3500" />
<If Condition="Me.IsAlliance" > 
	<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="206602" WaitForNpcs="false" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="10" WaitTime="2000" /> 
<If Condition="Me.IsHorde" > 
	<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="206603" WaitForNpcs="false" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="10" WaitTime="2000" /> 
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
	if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then
		MyMoney = GetMoney();
		print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing &quot;..GetCoinTextureString(MyMoney))UseContainerItem(b,s);
		print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Your mobile guild bank wasn't detected, continuing run.&quot;)
	end" />

Sell Everything to a NPC:
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="12345" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" NumOfTimes="10" WaitTime="2000" Lua="
	if MerchantFrame:IsVisible()==true then
	if buffer==nil or buffer&gt;4 then buffer=0 end
		if buffer&lt;5 then
			for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(buffer)
				do local n=GetContainerItemLink(buffer,s)
					if (n and strfind(n, &quot;ff9d9d9d&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ffffffff&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff1eff00&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff0070dd&quot;)) then
	end" />
Replace 12345 with the ID of the vendor you're selling to.

Low FPS while botting inside Grim Batol, i have this problem.

How can i get log?
This is a technical issue within the bot itself.
You may want to report this to the "Bug Section" so that the core-devs can look into it.

Just tell them that your FPS is low while botting inside of Grim Batol.

Nice! I donated about a week ago also. Going to donate alittle more soon. People need to keep donating. This guy does more work than any community dev Ive seen. Cant believe the donates (ok yeah I can) are so little. Not sure what Id do if this guy stopped making profiles.
IM gona donate aswell, im just going thrue some steps to get my paypal unlocked since i used a false name years ago! lol
Lol, I don't mind donations.
I just do this for a hobby and expect no return for it.

running botanica heavy guildbank money + cloth and 1 out of 10 he's being afk after third boss with this message.
MoveTo failed to move to the location: <-138.4058, 391.5507, -17.91263>
MoveTo failed to move to the location: <-32.52724, 390.2758, -26.58639>
Do you have a full log?
Well, i do want to donate since i do like ppl with this kind of kindness!

Question: is there a way to speedup the selling at vendor, atm he sells like 2 or 3 at the time.
I've attempted to run Grim Batol a few times and have ran into an issue where it skips a few packs at the beginning and occasionally doesn't tag a couple of the bosses. Also is there an easy way out of grim batol or do we really have to walk all the way out? Looking for some other top gold makers as well. I was at 1150 @ Botanica, 1100 @ Gundrak. Any suggestions now that the speeds a bit faster at 100?
Is there a way to deposit gold in guildbank when you have like 2k or 3k gold? ive looked into the profile and found Getmoney and Depositguildbank etc.
You aren't really answering peoples questions bl4ck. I know wow limits to 10 runs per hour. However, there are quite a few runs that almost take 6 minutes(Grim Batol for example since you have to run all the way out) However, if you're going to respond please respond to my whole post. I would also say it would probably be polite when answering someones question to give them an explanation if you know it's possible, IE, your response to DrDoctor.

Thanks for your answer anyhow.
I sent him PM.

I've attempted to run Grim Batol a few times and have ran into an issue where it skips a few packs at the beginning and occasionally doesn't tag a couple of the bosses.
You can yourself add waypoints in profile or ask EchoTiger.

I've attempted to run Grim Batol a few times and have ran into an issue where it skips a few packs at the beginning and occasionally doesn't tag a couple of the bosses. Also is there an easy way out of grim batol or do we really have to walk all the way out?
e.g. you can use hearthstone if bag is full
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hi to all guys , I have a problem with the profile of Grim Batol mode suicide , practically when the character goes to sell all the vendors , returning the entrance of an instance , hangs at a point near the mountain and fails to arrive entrance , now attach the log I hope we can resolve

