Bb Purerotation... thanks a lot for great work and funny! Thanks Storm!
Don't you quit on PR!
You will break his heart.
PR is that kind of woman, that will park outside your apartment and star at you with a knife in the hand!
So don't you dare to say your good byes.
best wishes,
a concerned Neighbor
pr is in buddy store you know that right max?
Well ... With prepatch of WoD it is definetly dead,so enjoy it as Long as it will be!
started hating HPally at the end ... i was annoyed that i couldn't top meters even with best gears (and yes i'm able to play hpally by hand very well)Storm give me spoilerhow class are you focused ??? I know your love for holy pala,.. Is this class ??
Wow! Unholy in the last simcraft rankings is best dps spec for dk! If you support this my dk is very happyand i support you! Thanks for the spoiler
don't know your issue with the store, it is absolutely fine for most people, u must be doin something wrong